Gabriela Olmos Antillón

I am keen to understand the factors related to animals and the animal community health & welfare. To do so, I frame my research under a mixed methodology (i.e. qualitative and quantitative research components). These allow me to maximise insight; on the one hand by the identification of risk factors around health and welfare problems but on the other gain insight into the social perceptions or barriers of farmers and animal health consultants.
The majority of my teaching is related to workshop facilitation or supervision of research students (MSc or PhD level). Thus my role is that of a mentor that guides the student to develop their capabilities of big-picture thinking and scientific responsibility. Acting as a sounding board for them to reflect on how to solve the next step and how their research fit in and impact the communities involved. I based my supervision philosophy on four beliefs:
1) That learning is an individual process and thus should be student centred.
2) That we are all born full and ready and with an innate curiosity of self-development, thus able to solve problems, learn new skills and navigate through many possible solutions critically.
3) That we are all interconnected and therefore have a value and a responsibility towards the planetary community and boundaries.
4) That reality and thus, what we construct as knowledge in society can and should be based on quantitative and qualitative methodologies (i.e. mixed methodology). Although the paradigms, ontology and epistemology between quantitative and qualitative methods are not shared. These two areas create a synergy of results, returning additive outcomes that allow for contextualised facts. A mixed methodology thus provides solutions to world problems where we not only describe phenomena but likewise, we gain an understanding of how the related communities perceive them.
Involvement in SLU post-graduate courses:
PVS0155 Animal Welfare and the UN Sustainable Development Goals; (June 2019) - Co-developer / Teacher, facilitator
PVG0040 Introduction to qualitative research methods (September 2019) - Course assistant & facilitator
Ongoing projects:
- Att förstå beslutsfattandet kring antibiotikaanvändning i kontrasterande länder och djurarter - På vägen mot att minska antimikrobiell resistens för alla (Understanding antibiotic use decision making in contrasting countries and animal species - Towards reducing antimicrobial resistance for all) Project Location: Sweden, Brazil & Spain / Formas Grant, Role: Pi/Shared PM with Nils Fall)
- Från känslig till robust atlet - kan genomisk selektion hjälpa mjölkkor möta varmare temperaturer (From sensitive to robust athlete - genomic selection can help dairy cows face warmer temperatures). Formas grant, Role: Co-Applicant, PM: Lena-Mari Tamminen
- Vägen mot hållbar digitalisering inom mjölkproduktionen (Kartläggning av vägen mot hållbar digitalisering inom mjölkproduktionen.
Formas Grant, Role: Co-Applicant, PM: Lisa Ekman)
- Visionary Welfare (Tillsyn av djurskydd och -välfärd med multisensorteknologi och datorseende, Project Aim: developing a system for observing various animal welfare measures in dairy cows with multi-sensor technology and computer vision.). Formas Grant, Role: Co-Applicant, PM/Collaborators: Nils Fall / Ulf Emanuelson / Niclas Högberg / Lena-Mari Tamminen
- “I hear you, but I’m not listening!” Improving communication in the veterinary and medical advisory context towards engagement in reduced antimicrobial use (Role: Co-Applicant)
- Extremväders effekt på mjölkkors hälsa och produktivitet (Extreme weather – consequences for the health of dairy cows and productivity).
