Adam Felton
Adam Felton är skog och naturvårdsekolog, docent och universitetslektor vid Institutionen för sydsvensk skogsvetenskap.
Mina primära forskningsintressen handlar om att upprätthålla biologisk mångfald och tillhörande ekosystemtjänster i skötta skogssystem, och om klimatförändringarnas konsekvenser, och relaterade anpassnings- och begränsningsinsatser, för skogens motståndskraft och hållbara ekosystemtjänstleverans. Detta fokus drivs av att det blir allt viktigare att ta itu med sådana frågor i Sverige och globalt. För att effektivt bevara skogens biologiska mångfald och tillhörande ekosystemtjänster krävs att sådana värden inte förvisas till begränsade skyddade skogsområden, utan strategiskt planeras och integreras i produktionsskogslandskap på bestånds- och landskapsskala. Hur man når dessa mål, samtidigt som man erkänner behovet av att upprätthålla skogens ekosystemtjänster, är fokus för min forskning.
Jag forskar också tillsammans med min kollega Annika Felton om näringsekologi hos älgar och primater, och tidigare i min karriär bedrev jag den mesta av min forskning i Australien och Sydamerika.
Jag är kursledare för en andraårskurs i bevarande av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i skog och landskap (BI1418), i det nya kandidatprogrammet för skog och landskap. Jag undervisar också för första året Trees: Structure and Function (BI1385) och kursen Forest Conservation Biology (BI1378), som ges inom MSC-programmet ”Forest Management for Multiple Goals”. Jag föreläser också på masternivå - (LK0378), som ges vid LTV-fakulteten i Alnarp, och på doktorandnivå i kursen Enhancing forest resilience for an uncertain future (PFG0071).
Bevarande av biologisk mångfald i skog och landskap samt ekosystemtjänster
Det nya kandidatprogrammet Skog och landskap
Urban Forestry - skötsel av urbana skogar och träd
Tillsammans med mina underbara kollegor har min forskning bidragit till vår kollektiva förståelse av konsekvenserna för biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster av ett brett spektrum av skogsskötselalternativ, inklusive användning av lövträd, blandskogar, ändrade rotationslängder, kontinuerligt skogsbruk och uttag av avverkningsrester. Vi studerar metoder för skogsskydd, från bevarande av gröna träd och död ved till reservat och större skyddade skogsområden. Vår pågående forskning omfattar konsekvenser av bevarandeåtgärder och skogsbruksbeslut för kärlväxter, mossor, lavar, saproxyliska skalbaggar, fåglar och rådjur. Vår forskning omfattar ett brett spektrum av metoder, bland annat storskaliga experimentella studier, modellering, eDNA, fjärravläsare, fjärranalys, trädrelaterade mikrohabitatundersökningar och systematiska utvärderingar.
Jag är ledare för det FORMAS-finansierade Sweetspot-projektet (7,5 miljoner SEK) som undersöker hur bidraget till biologisk mångfald från åtgärder för att bevara gröna träd kan begränsas eller förstärkas av intensiteten i produktionsskogsbruket.
Jag bedriver också biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänstrelaterad forskning i tre FORMAS-projekt på 10 miljoner SEK som finansierades 2022 och som omfattar:
i) Hitta alternativa vägar till en framtid med blandad lövskog (Broaden-projektet)
ii) Samskapande av rådgivningstjänster och planering för diversifierad förvaltning i svenskt familjeskogsbruk (Co-Creator)
iii) Diversifiering av skogar med vårtbjörk för att säkerställa skogarnas motståndskraft och multifunktionella roller
Dessutom bedriver jag forskning om biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i följande FORMAS-, Energimyndiheten- och EU-finansierade forskningsprogram.
SPARC-projektet Ett forskningsprojekt som ska hjälpa intressenter att anpassa skogsrelaterade beslut till klimatförändringar utan att äventyra andra viktiga ekonomiska, samhälleliga och miljömässiga skogsvärden.
