
Nils Mikkelsen

I’m currently working as a researcher in Mats Sandgrens research group at SLU while also being an IT Coordinator at the department of Molecular Sciences. I also work part time at the IT-department at SLU in the newly formed division Digital Workspace.


The IT-Administrator role at our department includes a wide variety of different tasks which spans from managing an ever growing amount of research data to personal help with computers and software support. Here I’m also the link between the researchers at our own department and the computer technicians at the IT-department in most computer related questions.

At the IT-department I work in a group who is developing a new Digital Workspace at our university. Here we seek to tailor make every need that employees have for a computer workplace whether it is scientific, educational or administrational. My two main projekts is firstly to participate in developing and maintaining a professional work environment for Mac using JAMF and secondly to help setting up NextCloud as a safe storage solution for our research data and also provide a collaborative tool for working together with other scientists all over the world.

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