Ort: Lund
Lokal: K2, Bruksgatan 8
Arrangör: K2, Nationellt kunskapscentrum för kollektivtrafik
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Language: English
Sign up: christina.Scholten@mau.se
K2, Bruksgatan 8, Lund
K2 seminar with Andrew Karvonen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
The collection Inside Smart Cities provides real-world evidence on how local authorities, small and medium enterprises, corporations, utility providers and civil society groups are creating smart cities at the neighbourhood, city and regional scales. Twenty three empirically detailed case studies from the Global North and South illustrate the multiple and diverse incarnations of smart urbanism. The contributors draw on ideas from urban studies, geography, urban planning, science and technology studies and innovation studies to go beyond the rhetoric of technological innovation and reveal the political, social and physical implications of digitalising the built environment.
Collectively, the practices of smart urbanism raise fundamental questions about the sustainability, liveability and resilience of cities in the future. The findings are relevant to academics, students, practitioners and urban stakeholders who are questioning how urban innovation relates to politics and place.
Language: English
Sign up: christina.Scholten@mau.se