
SLU Urban Talks under MakeCity Festivalen i Berlin

Publicerad: 11 oktober 2018

Seminarieserien SLU Urban Talks flyttade utomlands i sommar, då SLU Urban Futures deltog under MakeCity-festivalen i Berlin den 26-29 juni. Tre Urban Talks arrangeras i samarbete med nystartade feldfünf, i centrala Berlin. Nina Vogel, programkoordinator på plattformen, har skrivit en sammanfattning av plattformens aktiviteter.

The activities

feldfünf organises in collaboration with guest curator Dr Lisa Diedrich, professor of landscape architecture and director of the Research Platform SLU Urban Futures of SLU University/Alnarp, a threefold lecture series with international actors in the fields of urbanism and landscape architecture.

The presented research and practice embraces experiments for urban futures – to upgrade the informal districts of Argentine metropolises (Talk #1), to define home for urbanised aboriginal communities in Australia (Talk #2), to continuously reshape the public space of European cities (Talk #3).

This endeavour focuses on redesign rather than on new forms, on fundamental figures of thought for remixing the city, and on design from the ground up – it is an invitation to experiment with neighbourhoods, cultures and urbanities, also in Germany, also in the district around the new activity spaces of feldfünf, in the very centre of Berlin.

The venue - Feldfünf

The METROPOLENHAUS Am Jüdischen Museum offers space for interaction in the spirit of the ‘intercultural mosaic’ with its orientation towards art, design and everyday life with a focus on exchange between oriental, Jewish and German culture. Read more here

Feldfünf stands for the project spaces on the ground floor that offer temporary project rooms and/or artist studios that can be used as showrooms, pop-up galleries or for workshops to form an environment for exchange, networking, and urban co-existence. The conceptual idea is based on a cross-financing by owners of the residential and commercial units of the Metropolenhaus to activate and offer possibilities linked to the neighborhood. As such a plurality of actors are part in taking responsibility for sustainable urban development. Read more here.

The Berlin Urban Talks

Urban Talk #1 - Tuesday 26 June 
Flavio Janches, architect, BJC Architects/ University of Buenos Aires
Whose City is it? Working with fragmented neighbourhoods in Buenos Aires

Urban Talk #2  - Thursday 28 June 
Gini Lee, curator, Oratunga/ University of Melbourne
Returning Home. Acknowledging communities and cultures in Australia

Urban Talk #3 Friday 29 June 
Maria Goula, landscape architect, Barcelona/ Cornell University, Ithaca
Find Your Public! Spatialising urbanities in European cities