
Anna Jansson

Anna Jansson



Jag är professor i husdjurens fysiologi och mina huvudsakliga fokusområden är arbets-, tränings- och näringsfysiologi, vätske- och elektrolytbalans och kopplingen till tillväxt, hälsa och prestation. Jag har till största delen studerat djurslaget häst men också nötkreatur och gris. Jag har också haft projekt i Kambodja och Sverige på syrsor och deras potential som livsmedel. 

Mål med min forskning:

Målet med min forskning är att öka kunskapen om djurens fysiologi och hur vi med bakgrund av den kunskapen kan skapa skötsel-, utfodrings- och träningsstrategier som gynnar både hälsa och prestation. Jag har ett övergripande intresse och mål att bedriva forskning för att alla upplevelse- och livsmedelsproducerande djur skall hållas i uthålliga system - både för dem och för miljön, både här och i utvecklingsländer.


Design, provtagning, analys och tolkning av intensiva in vivo försök

Aktiviteter/uppdrag i akademiska omvärlden:

Ledamot i ICEEP (The International Conference of Equine Exercise Physiology)

Aktivitet/uppdrag med intressenter utanför den akademiska omvärlden:

Skribent av populärvetenskapliga texter, föredragshållare samt redaktör för Foderbladet (ISSN:1652-683X)

Pedagogisk erfarenhet: 

I första hand undervisning i vätskebalans, temperaturreglering, arbetsfysiologi, hästens nutrition och skötsel samt handledning av kandidat-, masterstudenter och doktorander. 




Titel Projektansvariga
Nötkreatur - för hållbar livsmedelsförsörjning i tider av vattenbrist

Anna Jansson

Effekter av träningsintensitet och utfodringsstrategi på växande hästars utveckling, ämnesomsättningsreglering, prestation och hälsa

Anna Jansson, Sara Ringmark  


Effekter av arbete hos islandshästar

Anna Jansson



Russet som naturvårdare

Anna Jansson, Carl-Gustaf Thulin


Cricket farming – for future food and feed

Anna Jansson

Doktorand: Phalla Miech 


Improved management of pigs kept by small holder farmers in Laos

Anna Jansson

Doktorand: Ammaly Phengvilaysouk 


Äta insekter – en smaklig lösning på dagens globala problem


Anna Jansson


Effects of body condition on metabolism, performance and recovery



Anna Jansson


Anna Jansson

Feeding straw to horses – Utfodring med halm till hästar

Anna Jansson



Sammanfattningar av tidigare forskning

Athetic horses fed high energy forage diets

Skötsel av travhästar – 10 punkter i en snabbguide

En kort sammanfattning av viktiga faktorer som påverkar travhästars återhämtning efter träning och också deras prestationsförmåga. Det mesta i guiden är relevant även för andra sporthästar. En utskriftsvänlig sida finns här.


Publikationer i urval

1. Jansson, A. Nyman, S. Morgan, K. Palmgren-Karlsson, C. Lindholm, A. and Dahlborn, K. (1995) The effect of ambient temperature and saline loading on changes in plasma and urine electrolytes (Na+, K+) following exercise. Equine Vet J, Suppl 20, 147-152.

4. Nyman, S., Jansson, A., Dahlborn, K. and Lindholm, A. (1996) Strategies for voluntary rehydration in horses during endurance exercise. Equine Vet. J. Suppl 21, 99-106.

6. Jansson, A. and Dahlborn, K. (1999) Effects of feeding frequency and voluntary salt intake on fluid and electrolyte regulation in athletic horses. J. Appl. Physiol. 86(5), 1610-1616.

7. Jansson, A. Lindholm, A. Lindberg, J. E. and Dahlborn, K. (1999) Effects of potassium intake on potassium, sodium and fluid balance in exercising horses. Equine Vet. J. Suppl 30, 412-417.

8. Jansson, A. Lindholm, A. and Dahlborn, K. (2002) Effects of acute intravenous aldosterone administration on Na+, K+ and water excretion in the horse. J. Appl Physiol. 92, 135-141.

9. Jansson, A. Nyman, S. Lindholm, A. and Lindberg, J. E. Effects on exercise metabolism of varying dietary starch and sugar proportions. (2002) Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 34, 17-21.

11. Nyman, S., Jansson, A., Lindholm, A. and Dahlborn, K. (2002) Water intake and fluid shifts in horses - effects of hydration status during two exercise tests. Equine Vet J. 34(2), 133-142.

12. Palmgren Karlsson, C. Lindberg, J. Jansson, A. and Essén-Gustavsson, B. (2002) Effect of molassed sugar beet pulp on nutrient utilisation and metabolic parameters during exercise. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 34, 44-49.

13. Jansson, A. (2005) A field study on warm-up regimes for Thoroughbred and Standardbred race horses. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 2 (4), 219-224.

14. Connysson M, Muhonen S, Lindberg J E, Essén-Gustavsson B, Nyman G, Nostell K and Jansson A. (2006) Effects on exercise response, fluid and acid-base balance of protein intake from forage-only diets in Standardbred horses. Equine vet. J. Suppl. 36, 648-653.

