Ort: Zoom
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 24 mars 2025
Internationalisation is becoming an increasingly important feature of doctoral studies and higher education, both as a means of facilitating transnational research dialogue, increasing employability, and supporting career building. It also holds a set of vital individual-based values for personal development in becoming a researcher.
In this lunch seminar we will briefly present a new book on this specific topic, but first and foremost focus on supervisor’s personal experiences and recommendations in supporting their doctoral students in this specific area.
Björn Norlin is Senior Lecturer in Education and Associate professor of History and Education at Umeå University.
Carina Rönnqvist is Research coordinator at Faculty Office of Arts and Humanities at Umeå University.
Seminariet genomförs via Zoom, på engelska och har ingen avgift
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