Torgny Lind

Publikationer i urval
Lind, Torgny, 2000. Strategic forestry planning : evaluation of variable spatial aggregations and forest landscapes. Doctoral Thesis. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå.
Rapaport, Eric, Lind, Torgny, 2003. Steps Towards Integrating Carbon Dioxide Sources and Sinks into Local Environmental Planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46, 803 - 816.
Barth, A., Lind, T., Petersson, H. et al. 2006 A framework for evaluating data acquisition strategies for analyses of sustainable forestry at national level. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 21, 94-105.
Duncker, P., Ambroży, S., Barreiro, S., Carnus, J.M., Cavaignac, S., Chantre, G., Gonzalez, J.R., Hengeveld, G.M., Lind, T., Mason, W.L., Najar, M., Spiecker, H., 2011. Comparative analysis of alternative forest management approaches on production from European spruce and pine forests. Manuscript.
Duncker, P. S., Barreiro, S. M., Hengeveld, G. M., Lind, T, Mason, W. L., Ambrozy, S, Spiecker, H. 2012. Classification of Forest Management Approaches: A New Conceptual Framework and Its Applicability to European Forestry. Ecology and Society 17(4).
Barth, A., Lind, T., Ståhl, G. 2012 Restricted imputation for improving spatial consistency in landscape level data for forest scenario analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 272, 61-68.
Eggers, J., Lämås, T., Lind, T. Öhman, K. 2014 Factors influencing the choice of management strategy among small-scale private forest owners in Sweden. Forests, 5, 1695-1716.
Eggers, J., Holmström, H., Lämås, T., Lind, T. Öhman, K. 2015 Accounting for a Diverse Forest Ownership Structure in Projections of Forest Sustainability Indicators Forests,, 6, doi:10.3390/f60x000x
Berg S., Valinger E., Lind T., Suominen T., Tuomasjukka D. (2016). Comparison of co-existing forestry and reindeer husbandry value chains in northern Sweden. Silva Fennica vol. 50 no. 1 article id 1384.
Horstskotte, T, Moen, J., Lind, T. (2016) Quantifying the implications of different land users’ priorities in the management of boreal multiple-use forests. Environmental Management. Volume 57, Issue 4, Pages 770-783
Torbjörn Ebenhard, Maria Forsberg, Torgny Lind, Daniel Nilsson, Rune Andersson, Urban Emanuelsson, Lennart Eriksson, Oscar Hultåker, Maria Iwarsson Wide, Göran Ståhl. (2016).Environmental effects of brushwood harvesting for bioenergy. Forest Ecology and Management.
Eggers, J., et al. (2017). "Balancing different forest values: Evaluation of forest management scenarios in a multi-criteria decision analysis framework." Forest Policy and Economics.
Eggers, J., et al. (2018). "Balancing landscape-level forest management between recreation and wood production." Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 33: 1-11.
Lidestav, G., et al. (2017). Interactions between forest owners and their forests. Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use: Natural Resource Management in Transition: 97-137.
Valinger, E., et al. (2018). "Reindeer husbandry in a mountain Sami village in boreal Sweden: the social and economic effect of introducing GPS collars and adaptive forest management." Agroforestry Systems 92(4): 933-943.
Gschwantner, T., Alberdi, I., Balázs, A., Bauwens, S., Bender, S., Borota, D., Bosela, M., Bouriaud, O., Cañellas, I., Donis, J., Freudenschuß, A., Hervé, J.-C., Hladnik, D., Jansons, J., Kolozs, L., Korhonen, K.T., Kucera, M., Kulbokas, G., Kuliešis, A., Lanz, A., Lejeune, P., Lind, T., Marin, G., Morneau, F., Nagy, D., Nord-Larsen, T., Nunes, L., Pantić, D., Paulo, J.A., Pikula, T., Redmond, J., Rego, F.C., Riedel, T., Saint-André, L., Šebeň, V., Sims, A., Skudnik, M., Solti, G., Tomter, S.M., Twomey, M., Westerlund, B., Zell, J.(2019) Harmonisation of stem volume estimates in European National Forest Inventories. Annals of Forest Science, 76 (1), art. no. 24
Eggers, J., Holmgren, S., Nordström, E.-M., Lämås, T., Lind, T., Öhman, K. (2019) Balancing different forest values: Evaluation of forest management scenarios in a multi-criteria decision analysis framework. Forest Policy and Economics, 103, pp. 55-69.
Vauhkonen, J., Berger, A., Gschwantner, T., Schadauer, K., Lejeune, P., Perin, J., Pitchugin, M., Adolt, R., Zeman, M., Johannsen, V.K., Kepfer-Rojas, S., Sims, A., Bastick, C., Morneau, F., Colin, A., Bender, S., Kovácsevics, P., Solti, G., Kolozs, L., Nagy, D., Nagy, K., Twomey, M., Redmond, J., Gasparini, P., Notarangelo, M., Rizzo, M., Makovskis, K., Lazdins, A., Lupikis, A., Kulbokas, G., Antón-Fernández, C., Rego, F.C., Nunes, L., Marin, G., Calota, C., Pantić, D., Borota, D., Roessiger, J., Bosela, M., Šebeň, V., Skudnik, M., Adame, P., Alberdi, I., Cañellas, I., Lind, T., Trubins, R., Thürig, E., Stadelmann, G., Ditchburn, B., Ross, D., Gilbert, J., Halsall, L., Lier, M., Packalen, T. “Harmonised projections of future forest resources in Europe” (2019) Annals of Forest Science, 76 (3), art. no. 79, DOI: 10.1007/s13595-019-0863-6