Annika Mossing, kommunikatör
Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap, SLU
annika.mossing@slu.se, 0727-10 39 44
The seminar on March 22nd will be recorded and the link to the LIVE WEBCAST will be published here soon. For participants who are planning to watch online: Questions can be posted on twitter (#SinkOrSouce) or sent by email in advance to annika.mossing@slu.se
Understanding what determines the size of forestry C stocks and their components, and the processes and controls on the exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2) in forests, is critical in assisting the forestry sector to contribute to reducing anthropogenic climate change.
The objective of this seminar is to provide that understanding by summarizing key information on C stocks and fluxes in Sweden’s forests and how these are affected by changes as tree stands grow, and by forest management decisions and forestry operations. The seminar also aims to highlight evidence gaps and limitations in the available information and consequent future research needs and directions.
The program in short;
10.00 Short introduction and opening of the seminar – professor Tomas Lundmark, SLU
10.10 Carbon balance and its compartmental fluxes - professor John Marshall, SLU
10.40 Carbon balance at the stand scale and the role of silviculture – professor Anders Lindroth, Lund University
11.10 Flakaliden- carbon sink to carbon source– researcher David Hadden, SLU
11.35 Carbon balance at the landscape scale – researcher Matthias Peichl, SLU
1200-1300 Lunch
1300 Carbon balance at the regional and national scale – researchers Hans Petersson/ Mattias Lundblad, SLU
1330-1420 Discussion
1420 Closing remarks - professor Tomas Lundmark
Annika Mossing, kommunikatör
Fakulteten för skogsvetenskap, SLU
annika.mossing@slu.se, 0727-10 39 44