15. Lindberg J E., Essén-Gustavsson B., Dahlborn, K., Gottlieb-Vedi M. and Jansson A. (2006) Exercise response, metabolism at rest and digestibility in athletic horses fed high fat oats. Equine Vet J. Suppl. 36, 626-630.

16. Nostell, K. Funkquist, P. Nyman, G. Essén-Gustavsson, B. Connysson, M. Muhonen, S. and Jansson, A. The physiological response to simulated race tests on a track and on a treadmill in Standardbred trotters (2006) Equine Vet J. Suppl. 36 123-127.

17. Jansson, A. Sandin, A. and Lindberg J E. (2006) Digestive and metabolic effects of altering feeding frequency in athletic horses. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology 3(2); 83-91.

18. Muhonen S, Connysson M, Lindberg J E, Julliand V, Bertilsson J and Jansson A. 2008. Effects of crude protein intake from grass silage-only diets on the equine colon ecosystem after an abrupt feed change. J. Animal Science. 86: 3465-3472.

19. Muhonen S, Julliand V, Lindberg J E, Bertilsson J and Jansson A. 2009. Effects on the equine colon ecosystem of feeding silage or haylage after an abrupt change from hay. J. Animal Science. 87 (7), 2291-2298.

20. Muhonen S, Lindberg J E, Bertilsson J and Jansson A. 2009. Effects on fluid balance and exercise response in Standardbred horses feed silage, haylage and hay. Comparative Exercise Physiology 5(3-4), 133-142.

21. Willing B, Vörös S, Roos S, Jones A, Jansson A and Lindberg, J. E. 2009. Changes in faecal bacteria associated with concentrate and forage-only diets fed to horses in training. Equine Vet J., 41(9), 908-914.

22. Ragnarsson S and Jansson A. 2010. A comparison of grass haylage digestibility and metabolic plasma profile in Icelandic and Standardbred horses. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr. 95(3), 273-279.

23. Jansson A, Johannisson, A and Kvart C. 2010. Plasma aldosterone concentration and cardiovascular response to low sodium intake in horses in training. Equine Vet J. Suppl. 38, vol 42, 329-334.

24. Connysson M, Essén-Gustavsson B, Lindberg J E and Jansson A. 2010. Effects of feed deprivation on Standardbred horses in training fed a forage-only diet and a 50:50 forage-oats diet. Equine Vet J. Suppl. 38, vol 42, 335-340.

25. Essén-Gustavsson, B, Connysson, M and Jansson A. 2010. Effects of crude protein intake from forage-only diets on muscle amino acids and glycogen levels in horses in training. Equine Vet J. Suppl. 38, vol 42, 341-346.

26. Handlin L, Hydbring-Sandberg E, Nilsson A, Ejdebäck M, Jansson A, Uvnäs-Moberg K. 2010. Short-term interaction between dogs and their owners – effects on oxytocin, cortisol, insulin and heart rate - an exploratory study. Anthrozoos 24 (3), 301-315.

27. Jansson, A. and Lindberg, J.E. 2012. A forage-only diet alters the metabolic response of horses in training. Animal. 6 (12), 1939-1946.

28. Chittavong M, Lindberg J E and Jansson A. 2012. Feeding regime and management of local Lao pigs in Central Lao PDR. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 45:149-155.

29. Chittavong M, Lindberg J E and Jansson A. 2013. A field study on feed supplementation, body weight and selected blood parameters in local pigs in Laos. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 45:505-510.

30. Ringmark S, Roepstorff L, Essén-Gustavsson B, Revold T, Lindholm A, Hedenström U, Rundgren M, Ögren G and Jansson A. 2012. Growth, training response and health in Standardbred yearlings fed a forage-only diet. Animal 7(5), 746-753.

31. Stefánsdóttir G, Ragnarsson S and Jansson A. 2012. A comparison of a portable blood lactate analyser and laboratory plasma analysis of blood samples from exercised horses. Comparative Exercise Physiology, (8) 3, 227-231.

34. Chittavong, M., Jansson A. and Lindberg, J E. 2013. Effects of high dietary sodium chloride content on performance and sodium and potassium balance in growing pigs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45(7), pp 1477-1483.

35. Ögren G, Holtenius K. and Jansson A. 2013. Phosphorus balance and fecal losses in growing Standardbred horses in training fed forage-only diets. J Animal Science 91(6):2749-55.

36. Jansson A. and Harris P. 2013. A bibliometric review on nutrition of the exercising horse from 1970 to 2010. Comparative Exercise Physiology 9 (3/4), 169-180.

37. Ringmark, S. and Jansson, A. (2013). Insulin response to feeding forage with varying crude protein and amino acid content in horses at rest and after exercise. Comparative Exercise Physiology 9(3-4), 209-217.

38. Stefánsdóttir GJ, Ragnarsson S, Gunnarsson V, Jansson A. 2014. Physiological response to a breed evaluation field test in Icelandic horses. Animal. 8(3):431-439.

39. Jansson, A. Hedenström, U. and Ragnarsson, S. 2014. A survey of training regimes used by top trainers of the Icelandic pace racing horse. Comparative Exercise Physiology. 10(4) 253-257.

