30 sep

Online via Zoom

Alumni Talks

Alumni Talks talare 30 september. Foto: Mikael Wallerstedt och privat foto.

Träffa två alumner från SLU och hör vart deras studier tagit dem, deras väg sedan examen, och vad de arbetar med idag.

Alumni Talks är en webbinariumserie med möjlighet att lyssna på alumner som delar med sig av sin tid som student och vad de har gjort sedan examen. Detta är det sista av tre för denna gång.

Välkommen att lyssna och ställa frågor till dem i chatten.

Webbinariumet hålls på engelska.


Den 30 September deltar

Tove Fall, Professor i molekylär epidemiologi vid Uppsala universitet, och

Maria Höök, Landskapsarchitekt på Kragh & Berglund landscape architects 




Tove Fall

Tove Fall is a professor in molecular epidemiology at Uppsala University, where she also leads a group of researchers with a focus on identifying risk factors and causes for diabetes and cardiovascular disease onset and progression.

Tove attended the veterinary program at SLU, graduating in 2009 with a dissertation on canine diabetes. She has since had a particularly successful career in the field of molecular epidemiology. Tove did her post-doc at Karolinska Institutet, and in 2013 she started at Uppsala University.

Tove is a frequent guest lecturer and has received several recognitions over the years, such as the Oscar prize at Uppsala University in 2015 and the Göran Gustafsson's grand prize for younger researchers in 2016. She has also been in the media for her study on exposure to animals and childhood asthma, as well as more recently, on the topic of Covid-19.

Maria Höök

Maria Höök is a landscape architect and partner in the Kragh & Berglund´s Stockholm office. She did her internship at Kragh & Berglund’s Copenhagen office during her studies and after her graduation in 2012 she moved to Stockholm to start up the Stockholm branch.

Today, the Stockholm office has seven employees and Maria has been a partner since 2017. She has been working on a wide range of projects, from urban planning projects and participatory processes, hospital areas and train stations to playgrounds, squares and activity parks.

Besides her work at Kragh & Berglund, she has been working in Nairobi through Architects without borders, and is involved in the planning of the IFLA world congress. 


Tid: 2020-09-30 12:15 - 12:50
Ort: Online via Zoom
Arrangör: SLU Alumn


SLU Alumn


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