
Habitat, energiresurs och kolinlagring i årets vetenskapliga publikationer

Publicerad: 16 december 2016

I skrivande stund räknar vi till sju vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade under 2016 där Heurekasystemet använts.

- Nu närmar vi oss raskt 40 publikationer sedan 2009, glädjande nog gjorda av ett antal olika forskargrupper, även utanför SLU, berättar programchefen Tomas Lämås i sin summering över 2016.

Här kan du läsa mer om några av artiklarna:

"Kan man få mer naturvårdsnytta för samma pengar?"

"Sly – förbisedd energiresurs med oväntad potential"

"Rennäringsanpassad skogsskötsel bra för kolinlagring"

Alla vetenskapliga artiklar där Heureka använts: 

Vetenskapliga artiklar

Schulte, M., Jonsson, R., Hammar, T., Eggers, J., Stendahl, J. & Hansson, P-A. 2024. Climate change mitigation from increased paper recycling in Sweden: conserving forests or utilizing substitution? Environmental Research Communications 6 (7)

Fahlvik, N., Trubins, R., Holmström, E., Sonesson, J., Lundmark, T. & Nilsson, U. 2024. Abandoning conversion from even-aged to uneven-aged forest stands – the effects on production and economic returns. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 39 (2), 77-88

Mattsson, E., Karlsson, P. E., Erlandsson, M., Nilsson, Å. & Holmström, H. 2024. Indicators of Sustainable Forestry: Methodological Approaches for Impact Assessments across Swedish Forestry. Sustainability 16(8), 3331

Eriksson, A., Eggers, J., Claesson, S., Fridman, J., Nylander, M., Olsson, P., Öhman, K. & Nordström, E-M. 2024. Availability and mobilization of forest resources in Sweden. European Journal of Forest Research 143, 703–712 
Blattert, C., Mönkkönen, M., Burgas, D., Di Fulvio, F., Toraño Caicoya, A., Vergarechea, M., Klein, J., Hartikainen, M., Antón-Fernández, C., Astrup, R., Emmerich, M., Forsell, N., Lukkarinen, J., Lundström, J., Pitzén, S., Poschenrieder, W., Primmer, E., Snäll, T. & Eyvindson, K. 2023. Climate targets in European timber-producing countries conflict with goals on forest ecosystem services and biodiversity. Communication Earth & Environment 4, 1–12.

Schulte, M., Jonsson, R., Eggers, J., Hammar, T., Stendahl, J. & Hansson, P.-A., 2023. Demand-driven climate change mitigation and trade-offs from wood product substitution: The case of Swedish multi-family housing construction. Journal of Cleaner Production 421, 138487.

Löfroth, T., Merinero, S., Johansson, J., Nordström, E-M., Sahlström, E., Sjögren, J. & Ranius, T. 2023. Land-sparing benefits biodiversity while land-sharing benefits ecosystem services: Stakeholders’ perspectives on biodiversity conservation strategies in boreal forests. Ambio

Felton, A., Belyazid, S., Eggers, J., Nordström, E-M. & Öhman, K. 2023. Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for production forests: Trade-offs, synergies, and uncertainties in biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery in Northern Europe. Ambio

Eggers, J., Roos, U., Lind, T. & Sandström, P. 2023. Adapted forest management to improve the potential for reindeer husbandry in Northern Sweden. Ambio 

Lämås, T., Sängstuvall, L., Öhman, K., Lundström, J., Årevall, J., Holmström, H., Nilsson, L., Nordström, E-M., Wikberg, P-E, Wikström, P. & Eggers, J. 2023. The multi-faceted Swedish Heureka forest decision support system. Context, functionality, design, and ten years experiences of its use. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6, 1163105

Hallberg-Sramek, I., Nordström, E-M., Priebe, J., Reimerson, E., Mårald, E. & Nordin, A. 2023. Combining scientific and local knowledge improves evaluating future scenarios of forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 60, 101512

R.M. Bakx, T., Trubins, R., Eggers, J. & Akselsson, C. 2023. The effect of spatial and temporal planning scale on the trade-off between the financial value and carbon storage in production forests. Land Use Policy 127, 106583 

