
Call for ideas 2020/2021 projekt utsedda

Publicerad: 07 april 2021
call for ideas

Fyra projekt har utsetts inom SLU Landskaps Call for ideas 2020/2021

The theme for this years call was Collaborate outside and inside SLU Landscape and the following projects will receive 50 000 SEK each:


Video bank “SLU Landscape Play”

The aim of this project is to present a proposal for the SLU Landscape board on how we could create a bank of video productions and make it available for teachers, researchers and communicators.
Anders Rasmusson, Movium Think Tank, Camilla Zakrisson Juhlin, communicator, Urban Futures, Petter Åkerblom, researcher/teacher, SoL
External participants:
Johan von Feilitzen, Division of Learning and Digitalization

Discussing a strategy for GIS in SLU Landscape

The project will hold a series of GIS workshops open to all SLU Landscape, to discuss and determine issues including:
What do the students need/want to know?
How do we educate the educators?
What are the potentials of open source GIS and PPGIS?
Andrew Butler (SOL-LA) – Research/Teaching based in Ultuna, Neil Sang (LAPF) - Researcher based in Alnarp working extensively with GIS, Jessica Svännel (LAPF) - Responsible for GIS education at Alnarp.
External participants:
Brian Kuns (SOL- LAG) – Recently employed at Rural Development (SoL) extensive experience of research and teaching in GIS, Anders Larsolle (Energy and Technic) – Responsible for the only GIS course at SOL LA

How to study and communicate the landscape and well-being nexus?

This project is about stimulating transdisciplinary collaboration around landscape and wellbeing, and about jointly expanding and maintaining networks within the field. With the core focus on collecting, and potentially developing knowledge and visions about how to study and communicate landscape and wellbeing. 
Mari Kågström, – Research/Teaching, Fredrika Mårtensson (AEM) – Research/Teaching, Andrew Butler (SOL-LA) – Research/Teaching, Helena Mellqvist (LAPF) – Research/Teaching
External participants:
Eva Sandberg (SOL-CNV) – Director of the Centre for Nature Interpretation

Dialogue for Design

With the use of research, proven experience in designing landscapes and in teaching design, this project aim to gain knowledge of how one can design a dialogue that could be of use in the actual design process. The outcome of the study will be used to develop the teaching of design at SLU. 
Sofia Sandqvist, Senior Lecturer/ Landskapslaget (60%) SLU SOL (40%), Anders Mårsén, Lecturer/ Landskapslaget (90%) SLU SOL (10%), Gunilla Lindholm Associate professor LAPF, Jitka Svensson Senior Lecturer LAPF.


SLU Landskap
SLU Landskap är en tvärinstitutionell plattform för samverkan och gemensam profilering av landskapsämnet inom SLU och en av de största miljöerna inom forskning och undervisning inom landskapsarkitektur i Europa.
