Ort: Online (Zoom)
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 1 maj 2023
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Online (Zoom)
ChatGPT and similar AI-based textbots raises a number of questions concerning academic integrity, as AI can produce increasingly sophisticated texts.
Seminariet hålls på Engelska.
Associate professor Sonja Bjelobaba will give us at SLU an introduction to this subject and then we will have time for questions and a discussion.
Sonja Bjelobaba är forskare vid Centrum för forsknings- & bioetik samt universitetslektor vid Institutionen för moderna språk vid Uppsala Universitet.
Associate professor Sonja Bjelobaba is researcher at the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics as well as an associate professor at the Department of Modern Languages the Uppsala university.
Sonja Bjelobaba is a vice-president of European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) and co-ordinator of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business and Society (BRIDGE, 2020-2023).
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