5 apr


Seminarium: Doctoral Student Mental Health and Well-Being: Tools and suggestions for supervisors Part 2

Photo: Gina Wisker

Välkomna till seminarium för forskarhandledare. Träffa andra handledare och ta del av inspirerande presentationer och diskussioner.

We continue on the subject of doctoral mental health and well-being, from last autumn, with a seminar that will focus more on active participation by working with cases and self-experienced situations/problems.

Dr. Gina Wisker Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer in the International Centre for Higher Education Management, University
of Bath, Emeritus Professor of the University of
Brighton and a supervisor since several years, who has worked with development of doctoral supervisors for almost two decades.

Presentationen hålls på engelska.

Zoomlänken kommer att meddelas innan seminariet.


Tid: 2022-04-05 13:00 - 15:00
Ort: Zoom
Arrangör: EPU
Sista anmälningsdag: 1 december 2021

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