Trees For ME Vi utvecklar kompetens med fokus på snabbväxande lövträd för hållbart skogsbruk, material och energi i Sverige
Learn For Climate Lär oss att förverkliga flera skogspolitiska mål under klimatrelaterad stress och störning
Current PhD students
Lead supervisor for Jaime Luna’s PhD project: The biodiversity implications of fast-growing broadleaf trees 2022-2026. Co-supervisors Anne-Maarit Hekkala, Kristoffer Hylander, Per-Ola Hedwall, Henrik Böhlenius
Co-supervisor for Daniel Martey Junior Mensah’s PhD project: Participatory planning for sustainable forest management in a changing climate. 2022-2026 Lead supervisor Karin Öhman, with co-supervisor Eva-Maria Nordström: Daniel just won third place in the 2024 Researcher Grand Prix
Co-supervisor for Ida Rönnqvist’s PhD: How does continuous cover forestry affect the risk of pest and ungulate damages? Biodiversity interactions. 2023-2027. Lead supervisor Anne-Maarit Hekkala, and co-supervisors Jörgen Sjögren, Maartje Klapwijk.
Co-supervisor for Vikki Bengtsson’s PhD project “Veteranisation - Evaluating the conservation potential of artificially created microhabitats in young trees”, 2024-2028 Lead supervisor Mats Niklasson, with co-supervisors C. Philip Wheater, Helen J. Read.
Joan Diaz Calafat (2019-2024): Deciphering the interactions between trees and climate on pollinator networks
Lisa Petersson (2016-2020): The loss of Scots pine forests in Southern Sweden: An emerging threat to biodiversity and forest aesthetics
Isak Lodin (2016-2020): Evaluation of existing and alternative forest management models in Southern Sweden
Publikationer i urval
Torres-García, M. T., Hedwall, P.O., Larrieu, L., Öckinger, E., Johansen, H., Niklasson, M., Petersson, L., Svensson, E., Uría-Díez, J., Felton A. 2024. Tree and stand characteristics jointly predict tree-related microhabitats on retention trees in production forests. Biological Conservation 299: 110821.
Eriksson, L. O., I. Lodin, A. Felton, V. Brukas, and M. Nilsson. 2024. Prioritizing the retention of border zones in production forests: The projected benefits for Swedish broadleaf habitats. Forests Monitor 1: 99-121.
Felton, A., Seidl., R., Lindenmayer, DB., Messier, C., Löf, M., de Koning, J.H.C., Ranius, R., Cleary, M., Hedwall, P.O., Torres García, M.T., Felton, A.M. 2024 The choice of path to resilience is crucial to the future of production forests, Nature Ecology & Evolution
Kyaschenko, J., Widenfalk, L., Facey, S.L., Felton, A., Fahrig, L., Ranius, T., 2024 A gaping hole in boreal conservation research: effects of size and aggregation of conservation areas on species diversity at the landscape scale, Journal of Nature Conservation, 126704
Felton, A.M., Spitzer, R., Raubenheimer, D., Hedwall, PO., Felton, A., Nichols, R.V., O’Connell, B.L., Malmsten, J., Wam, H.K. 2024 Increased intake of tree forage by free-ranging moose is associated with intake of crops rich in non-structural carbohydrates, Ecology, 105 (9), e4377
Felton, A., Belyazid, S., Eggers, J., Nordström, E.-M. and Öhman, K. 2024 Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for production forests: Trade-offs, synergies, and uncertainties in biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery in Northern Europe. Ambio, 1-16.
Petersson, L., Lariviere, D., Holmström, E., Lindbladh, M & Felton, A. 2023 Potential implications of shortened rotation length for forest birds, bryophytes, lichens and vascular plants: An example from southern Swedish production forests, PLOS ONE, 18 (12).
Rosa, F., Di Fulvio, F., Lauri, P., Felton, A., Forsell, N., Pfister, S. and Hellweg, S. 2023 Can Forest Management Practices Counteract Species Loss Arising from Increasing European Demand for Forest Biomass under Climate Mitigation Scenarios? Environmental Science & Technology.
Ranius, T., Widenfalk, L.A., Seedre, M., Lindman, L., Felton, A., Hämäläinen, A., Filyushkina, A. and Öckinger, E. 2023 Protected area designation and management in a world of climate change: A review of recommendations. Ambio, 52 (1), 68-80.
Juvany, L., Hedwall, P., Felton, A., K, Ö., Wallgren, M., Christer, K., Anders, J., Henrik, J. and Felton, A.M. 2023 From simple metrics to cervid forage: improving predictions of ericaceous shrub biomass. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 544 121120
Díaz-Calafat, J., Uria-Diez, J., Brunet, J., De Frenne, P., Vangansbeke, P., Felton, A., Öckinger, E., Cousins, S.A.O., Bauhus, J., Ponette, Q. and Hedwall, P.-O. 2023 From broadleaves to conifers: The effect of tree composition and density on understory microclimate across latitudes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 341, 109684.