Aldea, J., Bianchi, S., Nilsson, U., Hynynen, J., Lee, D., Holmström, E. & Huuskonen, S. 2023. Evaluation of growth models for mixed forests used in Swedish and Finnish decision support systems. Forest Ecology and Management 529, 120721 

Mazziotta, A., Lundström, J., Forsell, N., Moor, H., Eggers, J., Subramanian, N., Aquilué, N., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Brotons, L., & Snäll, T. 2022. More future synergies and less trade-offs between forest ecosystem services with natural climate solutions instead of bioeconomy solutions. Global Change Biology 28, 6333–6348

Fagerberg, N., Lohmander, P., Eriksson, O., Olsson, J.-O., Poudel, B.C. & Bergh, J. 2022. Evaluation of individual-tree growth models for Picea abies based on a case study of an uneven-sized stand in southern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 37 (1), 45-58.

Eriksson, L. O. & J. Bergh. 2022. A Tool for Long-Term Forest Stand Projections of Swedish Forests. Forests 13(6), 816

Persson, M., Trubins, R., Eriksson, L. O., Bergh, J., Sonesson, J. &
Holmström, E. 2022. Precision thinning – a comparison of optimal stand-level and pixel-level thinning. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 37 (2), 99-108

Wilhelmsson, P., Lämås, T., Wallerman, J., Eggers, J. & Öhman, K. 2022. Improving dynamic treatment unit forest planning with cellular automata heuristics. European Journal of Forest Research

Jonsson, A., Elfving, B., Hjelm, K., Lämås, T. & Nilsson, U. 2022. Will intensity of forest regeneration measures improve volume production and economy? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 37 (3), 200-212

Schulte, M., Jonsson, R., Hammar, T., Stendahl, J. & Hansson, P-A. 2022. Nordic forest management towards climate change mitigation: time dynamic temperature change impacts of wood product systems including substitution effects. European Journal of Forest Research

Petersson, H., Ellison, D., Mensah, A.A., Berndes, G., Egnell, G., Lundblad, M., Lundmark, T., Lundström, A., Stendahl, J. & Wikberg, P-E. 2022. On the role of forests and the forest sector for climate change mitigation in Sweden. GCB Bioenergy: Bioproducts for a Sustainable Bioeconomy, 1-21

Eggers, J., Lundström, J., Snäll, T. & Öhman, K. 2022. Balancing wood production and biodiversity in intensively managed boreal forest. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

Moor, H., Eggers, J., Fabritius, H., Forsell, N., Henckel, L., Bradter, U., Mazziotta, A., Nordén, J., & Snäll, T. 2022. Rebuilding green infrastructure in boreal production forest given future global wood demand. Journal of Applied Ecology

Filyushkina, A., Widenfalk, Lina A. Nordström, E-M., Laudon, H. & Ranius, T. 2022. Expert assessment of landscape-level conservation strategies in boreal forests for biodiversity, recreation and water quality. Journal for Nature Conservation 67, 126180

Mattsson, E., Erlandsson, M., Karlsson, P. E. & Holmström, H. 2022. A Conceptual Landscape-Level Approach to Assess the Impacts of Forestry on Biodiversity. Sustainability 14 (7), 4214

Dahlgren Lidman F., Holmström E., Lundmark T. & Fahlvik N. (2021). Management of spontaneously regenerated mixed stands of birch and Norway spruce in Sweden. Silva Fennica 55 (4), 10485

Hahn, T., Eggers, J., Subramanian, N., Toraño Caicoya, A., Uhl, E. & Snäll, T. 2021. Specified resilience value of alternative forest management adaptations to storms. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 0, 1–13.

Skytt, T., Englund, G. & Jonsson, B.-G., 2021. Climate mitigation forestry – temporal trade-offs. Environmental Research Letters 16, 114037

Bradter, U., Ozgul, A., Griesser, M., Layton-Matthews, K., Eggers, J., Singer, A., Sandercock, B.K., Haverkamp, P.J. & Snäll, T. 2021. Habitat suitability models based on opportunistic citizen science data: Evaluating forecasts from alternative methods versus an individual-based model. Diversity and Distributions, Open Access

Gustavsson, L., Nguyen, T., Sathre, R., Tettey, U.Y.A. 2021. Climate effects of forestry and substitution of concrete buildings and fossil energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 136, 110435

