Ort: Umeå + zoom
Lokal: P-O Bäckströms room
Arrangör: Prof. Rubén Valbuena, Remote Sensing of Forests Division, SRH.
Mer information:
Registration: No pre-registration required
Language: English
Zoom: https://slu-se.zoom.us/j/65908844130
About NextGenCarbon:
To mitigate the severity of climate change, the EU has adopted ambitious emission reduction targets that include land-based carbon sources and sinks. To achieve and monitor progress towards these targets, we need reliable data that can be updated frequently to promptly and efficiently adjust policies for land management and fossil fuel emission reduction ambitions.
NextGenCarbon aims to develop the next generation of global C models, harnessing the potential of combining EOs, in situ data campaigns, novel demographic model structures and advanced assimilation techniques to create an unprecedentedly well-informed understanding of terrestrial C stocks and fluxes to inform multiple emerging policy frontiers.