Ort: Umeå
Lokal: Online
Arrangör: Embassy of France in Sweden/SLU
Mer information:
Passcode: 997514
SLU (annika.mossing@slu.se)
Embassy of France in Sweden (science@institutfrancais-suede.com)
Online, Umeå
Sweden and France are two important forest countries, being respectively first and fourth in Europe in terms of total forest areas, and thus share a strong interest for the forest sciences and the forest management. The current context of climate change, of ecological and energy transitions makes the subject even more important. The related challenges also represent opportunities for collaboration, notably in the framework of the French-Swedish partnership for innovation and green solutions which has existed since 2017.
08.30-09.00 Welcome and openings by Maria Knutson Wedel, Vice-Chancellor of SLU, and Etienne de Gonneville, Ambassador of France in Sweden.
09.00-09.50 Summary overview on forests in France and Sweden: state of the art and challenges.
FR: Nathalie Eltchaninoff, National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information,
Antoine Colin, National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information
SE: Göran Ericsson, SLU.
09.50-10.20 Coffee break.
10.20-10.50 "Conservation and forestry", Jean-Michel Roberge, Swedish Forest Agency.
10.50-11.20 "The political dilemmas of forest bioeconomy. The situation in France", Arnaud Sergent, INRAE.
"The role of herbivorous animals in forest ecosystems", Anders Marell, INRAE.
"Biodiversity indicators : strength of evidence or evidence of strength?", Frédéric Gosselin, INRAE.
"Forest soil survey and biogeochemical cycles", Laurent Saint-André, INRAE.
"Forest survey and remote sensing", Göran Ståhl, SLU.
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.35-15.00 Round table discussions : «Forests – the need for knowledge-based solutions to current and future sustainability challenges». Moderation by Mette Kahlin McVeigh, Stora Enso.
Representatives from Ministries:
SE: Ingeborg Bromée, Ministry for Enterprise and Innovation
FR: François Bonnet, French Interministerial Delegation for Forest/Wood
Representatives of forest agencies and public companies:
SE: Anette Waara, Sveaskog Nord
FR: Erwin Ulrich, National Forests Office
Representatives of the forest industry:
FR: Pierre-Olivier Drège, Union de la Coopération Forestière Française
SE: Viveka Beckeman, Skogsindustrierna.
Representatives of Academia:
Camilla Sandström, Umeå University, SLU.
15.10 - 15.30 Opportunities for collaborative funding (Horizon Europe and other), Karl Jäghagen, SLU
Passcode: 997514
SLU (annika.mossing@slu.se)
Embassy of France in Sweden (science@institutfrancais-suede.com)