Ort: Zoom
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 16 april 2024
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This talk will present the critical thinking skills that are considered most important in higher education, drawing upon research from different contexts and curricula. It will also summarise the teaching methods most commonly used by university educators and explore how critical thinking can be measured in practice.
Dr. Bellaera will draw upon her own research, including a recent project that validated a set of cognitive scales for student success outcomes in higher education.
Dr. Lauren Bellaera is the Chief Impact and Strategy Officer at The Brilliant Club, the UK’s largest university access charity, and is a Lecturer at the Institute of Education, UCL. Her research focuses on the development and measurement of cognitive outcomes in education.
Seminariet genomförs via Zoom, på engelska och ingen avgift
Länk skickas ut efter registrering
Registrera dig här: https://internt.slu.se/upc/courses-seminars