Louise Bartek
My background is in Environmental and Water Engineering, and the focus of my Ph.D. project is resource recovery for sustainable supply chains. Currently, I mainly work with assessments of sustainable use of resources within the food system, with a special focus on food waste and valorisation of side flows from the food industry. As a tool for assessing the environmental impact, I use the life cycle analysis (LCA) and the software SimaPro.
The aim of my work is to quantify the environmental impact and identify potential benefits with innovative processes where valuable recourses, such as fat and protein fractions, are recycled back to the food system. Two sustainability aspects that are also central to my research are climate impact and biodiversity.
S. Hildersten (2023). The carbon footprint of rye bread production in Sweden.
L. Weber (2022). The climate impact of the bread take-back agreement: a scenario-based assessment of decarbonization opportunities along the Swedish bread supply chain.
L. Sigvardsson, & M. Lind Mayer (2022). Stadens biologiska mångfald: ett urbant grönområdes ekosystempåverkan ur ett livscykelperspektiv.
C. Hoegberg & A. Olsson (2022). Deligate’s role and impact in the food system: a case study of a Swedish company’s multifaceted approach to tackle avoidable food waste in the retail sector.
Publikationer i urval
Sundin. N, Bartek. L, Persson Osowski. C, Strid. I, Eriksson. M (2023).
Sustainability assessment of surplus food donation: A transfer system generating environmental, economic, and social values,
Sustainable Production and Consumption.
Bartek. L, Sundin. N, Strid. I, Andersson. M, Hansson. P-A, Eriksson. M (2022).
Environmental benefits of circular food systems: The case of upcycled protein recovered using genome edited potato, Journal of Cleaner Production.
Eriksson. M., Bartek. L., Löfkvist. K., Malefors. C., Olsson. M.E. (2021) Environmental Assessment of Upgrading Horticultural Side Streams—The Case of Unharvested Broccoli Leaves. Sustainability.
Bartek. L., Strid. I., Henryson. K., Junne. S., Rasi. S., Eriksson. M. (2021)
Life cycle assessment of fish oil substitute produced by microalgae using food waste. Sustainable Production and Consumption.