16 okt


Supervisiors seminar - How to create a creative scientific environment? (In English)

The Educational Development Unit welcomes doctoral supervisors to our supervision seminars.

Seminariet hålls på engelska.

When talking about creativity you often tend to focus on artistic creativity, but in research for successful development of a research area you also need scientific creativity. How can you in a group with very individualistic scholars build a creative environment for co-creations and development of research leading to new approaches and innovations? A common comment in the research society is “what is in it for me?” and I believe that we should look upon it in a different way and rather say, “how can we take this to the next level?”. In this seminar I will share my view on how to create a scientific environment where we all benefit, maybe not all the time but how we as a group can become much more creative and develop further compared to if we only work for our own individual benefit. 

Björn Vinnerås is professor in environmental engineering and head of department of energy and technology. His research interest is methods and technologies to close the loop of plant nutrients in society back into agriculture. He leads a research group of about 20 people including PhD students, post-docs, researchers and docents from over ten different countries. 

Where: Online (link will be sent after confirmation of registration).


Tid: 2023-10-16 12:00 - 13:00
Ort: Zoom
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 13 oktober 2023

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