Brunet, J., Felton, A. and Hedwall, P.-O. 2023 Vegetation responses to pathogen-induced tree loss–Swedish elm and ash forests revisited after 32 years. Plant Ecology, On line early.
Felton, A., Felton, A.M., Wam, H.K., Witzell, J., Wallgren, M., Löf, M., Sonesson, J., Lindbladh, M., Björkman, C., Blennow, K., Cleary, M., Jonsell, M., Klapwijk, M.J., Niklasson, M., Petersson, L., Rönnberg, J., Sang, Å.O., Wrethling, F., Hedwall, P.-O., 2022. Forest biodiversity and ecosystem services from spruce-birch mixtures: The potential importance of tree spatial arrangement. Environmental Challenges 6, 100
Ranius, T., Hämäläinen. A., Widenfalk, L., Seedre, M., Felton, A., Öckingar, E., Filyushkina, A., Lindman, L. 2022 Protected area designation and management in a world of climate change: A review of recommendations, Ambio, In press
Petersson, L., Lariviere, D., Holmström, E., Fritz, Ö., Felton, A., 2022. Conifer tree species and age as drivers of epiphytic lichen communities in northern European production forests. The Lichenologist 54, 213-225
Lindbladh, M., Elmberg, J., Hedwall, P.-O., Holmström, E., Felton, A., 2022. Broadleaf retention benefits to bird diversity in mid-rotation conifer production stands. Forest Ecology and Management 515, 120223.
Felton, A.M., Hedwall, P.-O., Felton, A., Widemo, F., Wallgren, M., Holmström, E., Löfmarck, E., Malmsten, J., Wam, H.K., 2022. Forage availability, supplementary feed and ungulate density: Associations with ungulate damage in pine production forests. Forest Ecology and Management 513, 120187.
Kyaschenko, J., Strengbom, J., Felton, A., Aakala, T., Staland, H., Ranius, T., 2022. Increase in dead wood, large living trees and tree diversity, yet decrease in understory vegetation cover: The effect of three decades of biodiversity-oriented forest policy in Swedish forests. Journal of Environmental Management 313, 114993.
Felton, A., P.-O. Hedwall, R. Trubins, J. Lagerstedt, A. Felton, and M. Lindbladh. 2021. From mixtures to monocultures: Bird assemblage responses along a production forest conifer-broadleaf gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 494:119299.
Felton, A.M., Wam, H.K., Felton, A., Simpson, S.J., Stolter, C., Hedwall, P.O., Malmsten, J., Eriksson, T., Tigabo, M., Raubenheimer, D., 2021. Macronutrient balancing in free‐ranging populations of moose. Ecology and Evolution.
Holmström, E., T. Carlström, M. Goude, F. D. Lidman, and A. Felton. 2021. Keeping mixtures of Norway spruce and birch in production forests: insights from survey data. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research:1-9.
Juerges, N., B. Arts, M. Masiero, M. Hoogstra-Klein, J. G. Borges, Y. Brodrechtova, V. Brukas, M. J. Canadas, P. O. Carvalho, G. Corradini, A. Felton, U. Karahalilh, U. Karakoci., M. Krott, J. van Laar, I. Lodin, A. Lundholmg, E. Makrickien, M. Marques, A. Mendes, G. Mozgeris, A. Novais, D. Pettenella, N. Pivoriūnas, and B. Sarıh. 2021. Power analysis as a tool to analyse trade-offs between ecosystem services in forest management: A case study from nine European countries. Ecosystem Services 49:101290.
Petersson, L., S. Nilsson, E. Holmström, M. Lindbladh, and A. Felton. 2021. Forest floor bryophyte and lichen diversity in Scots pine and Norway spruce production forests. Forest Ecology and Management 493:119210.
Downey, H., T. Amano, M. Cadotte, C. N. Cook, S. J. Cooke, N. R. Haddaway, J. P. Jones, N. Littlewood, J. C. Walsh, and M. I. Abrahams.,. Felton, A., 2021. Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12032.
