
Andrew Butler


My interests lie in discourses on landscape; who creates them and by what means. This takes me into issues of landscape identity, participation in landscape issues and landscape assessment as a means for forwarding these discourses.


I am engaged with lecturing and supervision through out the Landscape Architecture programme. My lectures focus on landscape theory, landscape change and landscape assessment as a tool for understanding a landscape, arguing for the values of a landscape and communicating the landscape values.

I am responsible for the Master course LK0330: Landscape Architects methods and roles in comprehensive planning


After a decade of building gardens and dry-stone walls across the United Kingdom, I undertook a program in Landscape Architecture at Leeds Metropolitan University (Now Beckett University) in the UK.

Upon graduating I began a career as a landscape planner – landscape architect, working in both the UK and Sweden.  The main focus of my work was with landscape (character) assessment.

In 2008 I began a Ph.d education at SLU, Ultuna, and 6 years later after periods of parental leave was awarded a doctoral degree for my thesis titled ‘Developing Theory of Public Involvement in Landscape Planning: Democratising Landscape’. My thesis subsequently won a Landscape Research Groups prize for best planning thesis in 2015.

I have since undertaken a two year post-doctoral position at SLU Ultuna. This was followed by an employment at NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Science) as an associate professor (førsteamanuensis), before returning to SLU as a researcher in landscape planning.



I act as supervisor for several students in both the LASU and LARK programmes at SoL

I have also acted as main supervisor for the following Ph.D's:

Daniel Valentini: (Not) Representing Cycling : Exploring the subjugation and multiplicity of cycling (2024)

Maglan Charles Sangenoi: Land use Dynamics in Small Towns: Analysis of Factors Shaping the Spatial Growth of Handeni Town, Tanzania (2023)


Paola Ledo: Planning in the context of weak planning institutions and lack of resources for implementation – the case of Sacaba, Bolivia (completed 2021)

Publikationer i urval


Peer review articles

Butler, A., E. Ångman, Å. Ode Sang, I. Sarlöv-Herlin, A. Åkerskog and I. Knez (2021). “There will be mushrooms again” – Foraging, landscape and forest fire." Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 33: 100358.

Knez, I., J. Willander, A. Butler, Å. O. Sang, I. Sarlöv-Herlin and A. Åkerskog (2021). "I can still see, hear and smell the fire: Cognitive, emotional and personal consequences of a natural disaster, and the impact of evacuation." Journal of Environmental Psychology: 101554

Butler, A. & Sarlöv-Herlin, I. (2019). Changing Landscape Identity – Practice, Plurality & Power. Editorial special issue: Landscape identity and landscape change, Landscape research.

Butler, A., Knez, I., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Åkerskog, A., Sang, Å. & Ångman, E., (2019) Foraging for identity; Relationships between landscape activities and landscape identity, in the case of catastrophic landscape change. Landscape Research,

Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2019) Politicising the landscape: A theoretical contribution towards the development of participation in landscape planning. Landscape Research.

Knez, I., Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Sang, Å. Ångman, E., & Åkerskog, A. (2018). Before and After a Natural Disaster: Disruptions in Place-identity and Wellbeing. Journal of Environmental Psychology.

Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Ångman, E., Sang, Å. & Åkerskog, A. (2017) Landscape identity, before and after a forest fire. Landscape Research. 

Chmielewski, T., Butler, A., Kułak, A., & Chmielewski, S. (2017) Landscape’s physiognomic structure: conceptual development and practical applications. Landscape Research.

Butler, A. (2016). Dynamics of integrating landscape values in landscape character assessment: the hidden dominance of the objective outsider. Landscape Research.

Butler, A. & Åkerskog, A. (2014). Awareness-raising of landscape in practice. An analysis of Landscape Character Assessments in England. Land Use Policy

Butler, A. & Berglund, U. (2014). Landscape Character Assessment as an Approach to Understanding Public Interests within the European Landscape Convention. Landscape Research.

Books Chapters

Ode-Sang, Å., Butler, A. & Knez, I. (2022) Gender and age differences for perceptual qualities of a forest landscape in relation to dramatic landscape change processes: Implications for connections to place. In eds. Llovan, O. & Markuszewska, I. Preserving and Constructing Place Attachment in Europe. Springer

Butler, A. & Sarlöv-Herlin, I. (2021) Landscape Character Assessment and Public Participation. In eds. Francis, R., Millington, J., Perry, G & Minor, E. The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. Routledge

Butler, A. (2019). A critical approach to teaching landscape assessment. In (eds.) Jørgensen, K., Karadeniz, N., Mertens, E. & Stiles, R. Routledge Handbook of teaching landscape. Routledge.

Butler, A. (2018). Landscape assessment as conflict or consensus. In (eds.) Egoz, S., Ruggeri, D. & Jørgensen, K.  Defining Landscape Democracy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Conference proceedings

Butler, A., Åkerskog, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Sang, Å., Åkerskog, A. & Ångman, E. (2017) Landscape character before and after a forest perceptions and objective descriptions. Conference: Eclas conference 2017: Creation/Reaction. Greenwich, UK.

Calderon, C. & Butler, A. (2016) ‘Towards the development of landscape democracy: a theoretical contribution’, in Uniscape. Landscape values place and praxis (Galway, Ireland  June 29th – July 2nd, 2016).

Butler, A., Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Knez, I., Sang, Å., Åkerskog, A. & Ångman, E. (2016) Landscape as a developing discourse: contested landscape identities in an area affected by forest fire. Landscape values place and praxis (Galway, Ireland  June 29th – July 2nd, 2016).

Popular publications

Sarlöv-Herlin I, Knez I, Butler A, Ode Sang Å, Ångman E, & Åkerskog A (2018) Landskapet som gick upp i rök.

Book reviews

Butler, A. (2020). Routledge handbook of landscape character assessment. Landscape Research.

Butler, A. (2017). Landscape analysis: investigating the potentials of space and place. Landscape Research, 42 (7), 806-807.


Kågström, M., Butler, A, & Dovlén, S. (2020). Välbefinnande och landskap - bortom natur (Wellbeing and landscape – beyond nature). SLU Framtidens djur, natur och hälsa, 2020:7

Butler, A. & Wärnbäck, A. (2019) Landscape and wind energy: a literature study. 