López-Andújar Fustel, T., Eggers, J., Lämås, T. & Öhman, K. (2021) Spatial optimization for reducing wind exposure of forest stands at the property level. Forest Ecology and Management 502

Wilhelmsson, P., Sjödin, E., Wästlund, A., Wallerman, J., Lämås, T. & Öhman, K. 2021. Dynamic treatment units in forest planning using cell proximity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (7)

Lula, M., Trubins, R., Ekö, P. M., Johansson, U. & Nilsson U. 2021. Modelling effects of regeneration method on the growth and profitability of Scots pine stands. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 36 (4)

Sonesson, J., Ring, E., Högbom, L., Lämås, T., Widenfalk, O., Mohtashami, S. and Holmström, H. 2020. Costs and benefits of seven alternatives for riparian forest buffer management. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, publicerad online 17 december 2020

Lodin, I., Eriksson, L.O., Forsell, N., and Korosuo, A.  2020. Combining Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios with Current Forest Owner Behavior: A Scenario Study from a Region in Southern Sweden. Forests 11(3), 346

Eggers, J., Melin, Y., Lundström, J., Bergström, D., & Öhman, K. 2020. Management Strategies for Wood Fuel Harvesting—Trade-Offs with Biodiversity and Forest Ecosystem Services. Sustainability 12(10), 4089.

Eriksson, L. O., Forsell, N., Eggers, J. & Snäll, T. 2020. Downscaling of Long-Term Global Scenarios to Regions with a Forest Sector Model. Forests 11(5), 500

Eggers, J., Räty, M., Öhman, K. & Snäll, T. 2020. How Well Do Stakeholder-Defined Forest Management Scenarios Balance Economic and Ecological Forest Values? Forests 11(1), 86

Hammar, T., Stendahl, J., Sundberg, C., Holmström, H. & Hansson, P-A. 2019. Climate impact and energy efficiency of woody bioenergy systems from a landscape perspective. Biomass and Bioenergy 120, 189–199

Eggers, J., Holmgren, S., Nordström, E.-M., Lämås, T., Lind, T. & Öhman, K.  2019. Balancing different forest values: Evaluation of forest management scenarios in a multi-criteria decision analysis framework. Forest Policy and Economics 103, 55-69

Subramanian, N., Nilsson, U., Mossberg, M. & Bergh, J. 2019. Impacts of climate Change, Weather Extremes and Alternative Strategies in Managed Forests. Ecoscience 26(1), 53-70

Cherubini, F., Santaniello, F., Hu, X., Sonesson, J., Strømman, A. H., Weslien, J., Djupström, L. B. & Ranius, T. 2018. Climate impacts of retention forestry in a Swedish boreal pine forest. Journal of Land Use Science 13 (3), 301-318

Lundmark, T., Poudel, B.C., Stål, G., Nordin, A. & Sonesson, J. 2018. Carbon balance in production forestry in relation to rotation length. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48(6), 672-678

Lundström, J., Öhman, K. &  Laudon, H. 2018. Comparing buffer zone alternatives in forest planning using a decision support systemScandinavian Journal of Forest Research 33:5, 493-501

Eggers, J., Lindhagen, A., Lind, T., Lämås, T. & Öhman, K. 2018. Balancing landscape-level forest management between recreation and wood production. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 33, 1-11

Mair, L., Jönsson, M., Räty, M., Lämås, T. & Snäll, T. 2018. Land use changes could modify future negative effects of climate change on old-growth forest indicator species.  Diversity and Distribution 24 (3), 274-284

Roberge, J.-M., Öhman, K., Lämås, T., Felton, A., Ranius, T., Lundmark, T. & Nordin, A. 2018. Modified Forest Rotation Lengths: Long-term Effects on Landscape-scale Habitat Availability for Specialized Species. Journal of Environmental Management 210, 1-9

Lim, H., Oren, R., Linder, S., From, F., Nordin, A., Fahlvik, N., Lundmark, T. & Näsholm, T. 2017. Annual climate variation modifies nitrogen induced carbon accumulation of Pinus sylvestris forests. Ecological Applications 27(6), 1838-1851

Mair, L., Harrison, P.J., Räty, M., Bärring, L, Strandberg, G., & Snäll, T. 2017. Forest management could counteract distribution retractions forced by climate change. Ecological Applications 27(5), 1485-1497