Juerges, N., B. Arts, M. Masiero, E. Z. Başkent, J. G. Borges, Y. Brodrechtova, V. Brukas, M. J. Canadas, P. O. Carvalho, G. Corradini, E. Corrigan, A. Felton, M. Hoogstra-Klein, M. Krott, J. van Laar, I. Lodin, A. Lundholm, E. Makrickienė, M. Marques, A. Mendes, G. Mozgeris, A. Novais, D. Pettenella, and N. Pivoriūnas. 2020. Integrating ecosystem services in power analysis in forest governance: A comparison across nine European countries. Forest Policy and Economics 121:102317.
P Biber, A Felton, M Nieuwenhuis, M Lindbladh, K Black, et al., 2020 Forest Biodiversity, Carbon Sequestration, and Wood Production: Modelling Synergies and Trade-Offs for Ten Forest Landscapes across Europe, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 291
M. Lindbladh, P.-O. Hedwall, E. Holmström, L. Petersson, A. Felton 2020 How generalist are these forest specialists? What Sweden’s avian indicators indicate Animal Conservation online early
Hultberg, T., Sandström, J., Felton, A., Öhman, K., Rönnberg, J., Witzell, J., Cleary, M., 2020. Ash dieback risks an extinction cascade. Biological Conservation 244, 108516.
A.M. Felton, E Holmström, J Malmsten, A Felton, et al., 2020, Varied diets, including broadleaved forage, are important for a large herbivore species inhabiting highly modified landscapes Scientific Reports. 10(1): 1-13
Felton, A., T. Löfroth, P. Angelstam, L. Gustafsson, J. Hjältén, A.M. Felton, P. Simonsson, A. Dahlberg, et al., 2020. Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation in a changing production forest matrix. Ambio. Online early 1-15
Felton, A., L. Petersson, O. Nilsson, J. Witzell, M. Cleary, A.M. Felton, C. Björkman, Å.O. Sang, et al., 2020. The tree species matters: Biodiversity and ecosystem service implications of replacing Scots pine production stands with Norway spruce. Ambio. Online early 1-15
Sténs, A., J.-M. Roberge, E. Löfmarck, K.B. Lindahl, A. Felton, C. Widmark, L. Rist, J. Johansson, et al., 2019. From ecological knowledge to conservation policy: a case study on green tree retention and continuous-cover forestry in Sweden. Biodiversity and Conservation: 1-28.
Hedwall, P.-O., E. Holmström, M. Lindbladh and A. Felton, 2019. Concealed by darkness: How stand density can override the biodiversity benefits of mixed forests. Ecosphere 10: e02835.
Petersson, L., E. Holmström, M. Lindbladh and A. Felton, 2019. Tree species impact on understory vegetation: Vascular plant communities of Scots pine and Norway spruce managed stands in northern Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 448: 330-345.
Nordström, E.-M., Nieuwenhuis, M., Başkent, E.Z., Biber, P., Black, K., Borges, J.G., Bugalho, M.N., Corradini, G., Corrigan, E., Eriksson, L.O., Felton, A., et al., 2019. Forest decision support systems for the analysis of ecosystem services provisioning at the landscape scale under global climate and market change scenarios. European Journal of Forest Research.
Lindbladh, M., L. Petersson, P.-O. Hedwall, R. Trubins, E. Holmström and A. Felton, 2019. Consequences for bird diversity from a decrease in a foundation species – Replacing Scots pine stands with Norway spruce in Southern Sweden. Regional Environmental Change In press.
Seedre, M., A. Felton, and M. Lindbladh. 2018. What is the impact of continuous cover forestry compared to clearcut forestry on stand-level biodiversity in boreal and temperate forests? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 7:28.
Klapwijk, M. J., J. Boberg, J. Bergh, K. Bishop, C. Björkman, D. Ellison, A. Felton, R. Lidskog, T. Lundmark, and E. C. H. Keskitalo. 2018. Capturing complexity: Forests, decision-making and climate change mitigation action. Global Environmental Change 52:238-247.
Ranius, T., A. Hämäläinen, G. Egnell, B. Olsson, K. Eklöf, J. Stendahl, J. Rudolphi, A. Sténs, and A. Felton. 2018. The effects of logging residue extraction for energy on ecosystem services and biodiversity: A synthesis. Journal of Environmental Management 209:409-425.
Roberge, J.-M., K. Öhman, T. Lämås, A. Felton, T. Ranius, T. Lundmark, and A. Nordin. 2018. Modified forest rotation lengths: Long-term effects on landscape-scale habitat availability for specialized species. Journal of Environmental Management 210:1-9.
