Ort: Lund
Lokal: Ecology building
Arrangör: NordPlant
Ecology building, Lund
Invited speakers are Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet from INRA Montpellier, Stefan Jansson from Umeå Plant Science Center and Uno Wennergren from the AgTech 2030 initiative at the University of Linköping.
Representatives from the Nordic countries will also discuss future needs for plant phenotyping in the region and companies are invited to give flash talks.
Program and registration here
Erik Alexandersson, PhD
Associate Professor / docent
Dept of Plant Protection Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Coordinator of NordPlant (www.nordplant.org)
Email: erik.alexandersson@slu.se
Tel: +46-40-415338
Mobile: +46-733-443969