Birgit Koehler, PhD
Jag är miljövetare med bakgrund inom biogeokemi, limnologi och klimatförändringar, och forskar nu om kustekosystem och dess hållbara nyttjande.
2012-2017: Doctoral thesis A. Mostovaya - Degradation of natural organic matter: Chemodiversity and continuum of reactivity. Uppsala University (biträdande handledare).
2018-2019: Master thesis S. Bjälkefur-Seroka - Contaminant transport from a landfill in Sweden: Data analysis and modelling. Uppsala University
2014: Master thesis M. Groeneveld - Sunlight-induced carbon dioxide emissions from a humic lake. Uppsala University
2012: Master thesis R. Li - Regulation of the apparent quantum yields for the photoproduction of dissolved inorganic carbon in lakes. Uppsala University .
2012: Research training N. Machida - Photoproduction of dissolved inorganic carbon in aquatic systems. Uppsala University.
Publikationer i urval
The role of photomineralization for CO2 emissions in boreal lakes along a gradient of dissolved organic matter. L Allesson, B Koehler, JE Thrane, T Andersen, DO Hessen. Limnology and Oceanography (2020)
Emergence of the Reactivity Continuum of Organic Matter from Kinetics of a Multitude of Individual Molecular ConstituentsA Mostovaya, JA Hawkes, B Koehler, T Dittmar, LJ Tranvik. Environmental Science & Technology 51 (20), 11571-11579 (2017)
Apparent quantum yield of photochemical dissolved organic carbon mineralization in lakes. B Koehler, E Broman, LJ Tranvik. Limnology and Oceanography 61 (6), 2207-2221 (2016)
Photochemical mineralisation in a boreal brown water lake: considerable temporal variability and minor contribution to carbon dioxide production. M Groeneveld, L Tranvik, S Natchimuthu, B Koehler. Biogeosciences 13 (13), 3931-3943 (2016)
Reactivity continuum modeling of leaf, root, and wood decomposition across biomes. B Koehler and LJ Tranvik. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120 (7), 1196-1214 (2015)
Sunlight‐induced carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters. B Koehler, T Landelius, GA Weyhenmeyer, N Machida, LJ Tranvik. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28 (7), 696-711 (2014)
Reactivity continuum of dissolved organic carbon decomposition in lake water. B Koehler, E von Wachenfeldt, D Kothawala, LJ Tranvik. Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012)
An in-depth look into a tropical lowland forest soil: nitrogen-addition effects on the contents of N2O, CO2 and CH4 and N2O isotopic signatures down to 2-m depth. B Koehler, MD Corre, K Steger, R Well, E Zehe, JP Sueta, E Veldkamp. Biogeochemistry, 1-19 (2012)
An inverse analysis reveals limitations of the soil-CO2 profile method to calculate CO2 production and efflux for well-structured soils. B Koehler, E Zehe, MD Corre, E Veldkamp. Biogeosciences 7 (8), 2311 (2010)
Koehler B., Corre M.D., Veldkamp E., Wullaert H., Wright S.J.: Elevated
tropical nitrogen deposition interacts with global warming via changes in forest
soil trace gas emissions. iLEAPS Newsletter, 10, 22-25
Chronic nitrogen addition causes a reduction in soil carbon dioxide efflux during the high stem-growth period in a tropical montane forest but no response from a tropical lowland forest. B Koehler, MD Corre, E Veldkamp, JP Sueta. Biogeosciences 6 (12), 2973-2983 (2009)
Immediate and long‐term nitrogen oxide emissions from tropical forest soils exposed to elevated nitrogen input. B Koehler, MD Corre, E Veldkamp, H Wullaert, SJ Wright. Global Change Biology 15 (8), 2049-2066 (2009)