Felton, A., Sonesson, J., Nilsson, U., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Nordin, A., Ranius, T., Roberge, J.-M., 2017. Varying rotation lengths in northern production forests: Implications for habitats provided by retention and production trees. Ambio 46, 324-334.
Felton, A., T. Ranius, J.-M. Roberge, K. Öhman, T. Lämås, J. Hynynen, A. Juutinen, M. Mönkkönen, U. Nilsson, T. Lundmark, and A. Nordin. 2017. Projecting biodiversity and wood production in future forest landscapes: 15 key modeling considerations. Journal of Environmental management 197:404-414.
Bauhus, J., D. I. Forrester, H. Pretzsch, A. Felton, P. Pyttel, and A. Benneter. 2017. Silvicultural Options for Mixed-Species Stands. Pages 433-501 in H. Pretzsch, D. I. Forrester, and J. Bauhus, editors. Mixed-Species Forests: Ecology and Management. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Lindbladh, M., Å. Lindström, P.-O. Hedwall, and A. Felton. 2017. Avian diversity in Norway spruce production forests – How variation in structure and composition reveals pathways for improving habitat quality. Forest Ecology and Management 397:48-56.
Felton, A.M., Felton, A., Cromsigt, J.P.G.M., Edenius, L., Malmsten, J., Wam, H.K., 2017. Interactions between ungulates, forests, and supplementary feeding: the role of nutritional balancing in determining outcomes. Mammal Research 62, 1-7.
Keskitalo, E., Bergh, J., Felton, A., Björkman, C., Berlin, M., Axelsson, P., Ring, E., Ågren, A., Roberge, J.-M., Klapwijk, M., Boberg, J., 2016. Adaptation to Climate Change in Swedish Forestry. Forests 7, 28.
Felton, A., Nilsson, U., Sonesson, J., Felton, A.M., Roberge, J.-M., Ranius, T., Ahlström, M., Bergh, J., Björkman, C., Boberg, J., Drössler, L., Fahlvik, N., Gong, P., Holmström, E., Keskitalo, E.C.H., Klapwijk, M.J., Laudon, H., Lundmark, T., Niklasson, M., Nordin, A., Pettersson, M., Stenlid, J., Sténs, A., Wallertz, K., 2016. Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden. Ambio 45, 124-139.
Felton, A., Hedwall, P.O., Lindbladh, M., Nyberg, T., Felton, A.M., Holmström, E., Wallin, I., Löf, M., Brunet, J., 2016. The biodiversity contribution of wood plantations: Contrasting the bird communities of Sweden's protected and production oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management 365, 51-60.
Felton, A.M., A. Felton, D. Raubenheimer, S.J. Simpson, S.J. Krizsan, P.-O. Hedwall and C. Stolter, 2016. The Nutritional Balancing Act of a Large Herbivore: An Experiment with Captive Moose (Alces alces L). Plos One 11: e0150870.
Johansson, V., A. Felton and T. Ranius, 2016. Long-term landscape scale effects of bioenergy extraction on dead wood-dependent species. Forest Ecology and Management 371: 103-113.
Rist, L., Felton, A., Mårald, E., Samuelsson, L., Lundmark, T., Rosvall, O., 2016. Avoiding the pitfalls of adaptive management implementation in Swedish silviculture. Ambio 45, 140-151.
Roberge, J.-M., Laudon, H., Björkman, C., Ranius, T., Sandström, C., Felton, A., Sténs, A., Nordin, A., Granström, A., Widemo, F., Bergh, J., Sonesson, J., Stenlid, J., Lundmark, T., 2016. Socio-ecological implications of modifying rotation lengths in forestry. Ambio 45, 109-123.
Felton, A., Gustafsson, L., Roberge, J.M., Ranius, T., Hjältén, J., Rudolphi, J., Lindbladh, M., Weslien, J., Rist, L., Brunet, J., Felton, A.M., 2016. How climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can threaten or enhance the biodiversity of production forests: Insights from Sweden. Biological Conservation 194, 11-20. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.11.030
Löf, M., J. Brunet, A. Filyushkina, M. Lindbladh, J.P. Skovsgaard and A. Felton, 2016. Management of oak forests: striking a balance between timber production, biodiversity and cultural services. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 12: 59-73.
