
SLU Aquaculture announces a new call

Publicerad: 28 september 2018
Provrör i labbmiljö. Foto.

Researchers have a new chance to apply for grants. A standard grant will be a maximum of 50 000 SEK, however, for projects involving three or four SLU faculties, grants can be up to 100 000 SEK. The last day to apply is October 30.

The application must involve collaboration between SLU researchers (minimum doctorate degree) from at least two of the four faculties and fall into the subject of aquaculture in a broad sense; including genetics/breeding, feed and nutrition, food science, animal health, animal welfare, environment, aquatic ecology, economy, gender, farming systems (e.g. circular systems, agro-aqua systems).

Grants can be given to, for instance:

  • Writing research applications, seed money (proof of submission of the application shall be obtained by SLU Aquaculture before payment is made)
  • Pilot projects
  • Feasibility studies
  • Syntheses (which result in a report/article)
  • Education (curricula proposal)
  • Hosting sabbaticals for aquaculture researchers
  • Contributions for organizing workshops and seminars (a program should be attached to the application)

For more information on how and when to apply>>

