
Antonio Rodríguez olmo

Postdoctoral researcher, Restoration Ecology Group.


My research interest lay on studying the effect of disturbance on community assembly, with a strong focus on arthropods. I am especially interested in the effect that forest disturbance exerts on functional groups important for regulating ecosystem services, like decomposers, pollinators, parasitoids or generalist predators


My Research is now focused on investigating the response of epigaeic arthropod assemblages (ground beetles, rove beetles, spider and ants) to forest restoraion initiatives, comparing the joint effect of fire severity (prescribed vs. wild fire) and succession (old-growth vs. young forests) on functional trait distribution and community assembly at different landscape contexts and multiple spatial scales.


The study of epigaeic arthropod communities across a large-scale disturbance gradient allows the assessment of anthropogenic and natural disturbance on community composition and on species’ traits related with their response to perturbation (response traits). This research will make possible the prediction of forest restoration outcomes concerning these important groups of generalist predators.


My reserach is carried in North Sweden and Finland, in cooperation with The Finnish Forest Reserach Instiute (Luke).


Philosophical Doctor degree on the field of Forest Ecology by the School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science and Forestry of the University of Eastern Finland (2018).

Master in Sciences degree on the fiel of Zoology by the Faculty of Biological Sciences  of The Universidad Austral de Chile (2009).

Bachelor degree in Biology by the Faculty of Biological Sciences  of The Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2003).

Publikationer i urval

Rodríguez, A., Pohjoismäki, J.L.O., & Kouki, J. (2019) Diversity of forest management promotes parasitoid functional diversity in boreal forests. Biological Conservation, 230, 108205.
Granath, G., Kouki, J., Johnson, S., Heikkala, O., Rodríguez, A., Strengbom, J. (2018) Trade-offs in berry production and biodiversity under prescribed burning and different retention regimes in Boreal forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55, 1658–1667. 
Rodríguez, A. & Kouki, J. (2017) Disturbance-mediated heterogeneity drives pollinator diversity in boreal managed forest ecosystems. Ecological Applications, 27, 589–602.
Rodríguez, A. & Kouki, J. (2015) Emulating natural disturbance in forest management enhances pollination services for dominant Vaccinium shrubs in boreal pine-dominated forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 350, 1–12.
