Mats Jonsell

Jag undervisar på flera olika kurser vid SLU, inom ämnena entomologi, naturvård och skadegörare.
Mest arbetar jag med "Insekternas mångfald och bevarande" (BI 1357) en distanskurs 7,5 hp som går på 25% fart under hösten. Vi börjar med en fältvecka i augusti, varefter man får hemmauppgifter att lösa under resten av terminen.
Min forskning handlar om insekter, och främst naturvårdsfrågor i skogen. De viktigare projekten har handlat om:
* Varför stora tallar dör
* Bioenergiuttag från hyggen (GROT och stubbar).
* Högstubbars värde för insektsfaunan
* Produktion av mat (vedskalbaggar) för vitryggig hackspett vid restaureringar av sogsbestånd
* Insekter i tickor
* Värdet av gamla träd, speciellt lindar i parker
Långsiktig övervakning av granbarkborre
Publikationer i urval
Jonsell, M. 2012. Old park trees as habitat for saproxylic beetle species. – Biodiversity & Conservation 21: 619-642.
Victorsson, J. & Jonsell, M. 2013. Ecological traps and habitat loss, stump extraction and its effects on saproxylic beetles. – Forest Ecology & Management 290: 22-29.
Ols, C., Jonsell, M. & Victorsson, J. 2013. The retention of stumps on wet ground at stump harvest and its impacts on saproxylic insects. – Forest Ecology & Management 290: 15-21.
Victorsson, J. & Jonsell, M. 2013. Effects of stump extraction on saproxylic beetle diversity in Swedish clear-cuts. – Insect Conservation & Diversity 6: 483-493.
Ranius, T., Caruso, A., Jonsell, M., Juutinen, A., Thor, G. & Rudolphi, J. 2014. Dead wood creation to compensate for habitat loss from intensive forestry. – Biological Conservation 169: 277-284. DOI:
Jonsell, M. & Schroeder, M. 2014. Proportions of saproxylic beetle populations that utilise clear-cut stumps in a boreal landscape – Biodiversity implications for stump harvest. Forest Ecology & Management 334: 313-320. DOI:
Jonsell, M,. González Alonso, C., Forshage, M., Achterberg, C.v. & Komonen, A. 2016 Structure of insect community in the fungus Inonotus radiatus in riparian boreal forests. – Journal of Natural history 50: 1613-1631.
Victorsson, J. & Jonsell, M. 2016. Overlooked subterranean saproxylic beetle diversity in clear-cut stumps and its implications for stump extraction. – Forest Ecology & Management 371: 59-66.
Manak, V. & Jonsell, M. 2016. Saproxylic beetles in fine woody debris: comparison between two types of twigs of Norway spruce. – Forestry 90: 82-87.
Steiner, M., Öckinger, E., Karrer, G., Winsa, M. & Jonsell, M. 2016. Restoration of semi-natural grasslands, a success for phytophagous beetles (Curculionidae). – Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 3005-3022.
Hiron, M., Jonsell, M., Kubartová, A., Thor, G., Schroeder, M., Dahlberg, A., Johansson, V., & Ranius, T. 2017. Consequences of bioenergy wood extraction for landscape-level availability of habitat for dead-wood dependent organisms. – Journal of Environmental Management 198: 33-42.
Jonsell, M., Abrahamsson, M., Widenfalk, L. & Lindbladh, M. 2019. Increasing influence of the surrounding landscape on saproxylic beetle communities over 10 years of succession in dead wood. – Forest Ecology and Management 440: 267-284.
Jonsell, M., Ols, C., Victorsson, J., & Hellqvist, S. 2019. Diptera in clear felling stumps like it dry. – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 34: 673-677.
Ranius,T., Hämäläinen, A., Sjögren, J., Hiron, M.,Jonason, D., Kubart, A., Schroeder, M., Dahlberg, A., Thor, G. & Jonsell, M. 2019. The evolutionary species pool concept does not explain occurrence patterns of dead-wood-dependent organisms: implications for logging residue extraction. – Oecologia 191:241–252.
Felton, A. et al. 2020. The tree species matters: Biodiversity and ecosystem service implications of replacing Scots pine production stands with Norway spruce.– Ambio 49: 1035-1049.
Jonsell, M. Widenfalk, L.A. & Hellqvist, S. 2020. Substrate specificity among Diptera in decaying bioenergy wood: Can they be conserved by the same measures as are currently applied to beetles? –Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2623-2662.
Runnel, K., Stephan J.G., Jonsell, M., Kutser, K., Lõhmus, A., Strengbom, J., Heidi Tamm, H., Ranius, T. 2021. Do different growth rates of trees cause distinct habitat qualities for saproxylic assemblages? – Oecologia.
Jonsell, M. & Aulin, B. 2022. Four beetle (Coleoptera) species imported to Sweden with bamboo. – Entomologisk Tidskrift 143(3): 157–162.
Roques, A. et al. 2023. Worldwide tests of generic attractants, a promising tool for early detection of non-native cerambycid species. NeoBiota 84: 169-209.
Jonsell, M., Vårdal, H., Forshage, M. & Stigenberg, J. 2023. Saproxylic Hymenoptera in dead wood retained on clear cuts, relation to wood parameters and their degree of specialisation. – Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 347-359.
Jonsell, M. & Rubene, D. 2024. Will stumps from forest thinning and other standing deadwood provide habitat for saproxylic beetles if felling stumps on clearcuts are harvested? – Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 39:156-166.
Åhlén, D., Jarsjö, J., Jonsell, M., Klatt, B.K., Schneider, L.D., Strand, J. & Hambäck, P. 2024. Arthropod diversity in constructed wetlands is affected strongly by shoreline properties but only weakly by grazing. – Journal of Biogeography: