
Food & cities network meeting

Publicerad: 11 januari 2022

On 15th November 2021, the Food&Cities project hosted its first network meeting that invited researchers, teachers and PhD students from across SLU working within various thematic areas related to food systems and sustainable urban development.

Participants shortly presented their work and pitched ideas or for collaboration and development, which was followed by a discussion on ideas for the future of Food&Cities in 2022.

The meeting heard from a variety of interesting projects about the following topics:

  • Vertical plant cultivation (in Northern Latitudes)
  • Permaculture & sustainable local food systems
  • Technical innovations and food production
  • Urbanisation and food security in low and middle income countries
  • Food and nutrition security in cities
  • Integrated food production systems
  • Food chain logistics
  • Smart urban agriculture
  • Circular food production systems
  • Horticultural food production systems and urban transformations
  • Food landscapes

This network meeting was the first of Food&Cities’ engagements aimed at encouraging cross-disciplinary discussion at SLU. Through outreach activities, the project aims to inspire researchers, students and interested parties by showcasing the innovative research and teaching going on across SLU; and further inspire inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.

You can find the presentation slides of the short presentations here (pdf)

FC network meeting slides 15 Nov 2021.pdf


Food & Citiesis a collaboration between SLU Future Food and SLU Urban Futures. The project communicates SLU’s existing research and aims to create new encounters between different disciplines and sectors. The project seeks to identify knowledge gaps and cross-disciplinary research questions and investigates how a long-term thematic focus on food and citiescould be established at SLU.