Snäll, T., Johansson, V., Jönsson, M., Ortiz, C., Hammar, T., Caruso, A., Svensson, M. & Stendahl, J. 2017. Transient trade-off between climate benefit and biodiversity loss of harvesting stumps for bioenergy. GCB Bioenergy 9(12), 1751-1763

Gustavsson, L. Haus, S., Lundblad, M., Lundström, A., Ortiz, C.A.,  Sathre, R.,  Le Truong, N. & Wikberg, P-E. 2017. Climate Change Effects of Forestry and Substitution of Carbon-intensive Materials and Fossil FuelsRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67, 612-624 

Eyvindson, K., Saad, R. & Eriksson, L.O. 2017. Incorporating Stand Level Risk Management Options into Forest Decision Support Systems. Forest Systems 26(3), e013

Fahlvik, N., Berglund, M., Holmström, H. &  Nilsson, U. 2017. Simulation of the Long-term Effects of Different Strategies for Precommercial Thinning in Pinus Sylvestris. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2017.1383508

Cintas, O., Berndes, G., Cowie, A. L., Egnell, G., Holmström, H., Marland, G. & Ågren, G. I. 2017. Carbon Balances of Bioenergy Systems Using Biomass from Forests Managed with Long Rotations: Bridging the Gap Between Stand and Landscape Assessments. GCB Bioenergy 9, 1238–1251 doi:10.1111/gcbb.12425

Ring, E., Widenfalk, O., Jansson, G., Holmström, H., Högbom, L., Sonesson, J. Publicerad online 19 juni, 2017. Riparian forests along small streams on managed forest land in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

Santaniello, F., Djupström, L. B., Ranius, T., Weslien, J., Rudolphi, J. & Sonesson, J. 2017. Simulated long-term effects of varying tree retention on wood production, dead wood and carbon stock changes. Journal of Environmental Management 201, 37-44

Felton, F., Sonesson. J., Nilsson, U., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Nordin, A., Ranius, T. & Roberge, J.M. Publicerad online 24 februari, 2017. Varying Rotation Lengths in Northern Production Forests: Implications for Habitats Provided by Retention and Production Trees. AMBIO, DOI: 10.1007/s13280-017-0909-7.

Mair, L., Harrison, P., Jönsson, M., Löbel, S., Nordén, J., Siitonen, J., Lämås, T., Lundström, A., & Snäll, T. 2017. Evaluating Citizen Science Data for Forecasting Species Responses to National Forest Management. Ecology and Evolution 7, 368–378.

Ebenhard, T., Forsberg, M., Lind, T., Nilsson, D., Andersson, R., Emanuelsson, U., Eriksson, L., Hultåker, O., Iwarsson Widei, M. & Ståhl, G. 2017. Environmental Effects of Brushwood Harvesting for Bioenergy. Forest Ecology and Management 383: 85-98

Horstkotte, T., Lind, T., Moen, J. 2016. Quantifying the Implications of Different Land Users’ Priorities in the Management of Boreal Multiple-Use Forests. Environmental Management 57(4), 770-783

Holmström, E., Hjelm, K., Karlsson, M. & Nilsson, U. 2016. Scenario analysis of planting density and pre-commercial thinning: will the mixed forest have a chance? European Journal of Forest Research 135(5), 885-895

Nordström, E-M., Forsell, N., Lundström, A., Korosuo, A., Bergh, J., Havlík, P., Kraxner, F., Frank, S., Fricko, O., Lundmark, T., & Nordin, A. 2016. Impacts of global climate change mitigation scenarios on forests and harvesting in SwedenCanadian Journal of Forest Research 46, 1427–1438

Ortiz, C.A., Hammar, T., Ahlgren, S., Hansson. P.-A. & Stendahl, J. 2016. Time-dependent global warming impact of tree stump bioenergy in Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 371:5-14.

Nilsson, H., Nordström, E-M. & Öhman, K. 2016. Decision Support for Participatory Forest Planning Using AHP and TOPSIS. Forests 7(6), 100

St John, R., Öhman, K., Tóth, S.F., Sandström, P., Korosuo, A. & Eriksson, L.O. 2016. Combining Spatiotemporal Corridor Design for Reindeer Migration with Harvest Scheduling in Northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31(7), pp. 655-663.

