28 okt


Swedish Food Agency Friday seminar: RT-PCR based detection of foodborne viruses

Welcome to join the Swedish Food Agency's Friday seminar: RT-PCR based detection of foodborne viruses

When? October 28, 14:00-15:00.

Where? Room Jupiter, Dag Hammarsköldsväg 38, plan 3, Uppsala

The seminar will focus on reverse transcription (RT) PCR based detection of foodborne viruses and will cover two topics:

1) rprimer - A new R/bioconductor package for the design of primers, probes and assays for sequence variable viruses. Presentation of the package together with a case study in the laboratory.  

2) The use of RT droplet digital PCR for the detection and quantification of foodborne viruses. An overall performance evaluation and comparison with the current gold standard method, RT real-time PCR, based on combined data from three studies.

For information and link to the meeting, please contact Sofia Persson  sofia.persson@slv.se


Tid: 2022-10-28 14:00 - 15:00
Ort: Teams

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