40. Ringmark, S., Lindholm, A., Hedenström, U., Lindinger, M., Dahlborn, K., Kvart, C. and Jansson, A. 2015. Reduced high intensity training distance had no effect on VLa4 but attenuated heart rate response in 2-3-year old Standardbred horses. Acta Vet Scand 57:17.

41. Stefánsdóttir, GJ, Ragnarsson S. Gunnarsson V. Roepstorff, L and. Jansson A. 2015. A comparison of the physiological response to tölt and trot in the Icelandic horse. J Animal Science, 93, 1-9.

42. Ringmark, S., Jansson, A., Lindholm, A., Hedenström, U. and Roepstorff, L. 2016. A 2.5 year study on health and locomotion symmetry in young Standardbred horses fed a forage-only diet and subjected to two levels of high intensity training distance. The Veterinary Journal 207, 99-104.

43. Miech, P., Berggren, Å. Lindberg, J.E., Chhay, T., Khieu, B. and Jansson A. Growth and survival of reared Cambodian field crickets (Teleogryllus testaceus) fed weeds, agricultural and food industry by-products. 2016. J Insects as Food and Feed 2(4), 285-292.

44. Jansson, A. Stefansdottir, G.J. and Ragnarsson, S. 2016. Plasma insulin concentration increases linearly with body condition in Icelandic horses. 2016. Acta Vet Scand 58(76).

45. Ringmark S., Revold T. and Jansson A. 2017. Effects of training distance on feed intake, growth, body condition and muscle glycogen content in young Standardbred horses fed a forage-only diet. Animal 11(10), 1718-1726

46. Stefánsdóttir, GJ, Gunnarsson V. Roepstorff L, Ragnarsson S, Jansson A. 2017. The effect of rider weight and additional weight in Icelandic horses in tölt: Part I. Physiological responses. The effect of rider weight and additional weight in Icelandic horses in tolt: part I. Physiological responses. Animal. 11(9), 1558-1566.

47. Gunnarsson, V. Stefansdottir, G. J., Jansson, A. and Roepstorff, L. 2017. The effect of rider weight and additional weight in Icelandic horses in tolt: part II. Stride parameters responses 11(9) Animal, 1567-1572.

48. Ringmark, S., L. Roepstorff , U. Hedenström A. Lindholm A. Jansson. 2017. Reduced training distance and a forage-only diet did not limit race participation in young Standardbred horses. Comparative Exercise Physiology: 13 (4), 265 – 272.

49. Harris P. A.,  Ellis A. D.,  Fradinho M. J., Jansson A., Julliand V.,  Luthersson N.,  Santos A. S. and  Vervuert I.. 2017. Review: Feeding conserved forage to horses: recent advances and recommendations. Animal. 11(6), 958-967.

50. Stefansdottir, GJ, Gunnarsson, VT, Ragnarsson, S. and Jansson, A. 2017. Physiological response to an experimental 100 m flying pace race in Icelandic horses and effect of rider. Comparative Exercise Physiology 13(4), 205-215.

51. Phengvilaysouk, A., Jansson, A., Phengsavanh, P., Tiemann, T., Phengvichith, V. and Lindberg J.E. 2017. Sow and piglet management in small-holder and larger-scale pig farms in Northern part of Laos. Livestock Research for rural development 29 (10).

52. Phengvilaysouk, A., Lindberg J.E., Sisongkham, V., Phengsavanh, P. and Jansson, A. 2017. Effects of provision of water and nesting material on reproductive performance of native Moo Lath pigs in Lao PDR. Tropical Animal Health and Production, DOI:10.1007/s11250-018-1541-7

53. Connysson, M. Muhonen, S and Jansson, A. 2017. Road transport and diet affect metabolic response to exercise in horses. J Animal Science. 95 (11), 4869-4879.

54. Miech, P. Lindberg J.E., Berggren Å., Chhay T and Jansson A. 2017. Apparent faecal digestibility and nitrogen retention in piglets fed whole and peeled Cambodian field cricket (Teleogryllus testaceus) meal. J Insects as Food and Feed: 3 (4), 279 – 288.

55. Berggren, Å., Jansson, A. and Low, M. 2018. Using current systems to inform rearing facility design in the insect-as-food industry. J Insects as Food and Feed 4(3), 167-170.

56. Fernandez‐Cassi X,  Supenu A,  Jansson A,  Boqvist S and  Vagsholm I. 2018. Novel foods: a risk profile for the house cricket (Acheta domesticus), EFSA Journal 16.

58. Garrido, P., Marell, A., Öckinger, E., Skarin, A. Jansson, A., Thulin, C. G. 2018. Experimental rewilding enhances grassland functional composition and pollinator habitat use. Journal of Applied Ecology.



Prefekt, Professor vid Institutionen för anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi (AFB); Institutionen för anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi
Telefon: +4618672106
Institutionen för anatomi, fysiologi och biokemi
Box 7023
Besöksadress: VHC Huvudentré, Ulls väg 26, hus 5, plan 4, Uppsala