23 sep


Seminarium: Anomaly detection techniques applied to fishery data for the identification of possible misreporting

seminarier, workshops |

Centrum för statistik bjuder in till en digital seminarieserie om urvalsmetoder.

Seminariet Anomaly detection techniques applied to fishery data for the identification of possible misreporting ges av Eros Quesada, Institutionen för akvatiska resurser.



September 16, Anton Grafström, Department of Forest Resource Management: Spatially balanced sampling for environmental monitoring


September 23, Eros Quesada, Department of Aquatic Resources: Anomaly detection techniques applied to fishery data for the identification of possible misreporting


September 30, Petter Kjellander, Department of Ecology – Distance sampling in wildlife management


October 7, Peter Lundquist, Department of Energy and Technology: Jackknife variance estimation for a complex survey of land use
