Rune Sørås

I am a postdoc at the Swedish Biodiversity Centre, SLU where I work with the Triekol project (Applied Road and Rail Ecology). In the project, we aim to increase our understanding of how roads and railways effect medium-sized mammals, and provide guidelines to how the negative effects can be mitigated.
Master's degree in General Ecology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) where I studied the habitat use and diet of Boreal owls (Aegolius funereus) in eastern Norway. In 2023 I finished my PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) where I studied the energy consumption of bats in Norway.
Publikationer i urval
Sørås, R., Fjelldal, M. A., Bech, C., van der Kooij, J., Eldegard, K., Stawski, C. 2023. High latitude northern bats (Eptesicus nilssonii) reveal adaptations to both high and low ambient temperatures. J. Exp. Biol 226:jeb245260.
Sørås, R., Fjelldal, M. A., Bech, C., van der Kooij, J., Skåra, K. H., Eldegard, K., Stawski, C. 2022. State dependence of arousal from torpor in brown long-eared bats (Plecotus auritus). J. Comp. Physiol B 192:815-827.
Sørås, R., Gundersen, O. A., Steen, R., Sonerud, G. A. 2020. Returning for more prey? Foraging in provisioning male Boreal owls (Aegolius funereus). J. Ornith. 161:171-181.
Fjelldal, M. A., Sørås, R., Stawski, C. 2022. Universality of torpor expression in bats. Phys. Bioc. Zool. 95:326-339.