Adriaan "Adjan" de Jong

Curiosity and an urge to explore new territory are the main drivers of my research. In addition, I want the results of my work to be useful for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Nearing the end of my professional career, I focus on wrapping-up projects and disseminating – formally and informally – experiences and insights into the scientific community.
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata
My research on the Eurasian Curlew started in 1984 from an early notion of widespread decline. Unfortunately, this decline is still ongoing and the causes poorly understood. Over the years, I’ve added some pieces of knowledge to the understanding of this decline, e.g. about habitat choice and behaviour. I’ve also gone a long way to funnel this knowledge into the real world of agriculture and into the development and implementation of the UNEP/AEWA international action plan for the species. Since 2018, I’m assigned national expert by Naturvårdsverket (the Swedish EPA) and a member of AEWA's International Eurasian Curlew Working Group.
Bean Goose Anser fabalis
My research on Bean Geese started with the observation that goose counts alone cannot provide the evidence needed for sustainable management (including harvest) and conservation. Gradually, I managed to apply new tools (e.g. GPS/GSM loggers, genetics and stable isotopes) and to widen the scope of this research (to flyway and range level). The preliminary results show that the Bean Goose population is highly structured, and that management and harvest decisions should take this within-species diversity into account. Even for this species, my findings have been included in the UNEP/AEWA international action plan. Currently, I work to apply modern genetic tools (e.g. an in-house developed SNP-panel) to all sorts of genetic samples (including eDNA) from across the full range of this species.
Lv2 – feathers for future research
Inspired by how biological samples collected centuries ago (e.g. by Carl von Linné and his followers) continue to deliver scientific information, I started a sample collection scheme for bird’s feathers. The idea is that these can be analysed – soon or in a more distant future – with current and yet-to-be-developed methods. To create such potential, careful documentation and adequate storage are paramount. An inexpensive and smooth protocol has enabled me to bring together a multi-national, multiple-year collection of several thousand. Hundreds have already been transferred to the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet) in Stockholm. Welcome to join the movement!
After more than 40 years of involvement in various school, university and community teaching activities, I have decided to leave the organized teaching scene to others and focus on research.
Ongoing research projects:
Development, validation and testing of a species-specific SNP-panel for Bean Goose Anser fabalis. This project is financially supported byt the Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket) project# 2020-00094 and 2022-00105.
Genetic population structure of the Bean Goose Anser fabalis
Long-term GPS/GSM transmitter-based study of circannual movement and habitat choice in Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis fabalis
Multiple-year documentation of nest site and reproductive success of individual Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis fabalis
Long-term monitoring of breeding population of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in Hössjö, Västerbotten (c. 700 ha)
Monitoring spring-staging swans, geese and cranes in coastal landscapes of northern Sweden
“Lv2” - Feathers for future research.
In most of these projects, I conduct the full suite of actions: from idea, planning and funding to fieldwork, analyses and publication.
Long-term monitoring is an important part of several of my research programs, but none of those is currently included in the environmental monitoring (Miljöanalys) program of SLU.
For projects in Sweden, I collaborate with academic colleagues in e.g. Lund, Uppsala and Umeå, and with an array of partners in administration, education and industry. Colleagues within SLU are particularly important.
For international projects, I have a large network of professional and amateur partners in e.g. Norway, UK, Germany, Russia, Mongolia and South Korea.
I was born and raised in the Netherlands and have a strong background in a youth organization for nature study and environmental protection (similar to “Fältbiologerna” in Sweden). After five years at Wageningen University & Research (formerly LH) and a Candidate A degree in Environmental Sciences, I moved to Sweden.
I came to Umeå in September 1978 for complementary courses in forest ecology and management, and then worked for the Department of Forestry at Umeå University 1979-1991. After the collapse of this department, I took a teacher’s degree in Biology and Natural Sciences and from 1992; I held various positions in youth and adult schools. In 2006, I decided to spend the rest of my professional career in academic ornithology.
I’ve always been much more of an ornithologist sensu stricto than a bird-watcher and have been active in a wide variety of bird study projects since childhood. I’m also used to initiate and run my own projects and businesses.
In line with my decision to skip further involvement in formalized teaching, I have declined supervision assignments since 2019.
