
Martin Ogonowski

Martin Ogonowski
My research interests are broad, with a strong focus on aquatic ecology, food-web interactions and ecotoxicology. Using a combination of experimental and field studies I try to understand how both natural and anthropogenic stressors affect ecosystem health by studying stress responses at several levels of biological organization, ranging from individual responses to ecosystem level effects. Lately, my work has focused on the ecotoxicological effects of microplastics exposure in aquatic invertebrates and fish. The work aims at providing a better mechanistic understanding of particle toxicity in general (both natural and synthetic particles) and microplastic toxicity in particular to serve as a basis for an ecologically sound risk assessment. More recently, my interests also include eDNA as a means to monitor fish stocks.


I have given, selected lectures at courses in Ecology, Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries ecology at the department of Systems ecology (now DEEP) as well as in System dynamics modeling and Problem solving at the department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University. 



I am currently working within the "Great lakes" subdivision at the Freshwater laboratory, SLU-Aqua, Drottninholm. I am mainly responsible for the stock assessment of pikeperch in lakes Vänern, Mälaren and Hälmaren. I also work with stable isotopes to delineate food-web interactions in these aquatic systems and hydroacoustic monitoring for pelagic fish species and large zooplankton. 


On a national level, I am currently involved in projects with colleagues at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU, Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University. 


I have a background in marine ecology, having worked with pealgic food-web interactions focusing on macroinvertebrates (Mysids) in the Baltic Sea. After my PhD i switched to ecotoxicology and spent several years, first as a post-doc and later as a researcher at the Dept. of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University. During this time I studied the effects of microplastic pollution working mainly with invertebrate models. Simultaneously, I divided my time as a researcher with environmental consulting where I was involved in different types of projects mainly coupled to habitat mapping, species distributions, biodiveristy research and habitat quality from a management and conservation persepctive.   


I have supervised multiple MSc and BSc students in ecology and ecotoxicology  and co-supervised three different PhD students (two at Stockholm University and one at SLU).

Publikationer i urval

Axenrot, T., M. Ogonowski, A. Sandstrom, and T. Didrikas. 2009. Multifrequency discrimination of fish and mysids. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 66:1106–1110.

Clevestam, P. D., M. Ogonowski, N. B. Sjöberg, and H. Wickström. 2011. Too short to spawn? Implications of small body size and swimming distance on successful migration and maturation of the European eel Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Fish Biology 78:1073–1089.

Gerdes, Z., M. Hermann, M. Ogonowski, and E. Gorokhova. 2019a. A novel method for assessing microplastic effect in suspension through mixing test and reference materials. Scientific Reports 9:10695.

Gerdes, Z., M. Ogonowski, I. Nybom, C. Ek, M. Adolfsson-Erici, A. Barth, and E. Gorokhova. 2019b. Microplastic-mediated transport of PCBs? A depuration study with Daphnia magna. PLOS ONE 14:e0205378.

Gewert, B., M. Ogonowski, A. Barth, and M. MacLeod. 2017. Abundance and composition of near surface microplastics and plastic debris in the Stockholm Archipelago, Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120:292–302.

Jahnke, A., H. P. H. Arp, B. I. Escher, B. Gewert, E. Gorokhova, D. Kühnel, M. Ogonowski, A. Potthoff, C. Rummel, M. Schmitt-Jansen, E. Toorman, and M. MacLeod. 2017. Reducing Uncertainty and Confronting Ignorance about the Possible Impacts of Weathering Plastic in the Marine Environment. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4:85–90.

McGivney, E., L. Cederholm, A. Barth, M. Hakkarainen, E. Hamacher-Barth, M. Ogonowski, and E. Gorokhova. 2020. Rapid Physicochemical Changes in Microplastic Induced by Biofilm Formation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8.

Motiei, A., B. Brindefalk, M. Ogonowski, R. El-Shehawy, P. Pastuszek, K. Ek, B. Liewenborg, K. Udekwu, and E. Gorokhova. 2020. Disparate effects of antibiotic-induced microbiome change and enhanced fitness in Daphnia magna. PloS One 15:e0214833.

Nilsson, L., M. Ogonowski, and T. A. B. Staveley. 2016. Factors affecting the local distribution of the Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis in Baltic offshore waters. Wildfowl 66.

Ogonowski, M., K. Andersson, and S. Hansson. 2012. A weight- and temperature-dependent model of respiration in Praunus flexuosus (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Journal of Plankton Research 34:642–645.

Ogonowski, M., and T. Didrikas. 2013. Monitoring of fish inside the Natura 2000 areas in the Swedish EEZ 2010-2012: synthesis report. AquaBiota Report 2013:94.

Ogonowski, M., J. Duberg, S. Hansson, and E. Gorokhova. 2013a. Behavioral, Ecological and Genetic Differentiation in an Open Environment—A Study of a Mysid Population in the Baltic Sea. PLoS ONE 8:e57210.

Ogonowski, M., U. Edlund, E. Gorokhova, M. Linde, K. Ek, B. Liewenborg, O. Könnecke, J. R. G. Navarro, and M. Breitholtz. 2018a. Multi-level toxicity assessment of engineered cellulose nanofibrils in Daphnia magna. Nanotoxicology 12:509–521.

Ogonowski, M., Z. Gerdes, and E. Gorokhova. 2018b. What we know and what we think we know about microplastic effects – A critical perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 1:41–46.

Ogonowski, M., S. Hansson, and J. Duberg. 2013b. Status and vertical size-distribution of a pelagic mysid community in the northern Baltic proper. Boreal Environment Research 18:1–18.

Ogonowski, M., C. Schür, Å. Jarsén, and E. Gorokhova. 2016. The Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Microparticles on Individual Fitness in Daphnia magna. PLOS ONE 11:e0155063.

Ogonowski, M., V. Wenman, A. Barth, E. Hamacher-Barth, S. Danielsson, and E. Gorokhova. 2019. Microplastic Intake, Its Biotic Drivers, and Hydrophobic Organic Contaminant Levels in the Baltic Herring. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7.

Karlsson, E., M. Ogonowski, G. Sundblad, J. Sundin, O. Svensson, I. Nousiainen, and A. Vasemägi. 2022. Strong positive relationships between eDNA concentrations and biomass in juvenile and adult pike (Esox lucius) under controlled conditions: Implications for monitoring. Environmental DNA 4:881–893.

Ogonowski, M., E. Karlsson, A. Vasemägi, J. Sundin, P. Bohman, and G. Sundblad. (n.d.). Temperature moderates eDNA–biomass relationships in northern pike. Environmental DNA.

Ogonowski, M., M. Wagner, B. Rogell, M. Haave, and A. Lusher. 2023. Microplastics could be marginally more hazardous than natural suspended solids – A meta-analysis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 264:115406.

Höök, T. O., N. I. Kalejs, T. Axenrot, M. Ogonowski, and A. Sandström. 2024. Stable isotope and fatty acid variation of a planktivorous fish among and within large lakes. PLOS ONE 19:e0304089.

Vasemägi, A., E. Karlsson, M. Ogonowski, G. Sundblad, J. Sundin, and P. Bohman. 2024. Utveckling av eDNA som metod för övervakning av gädda. Page 60. Technical Report, Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm, Sweden.






ResearchGate profile

The ePIKE project

The MIXit project


Forskare vid Institutionen för akvatiska resurser; Enheten för Stora sjöar
Telefon: +46104784208
Sötvattenslaboratoriet, Stångholmsvägen 2