Ranius, T., Korosuo, A., Roberge, J-M., Juutinen, A., Mönkkönen, M. & Schroeder, M. 2016. Cost-Efficient Strategies to Preserve Dead Wood-Dependent Species in a Managed Forest LandscapeBiological Conservation, Publicerad online 21 Oktober 2016

Tiwari, T., Lundström, J. Kuglerová, L., Laudon, H., Öhman, K., & Ågren, A. M. 2016. Cost of Riparian Buffer Zones: A Comparison of Hydrologically Adapted Site-Specific Riparian Buffers with Traditional Fixed WidthsWater Resources Research 52(2), 1056–1069.

Lundström, J., Öhman, K., Rönnqvist, M. & Gustafsson, L. 2016. Considering Future Potential Regarding Structural Diversity in Selection of Forest Reserves. PLoS ONE 11(2), e0148960.

Saad, R., Lämås, T., Wallerman, J. &  Holmgren, J. 2016. Local pivotal method sampling design combined with micro stands utilizing airborne laser scanning data in a long term forest management planning setting. Silva Fennica 50(2) article id 1414

Berg S., Valinger E., Lind T., Suominen T., Tuomasjukka D. 2016. Comparison of co-existing forestry and reindeer husbandry value chains in northern Sweden. Silva Fennica, 50(1) article id 1384.

Lundmark, T., Bergh, J., Nordin, A., Fahlvik, F., Poudel, B.C. 2016. Comparison of carbon balances between continuous-cover and clear-cut forestry in Sweden. Ambio 45(2), S203–S213.

Hammar, T., Ortiz, C.A., Stendahl, J., Ahlgren, S., Hansson. P.-A. 2015 Time-Dynamic Effects on the Global Temperature When Harvesting Logging Residues for Bioenergy. Bioenerg. Res. 8: 1912-1924.

Fahlvik N., Ekö P. M. & Petersson N. 2015. Effects of precommercial thinning strategies on stand structure and growth in a mixed even-aged stand of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch in southern Sweden. Silva Fennica 49(3) article id 1302

Drössler, L., Ekö, PM. & Balster, R. 2015. Short-term development of a multilayered forest stand after target diameter harvest in southern Sweden. Canadian Journal of forest research, 45 (9)- 1198-1205.

Wang, L., Gunulf, A., Pukkala, T. & Rönnberg, J. 2015. Simulated Heterobasidion disease development in Picea abies stands following precommercial thinning and the economic justification for control measures. Opens in new window. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30(2), pp 174-185

Nordström EM., Dolling A., Skärbäck E., Stoltz, J.,Grahn, P., & Lundell Y. 2015 Forests for wood production and stress recovery: trade-offs in long-term forest management planning. European Journal of Forest Research,134, (5), pp 755-767

Subramanian, N., Karlsson, P.E., Bergh, J. & Nilsson, U. 2015. Impact of Ozone on Sequestration of Carbon by Swedish Forests under a Changing Climate: A Modeling Study. Forest Science, 61(3), pp. 445-457.

Subramanian, N., Bergh, J., Johansson, U., Nilsson, U. & Sallnäs, O. 2015. Adaptation of Forest Management Regimes in Southern Sweden to Increased Risks Associated with Climate Change. Forests, 7(1), p. 8.

Eggers, J.; Holmström, H.; Lämås, T.; Lind, T.; Öhman, K. 2015. Accounting for a Diverse Forest Ownership Structure in Projections of Forest Sustainability Indicators. Forests 6:4001-4033.

Nilsson, U., Berglund, M., Bergquist, J., Holmström, H., Wallgren, M. 2015. Simulated effects of browsing on the production and economic values of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. DOI:10.1080/02827581.2015.1099728.

Lämås., T., Sandström, E., Jonzén, J., Olsson, H. & Gustafsson L. 2015. Tree retention practices in boreal forests: what kind of future landscapes are we creating? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30:526-537

Cintas, O., Berndes, G., Cowie, A. L., Egnell, G., Holmström, H., & Ågren, G I. 2015. The climate effect of increased forest bioenergy use in Sweden: evaluation at different spatial and temporal scales. WIREs Energy and Environment. Published online: July 14th 2015 (doi: 10.1002/wene.178)

Roberge, J.-M., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Ranius, T., Felton, A., & Nordin, A. 2015. Relative contributions of tree retention and set-asides to the long-term availability of key forest biodiversity structures at the landscape scale. Journal of Environmental Management 154, 284-292.

