Carola Wingren

Carola Wingren (1959) is professor in Landscape Architecture at SLU since 2003, and since 2019 in SLU, Uppsala where she is subject group leader for the subject area “Professional practice”. She is orientated towards landscape aesthetics and change, especially related to sustainability and climate adaptation. Important in her work is how the act of design and planning can facilitate sustainable transformation without losing people’s possibilities for identification with place and landscape. Wingren’s approach is often transdisciplinary and initially coming from a practitioner’s background, she communicate both scientifically and popular through lectures, texts and as well through films and exhibitions. Wingren has won several prizes related to landscape architecture and in 2019 she won the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry’s (KSLA) Award for Research Communication. Wingren has been project leader for a number of research projects; The Contemporary Cemetery (Formas), The sustainable soundscape of the city (Vinnova), The role of the green in a Climate Savvy City (Delegationen för hållbara städer and Arkus), and New forms for Urban green in a densified city (Movium partnerskap). Wingren was also part of the Formas project “Designing Places for Memory and Meaning” and the MSB project Facing the threat of rising sea levels - Planning and designing a changing landscape. Wingren is one of the principal investigators (PI) in the HERA-project on European level “Cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe: a study of migrant and minority cultural inclusion, exclusion and integration (CeMi)”, led by professor Avril Maddrell, University of Reading, United Kingdom.
She is actually part of the following Formas financed research projects:
Coastal adaptation through flexible land-use in collaboration with SGI, KTH, Konstkiosk and Kalmar municipality
Mobile Necropolis: The potential, effects and meaning of large scale move of human remains in Sweden in collaboration with Umeå University.
and part of the interdisciplinary
Kustperspektiv, at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies in Lund
Wingren teaches landscape design in the program for landscape architecture, especially at master level. She has been course responsible for the studio course "Site concept and theory" (LK0273) and a course in cemetery management (LK0198). Today she is responsible for the course "Studio - Explorative methods to meet current societal challenges" (LK0428, former LK0316) at SLU in Uppsala. She teaches in several courses and supervises and examine a great number of master thesis' in the "Landscape architecture program" as well as in the master program "Landscape architecture for sustainable urbinasation".
Coastal adaptation through flexible land-use (Formas 2022-2025) in collaboration with SGI, KTH, Konstkiosk and Kalmar municipality
Mobile Necropolis: The potential, effects and meaning of large scale move of human remains in Sweden (Formas 2021-2024) in collaboration with Umeå University.
Kustperspektiv, at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies in Lund
Cemeteries and Crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe: a study of migrant and minority cultural inclusion, exclusion and integration (CeMi) (HERA 2020-2022)
The Contemporary Cemetery. Formas, 2012-2015. Main applicant.
Rising sea levels. MSB, 2012-2015. Co-applicant.
Kommunikation om stigande havsnivåer i Höganäs. Gyllenstiernska Krapperupsstiftelsen, 2015-2016. Main applicant.
Soundscape Malmö 2. Partnerskap Alnarp, 2012. Main applicant.
New forms for urban green in a densified city. P-ship Alnarp, 2010-2013. Main applicant.
Green in a climate savvy city. Delegationen för hållbara städer, 2010-2013. Main applicant.
Landskapet och skissen. KSLA, 2011-2015. Main applicant.
Former projects: Designing Places for Memory and Meaning, The transitional landscape of urbanity.
Wingren collaborates with society in different ways, where one is to communicate about landscape issues as well as research results through dance theatre, exhibition and film:
Hallin, Caroline. Alexanderson, Helena. Knaggård, Persson, Andreas. Åsa. Sahlin, Ullrika. Thorén, Henrik. Wingren, Carola. Zander, Ulf. (2024). Kustperspektiv – en utställning om det föränderliga kustlandskapets utmaningar och möjligheter.
The mobile exhibition: På liv och död. Form Design Center, Malmö November 2023, SKKF conference in Norrköping April 2024 and in Skövde November 2024.
Exhibition with SGI and Konstkiosk in Kalmar summer 2023 connected to the COALA project
Dance theatre "Something about wilderness", Skånes dansteater, May-June 2017.
Exhibition ”Vattnet kommer!”, Form Design Center November 19th 2016 – February 8th 2017.
Exhibition AgNO3. (2016-2017). The Rising sea level project presented among other scientific material.,c2155640
Exhibitions at the Architecture Museum in Stockholm in 1998. The project ‘Filtret’ dealing with the relation between space of place and space of flow.
Exhibitions at the Architecture Museum in Stockholm in 2001. The project ‘Rista spår i kaos’ dealing with the specific city access road situation with inspiration in the writing of Deleuze and Guattari.
Wingren has also other commitments as representative for the community of landscape architecture like being a jury member for design competitions or representative in other ways:
Jury member for the competition Imagine Open Skåne 2030. 2015-2016.
Jury member for several cemetery competions on professional or student basis 2014, 2015 and 2017.
Chairperson, international jury for City People Light Award in Venice in 2008.
Jury member for the Swedish landscape architecture prize, the Siena prize, 2013 and 2002.
Jury member for Fristadstorget, Eskilstuna, 2004-2005.
Jury member for Vägverket, Architectural year, 2001.
Delegate for Swedish Landscape Architects worldwide (IFLA), in Europe (EFLA), 2000-2003, 2007, 2009.
Expert, evaluator of landscape educations in UCD, Dublin, 2005-2007, Wageningen 2015.
Co-editor, Utblick Landskap, 1991-1995.
Wingren is and has been main supervisor for a big number of master thesis' in landscape architecture. She is also supervisor at PhD level (soundscape and landscape architecture).
