
Our PhD students learn more about food- and biomaterial-related activities in Scandinavia

Publicerad: 10 november 2022
doktorander på besök i mycorena

In October 2022, several PhD students from the research school “Focus on food and biomaterials” at SLU visited several companies and organizations in Sweden and Denmark, which are working with food and biomaterials. The PhD students were welcomed to Mycorena, MAX IV, Simris and Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The aim of this study visit was to increase knowledge on food- and biomaterial-related activities in Scandinavia, as well as increase the visibility of the research at SLU.

Our PhD students were impressed by the hospitality and interest in SLU’s food-related research by the hosted companies. The students were warmly welcomed by Mycorena, a food biotech company that works with fungi to create innovative solutions to cope with global sustainability challenges. They were also very enthusiastic about facility demonstrations at the MAX IV Laboratoryand the experimental possibilities of this next-generation synchrotron. At Simris, the students learned about algae farming and the advantages of vertical farming at the intersection of biotechnology and modern precision aquaculture. At DTU, the students discussed the projects conducted by Danish PhD students, enjoyed DTU’s laboratories, and debated how research can contribute to food security and help to create future healthy and safe food. Of course, at each institution, our PhD students also presented their own completed or ongoing research and future perspectives.

No doubt, that collaboration between industry and academia helps to expand the expertise and support the development of business innovations in the food and agricultural sectors. We believe that our PhD students will drive the transfer of university-generated knowledge of food science to industrial applications!


Jaqueline Auer

Anja Herneke

Mathias Johansson

Read the report from the trip (click here)!


The visit was financially supported by the research school “Focus on food and biomaterials
