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Sista anmälningsdag: 27 mars 2023
Seminariet hålls på engelska. The Educational Development Unit welcomes doctoral supervisors to our supervision seminars.
Most things in life are uncontrollable, according to Wilhelmsen. The only things we can control 100% are our own attitudes and actions. He suggests that we choose attitudes that will help us reach our goals. Our need to be perfect or in control can lead to unhealthy and irrational attitudes, and become a problem at work and in our private lives. Wilhelmsen will focus on how to uncover our attitudes and change them, if needed.
Ingvard Wilhelmsen is professor emeritus at University of Bergen, Norway. He has written several books in Norwegian, with titles like "Be boss in your own life" and "You are not worse off than anybody else".
Where: Online (link will be sent after confirmation of registration).