
ArkDes Open Call for Fellowship (2018-2019): Projecting the Future

Publicerad: 12 februari 2018

ArkDes is inviting researchers and practitioners to spend 6 months with them between September 2018 and February 2019, to conduct research and develope small-scale projects around the broad topic of Projecting the Future.

The ArkDes Fellowship offers practitioners, spatial thinkers, and researchers operating in or around the fields of architecture and design opportunities for interdisciplinary research at ArkDes, the Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design. The first annual Fellowship is dedicated to the theme of Projecting the Future, providing four Fellows space and resources to conduct exploratory work for a 6 month-long period (September 2018 to February 2019) in Stockholm.

With the headline exhibition The Future Starts Here opening in 2019, ArkDes will become a centre for future studies. Sweden is an important territory in which to consider future trends; while semi-peripheral, it maintains a global impact on models of social governance and the creative industries. With a General Election around the corner (September 2018), questions surrounding immigration, politics, militarisation, and housing are currently reframing a debate about society and its relationship to the built environment.

The deadline is March 19th 2018. In April an independent jury will make the final selection of Fellows. 

Read more and apply!

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