Gustafsson, L., Felton, A., Felton, A.M., Brunet, J., Caruso, A., Hjältén, J., Lindbladh, M., Ranius, T., Roberge, J.-M., Weslien, J., 2015. Natural Versus National Boundaries: the Importance of Considering Biogeographical Patterns in Forest Conservation Policy. Conservation Letters 8, 50-57.
Roberge, J.-M., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Ranius, T., Felton, A., Nordin, A., 2015. Relative contributions of set-asides and tree retention to the long-term availability of key forest biodiversity structures at the landscape scale. Journal of Environmental management 154, 284-292. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.02.040
Rist, L., Felton, A., Nyström, M., Troell, M., Sponseller, R.A., Bengtsson, J., Österblom, H., Lindborg, R., Tidåker, P., Angeler, D.G., Milestad, R., Moen, J., 2014. Applying resilience thinking to production ecosystems. Ecosphere 5, art73-art73.
Lindbladh, M., Axelsson, A.-L., Hultberg, T., Brunet, J., Felton, A., 2014. From broadleaves to spruce – the borealization of southern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29, 686-696.
Lindbladh, M., Hedwall, P.O., Wallin, I., Felton, A.M., Böhlenius, K., & Felton, A., 2014 Short-rotation bioenergy stands as an alternative to spruce plantations. Implications for bird biodiversity. Silva Fennica 48:5
Lindbladh, M., Fraver, S., Edvardsson, J., Felton, A., 2013. Past forest composition, structures and processes - How paleoecology can contribute to forest conservation. Biological Conservation 168, 116-127. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2013.09.021
Rist, L., Felton, A., Samuelsson, L., Sandström, C., Rosvall, O., 2013. A New Paradigm for Adaptive Management. Ecology and Society 18.
Felton, A., Boberg, J., Björkman, C., Widenfalk, O., 2013 Identifying and managing the ecological risks of using introduced tree species in Sweden's production forestry. Forest Ecology and Management 307:1 pg: 165-177 doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.06.059
Felton, A., Lindbladh, M., Elmberg, J., Felton, A.M., Andersson, E., Sekercioglu, C.H., Collingham, Y., & Huntley, B. 2013 Projecting impacts of anthropogenic climatic change on the bird communities of southern Swedish spruce monocultures: Will the species poor get poorer? Ornis Fennica 91:1-13
Felton, A.M., Felton, A., Rumiz, D.I., Shimooka, Y., Chapman, C., Lindenmayer, D., 2013 Commercial harvesting of Ficus timber – An emerging threat to frugivorous wildlife and sustainable forestry. Biological Conservation. 159:96-100 doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2012.10.025
Brukas, V., Felton, A., Lindbladh, M. & Sallnäs, O. 2013: Linking forest management, policy and biodiversity indicators – a comparison of lithuania and southern sweden. -- Forest Ecology and Management 291: 181 189.
Driscoll, D. A., Felton, A., Gibbons, P., Felton, A. M., Munro, N. T. & Lindenmayer, D. B. 2012: Priorities in policy and management when existing biodiversity stressors interact with climate-change. -- Climatic Change 111: 533-557.
Jonsson, R., Mbongo, W., Felton, A. & Boman, M. 2012: Leakage implications for European timber markets from reducing deforestation in developing countries. -- Forests 3: 736-744.
Lindenmayer, D.B., Hulvey, K.B., Hobbs, R.J., Colyvan, M., Felton, A., Possingham, H. Steffen,W., Wilson, K., Youngentob, K., Gibbons, P. 2012 Avoiding bio-perversity carbon sequestration solutions. Conservation Letters, 5(1): 28-36
Brunet, J., Felton, A. & Lindbladh, M. 2012: From wooded pasture to timber production - changes in a European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest landscape between 1840 and 2010. -- Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27: 245-254.
Felton, A., Andersson, E., Ventorp, D., Lindsbladh, M. 2011 Avian biodiversity responses to retaining birch (Betula spp.) in Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands: An assessment from southern Sweden. Silva Fennica
Brunet, J., K. Valtinat, M. L. Mayr, A. Felton, M. Lindbladh, and H. H. Bruun. 2011. Understory succession in post-agricultural oak forests: Habitat fragmentation affects forest specialists and generalists differently. Forest Ecology and Management 262:1863-1871.
Lindbladh, M., A. Felton, R. Trubins, and O. Sallnas. 2011. A landscape and policy perspective on forest conversion: Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) and the allocation of deciduous forests in southern Sweden. European Journal of Forest Research 130:861-869.