Östlund, L., G. Hörnberg, DeLuca, T., Liedgren, L., Wikström, P., Zackrisson, O. & Josefsson, T . 2015. Intensive land use in the Swedish mountains between AD 800 and 1200 led to deforestation and ecosystem transformation with long-lasting effects. Ambio. Published online: 13 February 2015

Saad, R., Wallerman, J. & Lämås, T. 2015. Estimating stem diameter distributions from airborne laser scanning data and their effects on long term forest management planning. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30(2): 186-196

Hallsby, G., Ulvcrona, K.A., Karlsson, A., Elfving, B., Sjögren, H., Ulvcrona, T., & Bergsten, U. 2015. Effects of Intensity of Forest Regeneration Measures on Stand Development in a Nationwide Swedish Field Experiment. Forestry
88 (4):441-453

Korosuo, A., Heinonen T., Öhman, K., Holmström, H., & Eriksson, L.O. 2014. Spatial Optimization in Forest Planning Using Different Fragmentation Measures. Forest Science 60(4), 764-775

Eriksson, L. O., Wahlberg, O. & Nilsson, M. 2014. Questioning the contemporary forest planning paradigm: making use of local knowledge. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29 (1), 56-70

Flisberg, P., Frisk, M., Rönnqvist, M. 2014. Integrated harvest and logistic planning including road upgrading. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29 Suppl 1: 195-209

Fahlvik, N., Elfving, B. & Wikström, P. 2014. Evaluation of growth models used in the Swedish forest planning system Heureka. Silva Fennica 48 (2). Article id 1013.

Lucas, R., Holmström, H. and Lämås, T. 2014. Intensive forest harvesting and pools of base cations in forest ecosystems: A modeling study using the Heureka decision support system. Forest Ecology and Management 325 26-36

Lundström, J., Öhman, K., Rönnqvist, M. & Gustafsson, L. 2014. How reserve selection is affected by preferences in Swedish boreal forests. Forest Policy and Economics. 41, 40–50

Korosuo, A., Sandström, P., Öhman, K. & Eriksson, L.O. 2014. Impacts of different forest management scenarios on forestry and reindeer husbandry. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29, Supplement 1, 234 –251

Nordström, E.-M., Holmström, H., Öhman, K. 2013. Evaluating continuous cover forestry based on the forest owner's objectives by combining scenario analysis and multiple criteria decision analysis. Silva Fennica 47(4).

Drössler, L., Fahlvik, N., Elfving, B. 2013. Application and limitations of growth models for silvicultural purposes in heterogeneously structured forest in Sweden. Journal of Forest Science 59(11): 458–473.

Korosuo, A., Holmström, H., Öhman, K., Eriksson, L.O. 2013.Using value functions to elicit spatial preference information. European Journal of Forest Research 132 (3) , pp. 551-563

Horstkotte, T., Moen, J., Lämås, T. & Helle, T. 2011. The legacy of logging. Estimating arboreal lichen occurrence in a boreal multiple-use landscape on a two century scale. PLoS ONE 6(12) e28779. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028779

Korosuo, A., Wikström, P., Öhman, K. and Eriksson, L.O. 2011. An integrated MCDA software application for forest planning: a case study in southwestern Sweden. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 3(2), 75-86.

Wikström, P., L. Edenius, Elfving, B., Eriksson, L.O., Lämås, T., Sonesson, J., Öhman, K., Wallerman, J., Waller, C., Klintebäck, F. 2011. The Heureka forestry decision support system: An overview. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences. 3(2): 87-94.

Lundström, J., Öhman, K., Perhans, K., Rönnqvist, M. and Gustafsson, L. (2011). Cost-effective age structure and geographical distribution of boreal forest reserves. Journal of Applied Ecology 48(1): 133-142.

Öhman, K.,  Edenius, L. and  Mikusinski, G. (2011). Optimizing spatial habitat suitability and timber revenue in long-term forest planning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41, 543-551.

Öhman, K., Seibert, J. and Laudon, H.  (2009). An approach for including consideration of stream water dissolved organic carbon in long term forest planning. Ambio 38(7): 387-393

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