24 apr


Pedagogiskt seminarium - How to support students in building meaningful study-related relationships

Students' relationship building is important for how students are committed to their studies, and thus also to their results. How we organise teaching affects students' opportunities to build and maintain meaningful and sustainable study-related relationships. The presentation focuses on a model, or a reflective tool, teachers can use when planning teaching activities that make it easier for students to build productive multiplex study-related relationships.

Annika Fjelkner-Pihl, PhD, Senior Lecturer Pedagogical Development and Excellent Teacher at Kristianstad University

Seminariet genomförs via Zoom, på engelska och har ingen avgift
Länk skickas ut efter registrering 



Tid: 2025-04-24 12:00 - 13:00
Ort: Zoom
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 23 april 2025