Lindbladh, M., T. Hultberg, M. K. Widerberg, and A. Felton. 2011. Halland's forests during the last 300 years: a review of Malmstrom (1939). Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26:81-90.
Felton, A., L. Ellingson, E. Andersson, L. Drossler, and K. Blennow. 2010. Adapting production forests in southern Sweden to climate change Constraints and opportunities for risk spreading. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 2:84-97
Felton, A., M. Lindbladh, J. Brunet, and O. Fritz. 2010. Replacing coniferous monocultures with mixed-species production stands: An assessment of the potential benefits for forest biodiversity in northern Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 260:939-947.
Felton, A., E. Knight, J. Wood, C. Zammit, and D. Lindenmayer. 2010. A meta-analysis of fauna and flora species richness and abundance in plantations and pasture lands. Biological Conservation 143:545-554.
Felton, A. M., A. Felton, W. J. Foley, and D. B. Lindenmayer. 2010. The role of timber tree species in the nutritional ecology of spider monkeys in a certified logging concession, Bolivia. Forest Ecology and Management 259:1642-1649.
Kris Murray, Richard Retallick, Keith R. McDonald, Diana Mendez, Ken Aplin, Peter Kirkpatrick, Lee Berger, David Hunter, Harry B. Hines, R. Campbell, Matthew Pauza, Michael Driessen, Richard Speare, Stephen J. Richards, Michael Mahony, Alastair Freeman, Andrea D. Phillott, Jean-Marc Hero, Kerry Kriger, Don Driscoll, Adam Felton, Robert Puschendorf, and Lee F. Skerratt, (2010) The distribution and host range of the pandemic disease chytridiomycosis in Australia, spanning surveys from 1956–2007. Ecology 91:1557.
Felton, A., J. Fischer, D. B. Lindenmayer, R. Montague-Drake, A. R. Lowe, D. Saunders, A. M. Felton, W. Steffen, N. T. Munro, K. Youngentob, J. Gillen, P. Gibbons, J. E. Bruzgul, I. Fazey, S. J. Bond, C. P. Elliott, B. C. T. Macdonald, L. L. Porfirio, M. Westgate, and M. Worthy. 2009. Climate change, conservation and management: an assessment of the peer-reviewed scientific journal literature. Biodiversity and Conservation 18:2243-2253.
Felton, A. M., A. Felton, J. T. Wood, W. J. Foley, D. Raubenheimer, I. R. Wallis, and D. B. Lindenmayer. 2009. Nutritional Ecology of Ateles chamek in lowland Bolivia: How Macronutrient Balancing Influences Food Choices. International Journal of Primatology 30:675-696.
Fischer, J., G. D. Peterson, T. A. Gardner, L. J. Gordon, I. Fazey, T. Elmqvist, A. Felton, C. Folke, and S. Dovers. 2009. Integrating resilience thinking and optimisation for conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 24:549-554.
Manning, A.D., Fischer, J., Felton, A., et al. 2009 Landscape fluidity – A unifying perspective for understanding and adapting to global change. J. of Biogeo. 36:193-199.
Felton, A. M., A. Felton, D. Raubenheimer, S. J. Simpson, W. J. Foley, J. T. Wood, I. R. Wallis, and D. B. Lindenmayer. 2009. Protein content of diets dictates the daily energy intake of a free-ranging primate. Behavioral Ecology 20:685-690.
Felton, A.M., Felton, A., et al. 2009 Nutritional ecology of wild primates. Funct. Ecol. 23:70-78.
Lindenmayer, D.B., Fischer, J., Felton, A., et al. 2008 Novel ecosystems resulting from landscape transformation create dilemmas for modern conservation practice. Con. Letters 1:129-135.
Lindenmayer, D.B., Cunningham, R.B., MacGregor, C., Crane, M., Michael, D., Fischer, J., Montague-Drake, R., Felton, A., et al. 2008 Temporal changes in vertebrates during landscape transformation: A large-scale "natural experiment". Ecol. Mono. 78(4):567-590.
Gibbons, P., Zammit, C., Youngentob, K., Possingham, H.P., Lindenmayer, D.B., Bekessy, S., Burgman, M., Colyvan, M., Considine, M., Felton, A., et al. 2008 Some practical suggestions for improving engagement between researchers and policy makers in natural resource management. Ecol. Manage. & Restor. 9(3):182-186.