Publikationer i urval
de Jong, A., Kleven, O., Honka, J. & Vahlström, I. (2024) DNA profiles of shed Taiga Bean Goose feathers indicate between-season fidelity to moulting sites in Swedish Lapland. Ornis Svecica 34: 107–113.
de Jong, A., Brown, D., Domínguez, J. , Düttmann, H., McMahon, B.J. & Walsh, G. (2023) Genetic aspects of conservation and management of the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies Report series 2023:1. Umeå.
de Jong, A., Bocher, P., Brown, D., Franks, S., Gerritsen, G., Meyer, N. & Sviridova, T. (2021) International guidelines for monitoring breeding populations and levels of reproduction in theEurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies Report series 2021:3, Umeå.
de Jong, A. (2021) Övervakning av vårrastande svanar, gäss och tranor i Norrbottens och Västerbottens kustland -- fåglarnas fördelning i tid och rum 2012 – 2021. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies Report series 2021:15. Umeå.
de Jong, A. (2020) Fokus: Fjädrar. Tung kunskap från lätta fjädrar. Vår Fågelvärld 4.2020: 40-42.
de Jong, A. (2020) Stora fåglar kring Umeå Airport – en pilotstudie. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för Vilt, Fisk och Miljö. Rapport 1-2020.
Berg, L. & de Jong, A. (2020) Fokus: Fåglar som försöksdjur. Fåglarna i vår tjänst. Vår Fågelvärld 2.2020: 28-32.
de Jong, A. (2019) Are railways detrimental to bird populations? A BDACI study on the construction of the Bothnia Line Railway. bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jul. 3, 2019.
Østnes, J.E., Kroglund, R.T., Kleven, O. & de Jong, A. (2019) Historien om S18 – ei taigasædgås fra Børgefjell. Vår Fuglefauna 42 (2): 82-86.
de Jong, A. (2019) Less is better. Avoiding redundant measurements in studies on wild birds in accordance to the Principles of the 3Rs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Animal Behavior and Welfare 6:195.
de Jong, A., Torniainen, J., Bourski, O.V., Heim, W. & Edenius, L. (2019) Tracing the origin of vagrant Siberian songbirds with stable isotopes: the case of Yellow-browed Warbler (Abrornis inornatus) in Fennoscandia. Ornis Fennica 96 (2): 90-99.
de Jong, A., Kleven, O., Østnes, J.E., Kroglund, R.T., Vahlström, I., Nilsson, J. & Spong, G. (2019) Birds of different feather flock together - genetic structure of Taiga Bean Goose in Central Scandinavia. Bird Conservation International. Volume 29, Issue 2 June 2019, pp. 249-262.
de Jong, A. & Olsson, F. (2017) What do Bohemian Waxwings Bombycilla garrulous find on agricultural fields in winter? Ornis Svecica 27: 37–40.
Fox, A.D., Hobson, K.A., de Jong, A., Kardynal, K.J., Koehler, G. & Heinicke, T. (2016) Flyway population delineation in Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis revealed by multi-element feather stable isotope analysis. Ibis 159, 66–75.
Edenius, L., Choi, C-Y., Heim, W., Jaakkonen, T., de Jong, A., Ozaki, K and Roberge, J-M. (2016) The next common and widespread bunting to go? Global population decline in the Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica. Bird Conservation International 27 (1): 35-44.
Sjöberg, K. & de Jong, A. (2014) Fågelstudier 2009 med anledning av Botniabanans dragning över Umeälvens mynningsområde. [Ornithological studies 2009 related to the construction of the Bothnia Line railway through the Ume River Delta.] Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, Report 30/2014.
de Jong, A., Magnhagen, C. & Thulin, C-G. (2013) Variable flight initiation distance in incubating Eurasian curlew. Behavioral ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1089-1096.
de Jong, A., Heinicke, T., Aarvak, T. & Øien, I.J. (2013) Movements of Tundra Bean Geese Anser fabalis rossicus neck-banded in northern Scandinavia. Ornis Norvegica 36: 28-31.
de Jong, A. (2012). Seasonal shift of foraging habitat among farmland breeding Eurasian Curlews Numenius arquata. Ornis Norvegica 35: 23-27.
Nilsson, L., de Jong, A., Heinicke, T. & Sjöberg, K. (2010) Satellite tracking of Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis and A.f. rossicus from spring staging areas in northern Sweden to breeding and moulting areas. Ornis Svecica 20 (3-4): 184-189.
de Jong, A. (2004) Häckning av småspov Numenius phaeopus på jordbruksmark inom Vindelns kommun in 2003. [Confirmed breeding of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus on farmland in Vindeln municipality in 2013.] Ornis Svecica 14 (1): 52-56.
de Jong, A. (2002) Häckning av smalnäbbad simsnäppa Phalaropus lobatus på jordbruksmark.[Confirmed breeding of Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus on agricultural land.] Ornis Svecica 12 (1): 89-90.
de Jong, A. (1996) Abnormt långsmala tofsvipeägg - tecken på intraspecifik boparasitism? [Abnormally elongated eggs in Northern Lapwing – indicative of intra-specific nest parasitism?] Ornis Svecica 6 (1): 75-76.