Formas Grant/ Role: Co-Applicant, PM: Lena-Mari Tamminen
- Antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in Swedish organic dairy herds (Role: Research assistant - Project´s objective A: Antibiotic use)
Finished Projects
- Knowledge and attitudes of Brazilian pig production stakeholders on antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial use and its reduction (PM: María Jose Hötzel)
- Factors associated with morbidity, mortality and growth of lactating dairy calves, Southern Brazil (PM: María Jose Hötzel)
- Animal Welfare? A Necessary Component for the Sustainability of the Brazilian Dairy Industry (Role: Postdoc & Guest researcher / PM: María Jose Hötzel)
- South West Healthy Livestock Initiative - Knowledge Exchange (SWHLI - KE) Project
- Evaluation of the RDPE North West Livestock Programme
Competitive Research Grants:
2023 - 2026 Formas grant No. 2022-01486 (Sweden) - Från känslig till robust atlet - kan genomisk selektion hjälpa mjölkkor möta varmare temperaturer - Co-applicant
2022-2025 Formas grant No. 2021-02254 (Sweden) - Tillsyn av djurskydd och -välfärd med multisensorteknologi och datorseende - Co-applicant
2022 - 2025 Formas grant No. 2021-02348 (Sweden) - Kartläggning av vägen mot hållbar digitalisering inom mjölkproduktionen - Co-applicant
2020 – 2022 (Extended 2024) Formas grant No. 20019-00324 (Sweden) - Understanding antibiotic use decision-making in contrasting countries and animal species - On the road to reducing antimicrobial resistance for all - Main applicant
2019 – 2021 (Extended 2023) Formas grant No. 2018-02815 (Sweden) – Extreme weather – impacts on health and productivity of dairy cows - Co-applicant
2017 – 2021 UFSC grant (Brazil) – Knowledge and attitudes of Brazilian pig production stakeholders on antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial use and its reduction - Research consortium
2015 2016 CNpq, Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras grant (Brazil) - Knowledge and attitudes of Brazilian pig production stakeholders on antimicrobial resistance, antimicrobial use and its reduction. - Research fellow (Junior position)
2013 DEFRA - Evaluation of the RDPE North West Livestock Programme - Co-applicant
2009 - 2011 The Donkey Sanctuary (UK) – Pain recognition in Donkeys - Co-applicant / Postdoctoral researcher
National research cooperation:
Department of Environment and Health, SLU
International Research cooperation:
Laboratory of Applied Ethology and Animal Welfare (LETA), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brazil
University of Bristol, Veterinary School, UK
University of Exeter, Geography School, UK
I am a veterinarian graduated from Universidad de La Salle (México, 2002), with an MSc in Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare from the University of Edinburgh (UK, 2005) and a PhD from University College Dublin and Teagasc Institute (Ireland, 2008) through work related to beef cattle temperament and dairy cattle health and welfare in pasture-based systems, respectively. Also, worked as a clinician and technical advisor for rural dairy cattle herdsmen, as well as an educational manager in a zoo. My last work at the UK involved veterinary epidemiology support, and the evaluation of the social impact of five projects in animal health had on the farmer and veterinary community engaged in the South West of England.
Scientific Memberships
- International Society Applied Ethology (ISAE)
- The British Society of Animal Science (BSAS)
- International Association for the study of Pain (IASP) & IASP - SIG: Pain and Pain Management in Non-Human Species
- The Animal Welfare Science, Ethics & Law Veterinary Association (AWSELVA)
Finished supervision:
Thérese Granlund (VetMed Degree) Role: Shared Main Supervision/Co-supervisor; Location: SLU, Sweden (2022/2023) Thesis title: Are Swedish vet students ready to use antibiotics?