Actual PhD student: Josephine Norrbo working on landscape aesthitics in relation to professionals and citizens
Publikationer i urval
Wingren, Carola (2024). Konst i samhällsplanering för ett föränderligt klimatlandskap. Hållbarhetens dimensioner. Hållbarhetens dimensioner. Red. Arora-Jonsson, Seema. Waldenström, Cecilia. Sandström, Emil.
Wingren, Carola. (2024). Staden och döden. Tidskriften stad. Tema: Stad i norr Kiruna. 45-2024. Movium, Alnarp. 14-19.
Helena Nordh, Carola Wingren, Tanu Priya Uteng, Marianne Knapskog. (2023). Co-creating and Co-producing Multicultural Cemeteries in Norway and Sweden: A Comparative Study with Insight from Drammen, Eskilstuna and Umeå. Mobilities in Life and Death - Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries. IMISCOE Research series. Springer Nature. Berlin.
Helena Nordh, Carola Wingren. (2023). “It is the greenness, the nature, it looks as if someone has taken care of the place very well”: Experiences from St Eskil cemetery in Sweden. Approaching Religion. Vol. 13, Nr 1, 62-79.
Helena Nordh, Carola Wingren, Tanu Priya Uteng, Marianne Knapskog. (2023). Disrespectful or socially acceptable? – A nordic case study of cemeteries as recreational landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 231.
Nordh, Helena; House, Danielle; Westendorp, Mariske; Maddrell, Avril; Wingren, Carola; Kmec, Sonja; McClymont, Katie; Jedan, Christoph; Priya Uteng, Tanu; Beebeejaun, Yasminah; Venbrux, Eric. (2021). Rules, Norms and Practices – A Comparative Study Exploring Disposal Practices and Facilities in Northern Europe. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. Vol: 83, issue:4, pages 1-29. DOI:10.1177/00302228211042138
Wingren, Carola. (2019). Walk and dance through landscape in design studio teaching – reflective movement as an initial and explorative design tool. Teaching Landscape 2: the studio experience: a collection of examples of course units in 20 different landscape architectural schools. ECLAs. Routledge
Wingren, Carola. (2018). The human body as a sensory tool for designing – in order to understand, express and propose changes in coastal landscapes. Landscape review. A Time for Designing. Vol 18 No 1 (2018).(
Germundsson, T & Wingren C. (2017). Kampen om kusten – en ekologisk, ekonomisk och politisk utmaning. Politisk ekologi - om makt och miljöer. Red. Jönsson. E & Andersson. E. Studentlitteratur. Lund
Wingren, C. ed. (2017). Landskapet och skissen. SLU, Alnarp.
Petersson, Anna; Cerwén, Gunnar Liljas, Maria & Wingren, Carola. (2017). Urban cemetery animals: an exploration of animal’s place in the human cemetery. Mortality. DOI: 10.1080/13576275.2017.1282942.
Cerwén, G. Wingren, C. Qviström, M. (2017). Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol:60, issue:7, pages 1253-1275 DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2016.1215969
Wingren, C. (2016). Vattnet kommer! Exhibition and catalogue about rising sea levels at Form/Design Center i Malmö Nov16-Feb17.
Wingren, C. (2016). New strategies to act within the uncertain - about the value of altering institutionalized design methods with unexpected, Transvaluation, Chalmers. Published online. ISBN: 978-91-88041-00-5
Wingren. (2016). Konstnärliga metoder kommunicerar kustlandskapets dynamik. Vatten– Journal of Water Management and Research 72:2–2016. Lund.
Wingren, C. (2013). Place-Making Strategies in Multicultural Swedish Cemeteries - The cases of ‘Östra kyrkogården’ in Malmö, and Järva Common. Mortality 18(2), 151-172. 2013.
Petersson, A. & Wingren, C. (2011). Designing a Memorial Place: Continuing Care, Passage Landscapes and Future Memories, Mortality 16(1). 2011.
Wingren, C. (2009). Ideal Landscapes of Memory and Meaning in the Urban Environment. Nature, Space and the Sacred. Transdisciplinary Perspectives. S. Bergmann, P. M. Scott and M. Jansdotter. Aldershot, England, Ashgate: 191-206.
Cerwén, Tunbjörk, Jergmo, Hedfors Carola Wingren. (2015-2015). Workshop om ljud vid Skogskyrkogården 2-3 november 2015.
Wingren, C. (2015). Urbana nyanser av grönt – om grönskans roll i en förtätad klimatsmart stad. Stad & Land nr 187. SLU, Alnarp
Wingren, C (2014). Rundspørge til 14 professorer: 2014, det bedste og det værste. Landskab, 2014:7, Arkitektens forlag, Köbenhavn
Wingren, C. (2009). En landskapsarkitekts konstnärliga praktik – kunskapsutveckling via en självbiografisk studie. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae nr 2009:27, Alnarp.
Wingren, C (ed). (2009). Landet utanför – landskapsestetikens betydelse för den urbana människan. Temanummer. Kungl. Skogs- och lantbruksakademiens tidskrift. 2009: 5, s 44-52.
Wingren, C. (2008). Det skarpa instrumentet - Ritningen som verktyg och representation. Kartan i forskningens tjänst. Red. A.-S. G. Lars-Erik Edlund, Birgitta Svensson. Uppsala, Kungl. Gustav Adolf Akademien för svensk folkkultur: 191-206.
Wingren, C. (2002). Designprogram. Göteborgsregionens infarter, Vägverket. Region Väst.
Green city, 2015.
The film Rising waters:
The film Rising waters:
The film Green City: