Henrik Thurfjell

My interest has been conservation and ecology, and tying together the different scales in ecology, from individual choices of food items by animals to distributions of populations and species, and how that affects how we should best conserve biodiversity in a world of increasing pressure on many species.
In my spare time I enjoy archery, bowyery and making musik, at the moment with a focus on Swedish säckpipa (bagpipes). I have 4 children, born from 2008-2018 and have spent a few years on paternaty leave since 2008.
I have been teaching on a variety of different courses such as Zoology and Applied Population Ecology. In the last years, I have been teaching Zoosystematics at SLU, Population Viability Analysist at Halmstad University, and Ecology to students at The University of Arts, Crafts and Designs (Konstfack).
My research involves the space use of animals, the long term survival of populations, monitoring methods as well as the uptake of nutrients and pollutants in species.
Analysing and calculating the Living Planet Index for Sweden.
Reporting to the EU species directive for mammals except bats, reptilians and amphibians.
The Swedish Red List 2020, assessing the populations of mammals except bats, reptilians and amphibians.
Assessing invasive and potentially invasive species in Sweden, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
Marc Boyce, University of Alberta. (Elk project)
Simone Ciuti, University College Dublin. (Elk project)
Tim Hofmeester, SLU. Vilt, Fisk och Miljö. (Polecat monitoring)
Karl Ståhl, SVA (African swine fewer)
Linda Laikre, Stockholm University (Genetic monitoring)
Erik Andersson Sundén, Uppsala university (Monitoring Cesium in wild boar)
Cecilia Gustavsson, Uppsala university (Monitoring Cesium in wild boar)
Mattias Lantz, Uppsala university (Monitoring Cesium in wild boar)
Karl Lundén, SLU, Institutionen för Mykologi (Monitoring Cesium in wild boar)
Susanne Backe, Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten (Monitoring Otters)
Magister in Biologi at Umeå Universitet (2005)
PhD in Ekologi at SLU (2011)
Current positions
Environmental analysist-Expert on Vertebrates, and chairman of the Swedish vertebrate expert group for the red list at the Swedish center for Species Information, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Full time permanent position, (March 2015-present)
Scientific expert (On mammal distributions and wild boar spatial movement) for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (Ecologist at the Swedish African Swine Fewer expert group). (2018-present)
Previous positions
Co-Chairman in the risk assessment gropup of wild boar at Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM). On an hourly basis, 2016-2018.
Post-Doc at the University of Alberta, in the lab of Marc Boyce. 12 Feb 2013- 22 Jan 2015 (100% research)
Large carnivore management officer, 1 may 2011- 31 jan 2013. County administrative board of Dalarna.
Department of wildlife, fish and environmental studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), 2005-2011 PhD student.
Lantmäteriet 2001-2005. (Swedish land survey office) Vegetation map maker.
Sara Öhmark, MsC, SLU.
Emilia Broberg, MsC, SLU.
Charlie Persson, MsC, SLU
Josh Kileen, MsC, University of Alberta
Robin Bentz, MsC, University of Freiburg
Lukas Graf, MsC, SLU
Nadine Erath, MsC, SLU
Thomas Osinga, MsC, SLU
Publikationer i urval
Monitoring status and trends in genetic diversity for the Convention on Biological Diversity: an ongoing assessment of genetic indicators in nine countries, 2023. Hoban, S. da Silva, J. M., Mastretta-Yanes, A., Grueber, C. E., Heuertz, M. Hunter, M.E., Mergeay, J., Fukaya, K., Ishihama, F., Jordan, R., Köppä, V., Latorre-Cárdenas, M.C., MacDonald, A., J.,Rincon-Parra, V., Sjögren-Gulve, P. Tani, N., Thurfjell, H., Laikre, L. Conservation Letters, In press
Snow limits polecat (Mustela putorius) distribution in Sweden. 2022, Osinga, T., Thurfjell, H., Hofmeester, T. Wildlife Biology, e01051.
Practical application of indicators for genetic diversity in CBD post-2020 global biodiversity framework implementation. 2022, Thurfjell, H., Laikre, L., Ekblom, R., Hoban, S. Sjögren-Gulve, P. Ecological Indicators 142
Wild boar population growth and expansion - implications for biodiversity, food safety, and animal health in Norway. 2018. Joint chairs; Eystein Skjerve, Henrik Thurfjell, other contributors; Daniel Flø, Danica Grahek-Ogden, Martin Malmstrøm, Truls Nesbakken, Carlos Das Neves, Anders Nielsen, Hans Christian Pedersen, Lucy Robertson, Eli K. Rueness, Hugo de Boer, Roar Gudding, Kristian Hoel, Lawrence Kirkendall, Vigdis Vandvik, Yngvild Wasteson. Opinion of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment VKM report 2018:14, ISBN: 978-82-8259-311-3, ISSN: 2535-4019. Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), Oslo, Norway.
Learning from the mistakes of others: How female elk (Cervus elaphus) adjust behaviour with age to avoid hunters. 2017. Thurfjell H, Ciuti S, Boyce MS, PLoS ONE 12(6)
Dispersal Ecology Informs Design of Large-Scale Wildlife Corridors. 2016, Robin Bentz, Mark S Boyce, Henrik Thurfjell, Dale Paton, Marco Musiani, Carsten F Dormann, Simone Ciuti. PLoS ONE 11(9), 11-20
Avoidance of high traffic levels results in lower risk of wild boar-vehicle accidents. 2014 Henrik Thurfjell, Göran Spong, Mattias Olsson, Göran Ericsson. Landscape and Urban Planning, 133, 98-104
Habitat selection during ungulate dispersal and exploratory movement at broad and fine scale with implications for conservation management. 2014 Joshua Killeen, Henrik Thurfjell, Simone Ciuti, Dale Paton, Marco Musiani, and Mark S. Boyce. Movement ecology, 2:13
Effects of weather season and daylight on female wild boar movement. 2014 Henrik Thurfjell, Göran Spong, Göran Ericsson. Acta Theriologica, 59:3, 467-472
Applications of step-selection functions in ecology and conservation. 2014. Henrik Thurfjell, Simone Ciuti and Mark S Boyce. Movement Ecology 2:4
Effects of hunting on wild boar (Sus scrofa) behaviour. 2013. Henrik Thurfjell, Göran Spong, Göran Ericsson, Wildlife Biology 19, 87-33
Mortality rates of wild boar Sus scrofa L. in central Europe. 2013. Oliver Keuling, Eric Baubet, Andreas Duscher, Cornelia Ebert, Claude Fischer, Andrea Monaco, Tomasz Podgorski, Céline Prevot, Katrin Ronnenberg, Gunter Sodeikat, Norman Stier, Henrik Thurfjell. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59:6, 805-814.
Habitat use and spatial patterns of wild boar Sus scrofa (L.), crop-fields and edges. 2009. Henrik Thurfjell, Per-Arne Åhlén, Holger Dettki and Kjell Sjöberg, European Journal of Wildlife Research 55, 5, 517-523.