Ida Gillsjo (VetMed Degree) Role: Co-supervision; Location: SLU, Sweden (2021/2022) Thesis title: Robotens roll i juverhälsoarbetet : en kvalitativ studie
Rita de Albernaz Gonçalves da Silva (PhD); Role: co-supervision; Location: UFSC, Brazil
Vilmar Fruscalso (PhD); Role: co-supervision; Location: UFSC, Brazil
Gabriela Almeida Marquette (MSc); Role: co-supervision; Location UFSC, Brazil
Jo Hockenhull (Postdoctoral fellow); Role: Co-supervision; University of Bristol, UK
Ayin Q Alvarado Arellano (Research Internship); Role: main supervisor; Location: UNAM, Mexico / Donkey Sanctuary, UK
Maeve Palmer (MSc/ Research Internship); Role: Co-supervisor; Location: TEAGASC, Ireland / Edinburgh University, UK
Publikationer i urval
Only selected publications. See ResearchGate for a complete list
L Keeling, Marier EA, G Olmos Antillón, H Blokhuis, B Staaf Larsson, L Stuardo: A global study to identify a potential basis for policy options when integrating animal welfare into the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 08/2022 Front. Anim. Sci. 10.3389/fanim.2022.974687
R Albernaz-Gonçalves, G Olmos Antillón, M José Hötzel: Linking Animal Welfare and Antibiotic Use in Pig Farming – A review. 01/2022 Animals 12(2):216 DOI: 10.3390/ani12020216
G Olmos Antillón, H Tunon, D DeOliveira, M Jones, A Wallenbeck, JC Swanson, H Blokhuis, LJ Keeling: Animal Welfare and the United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goals – Broadening Students´ Perspectives 03/2021. Sustainability 13(6):3328 DOI: 10.3390/su13063328
R Albernaz-Gonçalves, G Olmos Antillón, M José Hötzel: Exploring farmers´ reasons for antibiotic use and misuse in pig farms in Brazil. 03/2021. Antibiotics 10(3):331 DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10030331
V. Fruscalso, G. Olmos, M.J. Hötzel: Dairy calves’ mortality survey and associated management practices in smallholding, pasture-based herds in southern Brazil. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 11/2019; 175:104835., DOI:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2019.104835
Linda Keeling, Håkan Tunón, Gabriela Olmos Antillón, Charlotte Berg, Mike Jones, Leopoldo Stuardo, Janice Swanson, Anna Wallenbeck, Christoph Winckler, Harry Blokhuis: Animal Welfare and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 10/2019; 6:336., DOI:10.3389/fvets.2019.00336
Gabriela Olmos, Jose A. Bran, Marina A.G. von Keyserlingk, Maria J. Hötzel: Lameness on Brazilian pasture-based dairies – Part 2: Conversations with farmers and dairy consultants. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 09/2018; 157(1):115-124., DOI:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.06.009
Vilmar Fruscalso, Gabriela Olmos Antillón, Maria José Hötzel: Smallholder family farmers’ perceptions, attitudes and choices regarding husbandry practices that influence the performance and welfare of lactating dairy calves. Ciência Rural 09/2017; 47(11)., DOI:10.1590/0103-8478cr20170184
Gabriela Olmos Antillon: Comments on the dilemma in the May issue: 'Accommodating cultural differences of opinion'. In practice 06/2012; 34(6):367-367., DOI:10.1136/inp.e3234
K O'Driscoll, G Olmos, S. Llamas Moya, J F Mee, B Earley, D Gleeson, B O'Brien, L Boyle: A reduction in milking frequency and feed allowance improve dairy cow immune status. Journal of Dairy Science 03/2012; 95(3):1177-87., DOI:10.3168/jds.2011-4408
Maeve A Palmer, Gabriela Olmos, Laura A Boyle, John F Mee: A comparison of the oestrous behaviour of Holstein-Friesian cows when cubicle-housed and at pasture. Theriogenology 09/2011; 77(2):382-8., DOI:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.08.010
L.D. Morrow, K.C. Smith, R.J. Piercy, N du Toit, F.A. Burden, G Olmos, N.G. Gregory, K.L.P. Verheyen: Retrospective Analysis of Post-Mortem Findings in 1,444 Aged Donkeys. Journal of comparative pathology 09/2010; 144(2-3):145-56., DOI:10.1016/j.jcpa.2010.08.005
Maeve A Palmer, Gabriela Olmos, Laura A Boyle, John F Mee: Estrus detection and estrus characteristics in, housed and pastured Holstein-Friesian cows. Theriogenology 05/2010; 74(2):255-64., DOI:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2010.02.009
Gabriela Olmos, Laura Boyle, Alison Hanlon, Joe Patton, John J. Murphy, John F. Mee: Hoof disorders, locomotion ability and lying times of cubicle-housed compared to pasture-based dairy cows. Livestock Science 11/2009; 125(2-3):199-207., DOI:10.1016/j.livsci.2009.04.009
Gabriela Olmos Antillon, J.F. Mee, Alison Hanlon, Joe Patton, J.J. Murphy, Laura Boyle: Peripartum health and welfare of Holstein-Friesian cows in confinement-TMR system compared to a pasture-based system. Animal welfare (South Mimms, England) 11/2009; 18(4):467-476.