
SLU Urban Futures’ Open Call for transdisciplinary urban projects and activities decided

Publicerad: 19 april 2018

SLU Urban Futures attributes seed funding for initiatives aiming at developing urban research on European-Latin American cooperation, Food Landscapes, planning techniques for uncertain times, urban cycling, sense-of-place theories, a Real-World Lab on Alnarp Campus.

– The granted proposals contribute to further development of urban research initiated at SLU, while establishing new cross-disciplinary collaborations within SLU and in the international realm, including professional and society actors, says Lisa Diedrich, director of SLU Urban Futures.

The granted projects span urban themes bridging from local campus development to international consortium building: the Landscape Laboratory on Alnarp Campus, for example, seeks to position itself as a real-world-laboratory within the internationally recognised field of transformative science while developing applications to fund the intended ‘generation 2.0’ development process; on the level of European research, SLU researchers have teamed up to develop international cooperation between EU and Latin American countries (CELAC) on the topic of sustainable urbanisation processes relying on nature-based solutions and the rehabilitation of urban ecosystems. The grantees will work on their projects during 2018, and SLU Urban Futures will follow up on their progress.

Next call

A second Open Call is planned for the autumn, to give more applicants the possibility to lift their ideas for urban research into veritable research proposals, to support the necessary workshops, publications, travels, networking activities and much more. SLU Urban Futures is happy to receive feedback on what best boosts SLU teachers and researchers in their development of research for urban sustainability, as defined in the Agenda 2030.


Lisa Diedrich, Professor

Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning, SLU

lisa.diedrich@slu.se 040-41 54 24