Felton, A., et al. 2008 Bird community responses to reduced-impact logging in a certified forestry concession in lowland Bolivia, Biol. Con., 141:545-555.
Felton, A.M., Felton, A., et al. 2008. Diet and feeding ecology of the Peruvian spider monkey (Ateles chamek) in a Bolivian semi-humid forest: The importance of Ficus as a staple food resource. Int. J. of Prim., 29:379-403.
Felton, A., et al. 2008 A comparison of bird communities in the anthropogenic and natural-tree fall gaps of a reduced-impact logged subtropical forest in Bolivia, Bird Cons. Int., 18:129-143.
Felton, A., et al. 2008 The Display of a Reddish Hermit (Phaethornis ruber) in a Lowland Rainforest, Bolivia. The Wilson J. of Orn., 120(1):201-204.
Felton, A., et al. 2007. Birds surveyed in the harvested and unharvested areas of a reduced-impact logged forestry concession, located in the lowland subtropical humid forests of the Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Check List 3(1):43-50
Lindenmayer, D.B., Fischer, J., Felton, A., et al. 2007 The complementarity of single-species and ecosystem-oriented research in conservation research, Oikos, 116(7):1220-1226.
Fischer, J., Manning, A.D., Steffen, W., Rose, D.B., Daniell, K., Felton, A., et al. 2007 Mind the Sustainability Gap, Trends in Ecol. & Evol., 22(12):621-624.
Fischer, J., Lindenmayer, D.B., Blomberg, S.P., Montague-Drake, R., Felton, A., et al. 2007 Functional richness and relative resilience of bird communities in regions with different land use intensities. Ecosystems, 10(6):964-974.
Felton, A., et al. 2006. Vegetation structure, phenology, and regeneration in the natural and anthropogenic tree-fall gaps of a reduced-impact logged subtropical Bolivian forest. For. Ecol. & Manage., 235: 186-193.
Felton, A., et al. 2006. Identification, behavioral observations, and notes on the distribution of the Titi monkeys Callicebus modestus Lonnberg, 1939 and Callicebus olallae, Lonnberg 1939. Prim. Cons., 20: 41-46.
Felton, A., et al. 2006. Multiple mate choice criteria and the importance of age for male mating success in the microhylid frog, Cophixalus ornatus. Beh. Ecol. & Soc. 59(6): 786-795.
Wallace, R.B., Gomez, H., Felton, A., et al. 2006. On a new species of Titi monkey, Genus Callicebus Thomas (Primates, Pitheciidae), from western Bolivia with preliminary notes on distribution and abundance. Prim. Cons. 20: 29-39.
Garnett, S. T., Clarkson, J.R., Felton, A., et al. 2005. Habitat and diet of the Star Finch (Neochmia ruficauda clarescens) in the early wet season at Princess Charlotte Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Emu 105(1): 81-85.
Read MA, Miller JD, Bell IP, & Felton A. 2004. The distribution and abundance of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, in Queensland. Wild. Res. 31: 527-534.
Felton, A.M., Engström, L., Felton, A., et al. 2003. Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus population density, forest structure and fruit availability in hand-logged and unlogged peat swamp forests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biol. Cons. 114(1): 91-101.
Todd, M.K., Felton, A., et al. 2003. Morphological and dietary differences between common and uncommon subspecies of Crimson Finch Neochmia phaeton, and Star Finch Neochmia ruficauda in Northern Australia. Emu 103: 141-148.
Selected Popular Science Publications
Book chapter
Boman M., Felton A. 2011. Kitesurfing. In: Sandell K., Arnegård J., Backman E. (Eds.), Friluftssport och Äventyrsidrott: Utmaningar för lärare, ledare och miljö i en föränderlig värld. 194-195
PhD research
Reduced-impact Logging: The Right Direction, but There's Room for Improvement Nathan Brouwer Current Conservation (2009)3:2
Media coverage associated with primate nutritional ecology.
Media coverage associated with discovery of the Titi-monkey Callicebus aureipalatii.
-What's in a species name? More than $450,000. 2005 Science, 307:1399.
-Going ape over an Amazon treasure. 2005 CBS U.S. 60 Minutes. Broadcast February 2nd.
-Have your very own species, for a price. 2005 The New York Times. February 8th edition.
Media coverage of honours research
-Morell, V. 2001. The fragile world of frogs, National Geographic, May edition 106-123.