Reinert Huseby Karlsen
Reinert works mainly with data analysis, geographical information systems (GIS), field measurements and hydrological modelling. He is an expert on field measurement techniques for surface water, as well as the processing, quality control and quality assurance of water discharge timeseries. He works on several projects related to stream gauging, for example towards the mining industry and catchment science research in boreal landscapes. He enjoys expanding his programming skills, and makes extensive use of Python for data management, analysis, modelling and general purpose programming. Apart from extensive field experience within a Nordic setting, he has also worked abroad in the Netherlands and Mexico.
Publikationer i urval
Peer reviewed publications
Karlsen R.H., Bishop K, Grabs T, Ottosson-Löfvenius M, Laudon H, Seibert J. 2019. The role of landscape properties, storage and evapotranspiration on variability in streamflow recessions in a boreal catchment. Journal of Hydrology 570: 315-328.
Teutschbein C, Grabs T, Laudon H, Karlsen R.H., Bishop K. 2018. Simulating streamflow in ungauged basins under a changing climate: The importance of landscape characteristics. Journal of Hydrology 561: 160-178.
Jutebring Sterte E., Johansson E., Sjöberg Y., Karlsen R.H., Laudon, H. 2018. Groundwater-surface water interactions across scales in a boreal landscape investigated using a numerical modelling approach. Journal of Hydrology 560: 184-201.
Karlsen R.H., Grabs T, Bishop K, Buffam, I, Laudon H, Seibert J. 2016. Landscape controls on spatiotemporal discharge variability in a boreal catchment. Water Resources Research 52 (8): 6541-6556
Karlsen R.H., Seibert J, Grabs T, Laudon H, Blomkvist P, Bishop K. 2016. The assumption of uniform specific discharge: unsafe at any time? Hydrological Processes 30 (21): 3978-3988
Winterdahl M, Wallin M.B, Karlsen R.H., Laudon H, "Oquist M, Lyon S.W. 2016 Decoupling of carbon dioxide and dissolved organic carbon in boreal headwater streams. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121(10): 2630–2651
Teutschbein C, Grabs T, Karlsen R.H., Laudon H, Bishop K. 2015. Hydrological response to changing climate conditions: Spatial streamflow variability in the boreal region. Water Resources Research 51 (12): 9425-9446
Karlsen R.H., Smits F, Stuyfzand P, Olsthoorn TN, van Breukelen BM. 2012. A post audit and inverse modeling in reactive transport: 50 years of artificial recharge in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes. Journal of Hydrology 454-455: 7-25
Reports and thesis
Karlsen, R.H., Westerberg, I., Koutsouris, A. 2021. Vattenföringsmätningar i Liukattijoki och Mertaseno. Årsrapport för 2020. Series C report IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
Strandberg, J., Karlsen, R.H., Malmaeus, M., Olshammar, M., Valley, S., Lind, E., … Fridén, H. 2020. Dricksvattenproduktion när spelreglerna ändras - Digitalisering och automation som hjälp för klimatanpassning. Series B report IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
Karlsen R.H. Spatiotemporal streamflow variability in a boreal landscape: Importance of landscape composition for catchment hydrological functioning. PhD thesis, Uppsala University, 2016. Supervisors: J. Seibert, K. Bishop, T. Grabs.
Karlsen R.H. Stormflow Processes in a Mature Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Catchment, Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico. 130 pp. MSc thesis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2009. Supervisors: Dr. A. Gomez-Tagle, Prof. dr. L.A. Bruijnzeel.
Karlsen R.H. Postaudit and automatic parameter estimation of a 1D reactive transport model of artificial recharge in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes. 107 pp. Waternet and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2010.