
Global Challenges University Alliance förbinder sig till Hållbarhetsmålen Agenda 2030

Publicerad: 17 december 2018

Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA) – ett globalt nätverk av tio lantbruks- och life science-universitet har enats om hur man ska bidra till att nå FN:s hållbarhetsmål (SDG – Sustainable Development Goals). Fyra aktivitetsområden identifierades, nämligen samhällsengagemang, utbildning, forskning samt omformning av universitet och lärosäten.

Hängivet internationellt samarbete och att översätta kunskap till relevanta åtgärder är essentiellt för att adressera de globala utmaningarna. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences i Wien hade bjudit in GCUA:s medlemmar för att diskutera FN:s hållbarhetsmål som utmaning för Life Science-universitet.

I ett så kallat postion paper (se nedan) finns nedskrivet vad GCUA:s medlemmar ska bidra med till stöd för 2030-målen. Sjutton punkter beskriver mer detaljerat medlemsuniversitetens ansträngningar för att bidra till att nå hållbarhetsmålen.

– Detta har varit den första GCUA-workshopen som har SDG:s som ett ledande motiv. Och det kommer att bli fler. Vi måste införliva hållbarhetsmålen i vårt dagliga liv och tankegångar för att åstadkomma en hållbar global utveckling för framtida generationers skull, säger Marnie Hancke, koordinator för GCUA på Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.

Läs Position paper här

Här är de 17 punkterna

  1. GCUA acknowledges the severity and multitude of global challenges identified by the UN Agenda 2030 and the need for catalysing and driving fundamental transformations of societies in order to safeguard a sustainable global development, securing the survival of future generations.
  2. GCUA recognizes that the multifaceted and integrated nature of the global challenges requires an approach as broad and encompassing as the SDGs and identifies the need for integrative and systemic approaches in implementing the Agenda 2030.
  3. GCUA acknowledges that all goals and targets are to be reached and emphasizes the need for considering the entirety of goals and targets as well as their interaction when proposing action.
  4. GCUA acknowledges that universities must conceptualize their role in society, their research proposals, their teaching activities and their evaluation criteria for contributing to the UN Agenda 2030.
  5. GCUA and its member universities will provide leadership in implementing activities to fulfil the SDGs.
  6. GCUA critically analyses existing development strategies, including the Agenda 2030, and their coherence.
  7. GCUA commits to communicating the Agenda 2030 to the public and, where necessary develop the Agenda 2030 as a narrative which is tangible and useful for local communities.
  8. GCUA member universities strive to be active at the science policy and science society interface.
  9. GCUA will develop and integrate education for sustainable development curricula.
  10. GCUA commits to build professional, personal, social, and systemic competencies for agency in the sustainability agenda.
  11. GCUA identifies the crucial role of scientific research and discourse to reach the SDGs in their manifold dimensions.
  12. GCUA will foster inter and transdisciplinary research.
  13. GCUA and its member universities seek and foster new funding opportunities for research on the SDGs.
  14. GCUA will encourage scientists to reflect on the impact of their own research on the SDGs.
  15. GCUA will create an interdisciplinary culture of cooperation within and between member Universities.
  16. GCUA will foster a culture of cooperation, systems thinking and societal responsibility at Universities.
  17. GCUA will foster integration of teaching and education, science and research with the societal engagement to contribute to transformation of society towards sustainability.


Marnie Hancke
Fakulteten för naturresurser och jordbruksvetenskap, SLU
marnie.hancke@slu.se, 018-67 11 81