
Ny finansiering av NVV

Publicerad: 29 januari 2021

Institutionen för ekonomi har received a new funding by KSLA for project "Towards a sustainable Swedish food system - a knowledge synthesis of environmental impacts and policy options"


Huvudsökande är Elin Röös (SLU) och medsökande är Assem Abouhatab (SLU), Christel Cederberg och Martin Persson (Chalmers), Biljana Macura (SEI), och Therese Lindahl och Malin Jonell (Beijer Institute)


Aims and objectives

The overall aim of this project is to increase the knowledge needed for the development of policies aimed at decreasing negative environmental effects from Swedish food consumption. The project also aims at identifying knowledge gaps in this subject area. In environmental effects, we include climate impact as well as a wide range of other environmental pressures. To reach the overall aim of the project, we will:

1. compile the existing evidence of the environmental impacts in and outside Sweden of different foods groups relevant to Swedish consumption

2. conduct a systematic mapping of the evidence on policy options to shift food consumption to decrease environmental pressures, map knowledge clusters and gaps, and further investigate findings on the subject in areas with sufficient evidence

3. engage with relevant stakeholders to ensure the relevance of the work, effective knowledge dissemination and to co-create further research and policy priorities.

Role:  Assem will co-lead Work package 2 (Systematic mapping of the evidence on policy options to shift consumption). WP2 will systematically map the evidence on policy instruments for sustainable food consumption and conduct supplemental policy reviews on the effectiveness of selected policies, in order to identify knowledge clusters and gaps for policy development. A number of researchers from the department including Helena Hansson and Sara Säll will be members of the project’s expert group

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