
John Pringle

Graduated as a veterinarian 1981 from university of Guelph Canada. Residency in large animal internal medicine same university, completed 1987. Certified as a north american specialist in large animal internal medicine (by examination) Diplomate ACVIM 1988. PhD large animal physiology; University of Liege Belgium 1998. Professor equine internal medicine SLU 2000 to present.


Over the past decade has  focussed on infectious  diseases of the horse, including pathphysiology of european Anaplasma phagocytophilum, relationship of low  virulent viruses on health and athletic performance,  and on host pathogen   relationship of Streptococcus equi ssp zooepidemicus and Streptococcus equi ssp equi 


Has taught most topics in relation to large animals internal medicine concerning  equine and  ruminants in Canada, the USA.  Since relocating to Sweden teaching activities have been limited to topics largely related to equine  diseases.  Currently  teach in the 4th and 5th years of  the veterinary  program in the subject of clinical  diagnosis and responsible for expertise and  education in most of the infectious  diseases of the horse. Also serves as research supervisor and advisor, as well as examiner for final year  veterinary thesis projects. 


Currently completed a major  research team focus funded by FORMAS  to  investigate methods and understandings needed to eradicate the disease "strangles" caused by Streptococcus equi ssp equi from  horses populations in Sweden.




Member of the  Uppsala  Animal  Ethics  review  committee.  Member of  the Swedish Science Research  Council (VR)  expert  group  on animal Ethics. Founding member, and formerly   secretary and  board member of the European College of Equine Internal medicine;  currently  Ombudsman  for the  same college. 

Full member of the European Committee of Veterinary Education (ECOVE),  which is under the umbrella  of the The European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE).

External  examiner for 8 PhDs outside of Sweden. Expert assessor internationally for 5  docenture/associate professorships (Finland, New Zealand, France) and 3 full professorships (Canada, Norway, Scotland).


Main  supervisor for eight succcessfully completed PhDs and  three as cosupervisor since 2000. Currently one cosupervised PhD candidate  due to complete late 2019. 

Publikationer i urval

1.   Emma Odelros; Anna Kendall; Ylva Hedberg-Alm; John Pringle.  Idiopathic peritonitis in horses – a retrospective study of 130 cases. Acta Vet Scand 2019: in press 

2. Pringle J. ,Venner M, Tscheschlok L, Bächi L., Riihimäki M, Long term silent carriers of Streptococcus equi ssp. equi following strangles; Carrier detection related to sampling site of collection and culture versus qPCR. The Vet Journal  2019; 246:66-70.

3 Hansen S, Ammentorp A, Pringle J,  Jørgensen MLH, Riihimäki M,  Fjeldborg  J Seasonal variation in tracheal mucous and bronchoalveolar lavage cytology for adult clinically healthy stabled horses. J Eq Vet Sci. 2018; 71: 1-5

4.  Frosth S, Pringle J, Stenberg S, Potential transmission of bacteria, including Streptococcus equi spp., between stables via visitors’ clothes. J Eq Vet Sci. 2018: 71;  71-74 

5  Riihimäki M, Aspan A, Ljung , H, Pringle J. Long term dynamics of a Streptococcus equi ssp equi outbreak, assessed by qPCR and culture and seM sequencing in silent carriers of strangles. Vet  Micro 2018:  223:107-112

6. Tcheschlock L, Venner M, Steward K, Riihimäki M, Pringle. Reduced clinical severity of strangles in weanlings associated with restricted seroconversion to optimized S. equi assays". JVIM  accepted for publication Nov 2017

7.     Hagglund S, Blodorn K, Naslund K, Vargmar K, Lind S, Mi J, Arainga M, Riffault S, Taylor G, Pringle J, Valarcher JF. Proteome analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage from calves infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus- Insights in pathogenesis and perspectives for new treatments. PLOS ONE 2017

8.     Back H, Berndtsson LT, Gröndahl G, Ståhl K, Pringle J, Zohari S. The first reported Florida clade 1 virus in the Nordic countries, isolated from a Swedish outbreak of equine influenza in 2011. Vet Microbiol. 2016 Feb 29;184:1-

9.     Back H,   Ullman K,   Leijon M,  Söderlund R,  Penell J,  Ståhl K,   Pringle J,  Valarcher J-F.  Genetic variation and dynamics of infections of equine herpesvirus type 5 (EHV-5) in individual horses .  J Gen Virology 30 October, 2015 Journal of General Virology doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000332


10.     Helena Back1 Karin Ullman Louise Treiberg Berndtsson  Miia Riihimäki Johanna Penell Karl Ståhl  Jean-François Valarcher  John Pringle.  Viral load in nasal secretion of equine herpesviruses 2 and 5 in actively racing Standardbred trotters: temporal relationship of shedding to clinical findings and poor performance.   Vet  Micro 2015 Sep 30;179(3-4):142-8

11.     Back H, Penell J, Pringle J, Isaksson M, Ronéus N, Treiberg Berndtsson L, Ståhl K. A longitudinal study of poor performance and subclinical respiratory viral activity in Standardbred trotters Vet Rec Open. 2015 Jun 17;2(1)

12.     Blödorn K. Hägglund S ….  Pringle J, Eleouet J-F., Riffault  S, Taylor G,  Valarcher J-F. Vaccine safety and efficacy evaluation of a recombinant bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) with deletion of the SH gene and subunit vaccines based on recombinant human RSV proteins: N-nanorings, P and M2-1, in calves with maternal antibodies PLOS ONE in press 2014

13.     A. Kendall and J. Pringle Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia: Drug induced or not? Equine Veterinary Education Volume 26, Issue 5, May 2014, Pages: 234–236, Article first published online : 14 JAN 2014, DOI: 10.1111/eve.1213

14    Susanne B. Lindahl, Anna Aspán, Viveca Båverud , Romain Paillot , John Pringle , Nicola L. Rash , Robert Söderlund  and Andrew S. Waller  Clonal outbreak of upper respiratory disease caused by Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus in horses. Vet Microbiol   2013;166 :281-5

15.     Lindahl, S.  Aspán A. Egenvall, A,   Båverud. V , Pringle, J. Evaluation of sampling techniques and real-time PCR for improved detection rate of Streptococcus equi subsp equi in horses with strangles.  J Vet Int Med  2013; 27:542-7.


16.     Back, H,  Kendall A, Grandon R,   Ullman K,  Treiberg-Berndtsson L,  Ståhl K,  Pringle J. Equine Multinodular Pulmonary Fibrosis in association with asinine herpesvirus type 5 and equine herpesvirus type 5: a case report Acta Vet Scand. 2012 Sep 25;54:57.

