13 maj

Rum Krusenberg D326, Uppsala

Past and Current Land use and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in an Ancient Settlement from Maramures, Romania

seminarier, workshops |

Avdelningen för agrarhistoria hälsar dig välkommen till ett seminarium med Dr. Cosmin Marius Ivașcu, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Rumänien. Seminariet hålls på engelska.

The aim of this seminar is to establish and discuss a cross comparative analysis of the traditional land use system in the region of Maramureș. We will provide an overview on the historical changes that have had an impact on the subsistence of the communities living in this region. However, we will also discuss some aspects related to the living traditional knowledge behind land use systems and subsistence. Traditional ecological knowledge is not recorded in historical documents, but it is the key element behind land use systems.



Cosmin Marius Ivașcu  disputerade 2018 med sin doktorsavhandling, Traditional ecological knowledge and bio-cultural adaptations in Ieud village, an ancient settlement from the land of Maramureș, vid Faculty of Biology, Babeș-Bolyai University i Rumänien.

» En engelsk sammanfattning (avhandlingen är skriven på rumänska)