Mora Aronsson

Swedish member of terrestrial CBMP (The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program, a program under CAFF, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna – a working group under Arctic Council) 2011–ongoing, co-chair 2015–2021.
Focal point for Invasive Alien Species (plants) at Swedish Species Information Centre 2011-ongoing.
Assistant coordinator of Monitoring and assessment program Alpine/Arctic landscape, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) 2019–ongoing.
Coordinator of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) work in the ETC-BD (European Topic Centre for Biodiversity) consortium 2009–ongoing.
Working for the ETC-BD 2009–ongoing (part time). Including: Select and testing criteria for prioritization of habitats and species for inclusion or exclusion in the Annexes of the Habitat and Bird directive. Natura 2000 seminars (including Low Hanging Fruit approach). Biogeographical assessment on habitat and species from Article 17 2013 and 2019 reports. Taxonomic harmonization. Population units for Article 17 reporting, guidelines and assessment of EU IAS reporting 2019 (selected).
Professional experience record
Assistant at the herbarium at Natural History Museum, Stockholm 1983–1991 (part time).
Teacher, assistant teacher at Quaternary Research, Stockholm University 1987–1991 (part time).
Researcher on vegetation history – Quaternary Research, Stockholm University 1989-1992. (part time).
National coordinator for the Swedish threatened plant-monitoring program: The Flora Guardian 1993–2004.
Focal point for Vascular plants at Swedish Species Information Centre 1992-2012.
Part time coordinating the Swedish vegetation and species-monitoring program for the Swedish Environment Protection Agency – 1994–1998.
Member of the coordinating group for Monitoring of Natura 2000 in Swedish Environment Protection Agency – 1998–2004.
Project coordinator for definitions and evaluation of proposed sites for the Swedish part of Natura 2000 – 1995–2010.
Swedish member in SWG (Scientific working group) in the Habitat Directive – 2002–2007.
Representing Sweden in the Biogeographical Evaluation meetings for the Habitat Directive (Alpine, Continental and Boreal region), responsible for plant species – 2000–2007.
Swedish member of the Nordic Council of Ministers project group for Nature Monitoring Scheme - Guidelines to Monitor Terrestrial Biodiversity in the Nordic Countries, 1996–1997.
Project leader for the Swedish red lists on vascular plants 1992–2010.
Responsible for the Habitat directive reporting (Article 17) for coastal habitats 2013 and 2019.
Focal point for Seashore habitats at Swedish Species Information Centre 2012-2021.
Assistant project leader for risk assessment of Invasive Alien Species in Sweden 2016-2019.
Coordinator of Monitoring and assessment program of Biodiversity, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) 2007–2016.
Reviewer of the IUCN European Vascular plant Redlist 2011–2012.
National partner for the European Redlist project for habitats 2014–2016.
Selected assignments
Phare-project for establishing a monitoring program for Biodiversity in Estonia (Project leader Guy Söderman, Finland). Main task: Monitoring of threatened species 1997–1998.
Responsible for the databases and coordination of information at SSIC 1992–1998.
Coordinator of Biodiversity topics in relation to EU and Habitat Directive at SSIC 1997–2006.
Data coordinator for the report on Habitat Directive Article 17 – 2007.
Invited keynote speaker at several international conferences and workshops concerning monitoring and reporting of the Habitat Directive 2003–2006.
Invited Keynote speaker IABG International Symposium on Plant Conservation in China – European model for plant conservation.
Other skills
Member of several Swedish Botanical NGOs and coordinator of Flora Guardian in on Uppsala County 2012–ongoing.
Chair of Botanical Society in Stockholm 1990-1998.
Assistant chair of Swedish Botanical Society 1992-1997, board member 2019-2020, chair 2020-ongoing.
Chair of Botanical Society of Uppland 2011-2016, board member 2016-ongoing.
Advisor for monitoring, mapping and assessment projects for Swedish Botanical Society 2012–ongoing.
Membership of professional bodies
Member of the Steering Committee for Planta Europa 2007–2017, (chair 2014–2017).
Swedish member of Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Flora group (CFG) 2001–ongoing.
Member of IUCN Species Survival Commission for Arctic plants (Focal point) 2006–ongoing (chair 2017-ongoing).
Member of IUCN Species Survival Commission for Crop Wild Relatives 2010–ongoing.
Chair of IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, Arctic subgroup for redlisting of Ecosystems (pending).
Swedish member of terrestrial CBMP