Ort: Uppsala
Arrangör: Avdelningen för agrarhistoria i samarbete med SLU Future Animals
Sista anmälningsdag: 28 februari 2019
Avdelningen för agrarhistoria, i samarbete med SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health platform, bjuder in till en internationell workshop i Uppsala.
Deadline for abstracts: February 28.
Submission of abstracts to: carin.martiin@slu.se or kristina.nordeus@slu.se
The 20th Century saw great changes in animal husbandry - towards a market oriented, intensified and specialized production. This influenced, and was influenced by, policies, trade, aspects of animal and public health, food supply issues, aims in animal breeding, development of production systems, principles in feeding and impact of producer cooperatives among other things. Papers on these or other aspects of 20th Century animal husbandry are most welcome!
The target group of this workshop is researchers in various disciplines with an interest in the development of animal production, both historically and in the future. Special emphasis will be on animal health and use of antibiotics in production animals. The overall aim is to analyse why we have arrived at where we are today and what implications this will have for future animal production.
This workshop is part of the Paris-based GDRI-project ‘Agriculture, Approvisionnement, Alimentation’ and follows a workshop in Santiago de Compostela in December 2017 ‘From peasant innovation to a model of milk specialization under the Green Revolution: Twentieth century Europe’.
The workshop is arranged in collaboration with the SLU Future Animals, Nature and Health platform. The workshop will take place at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. During one of the three workshop days we will make an excursion. We have pre-booked a hotel-hostel within walking distance from the university. Uppsala is centrally located, close to Arlanda airport and 60 kilometres north of Stockholm.
Carin Martiin, Docent, avdelningen för agrarhistoria, +4618671711 |
Kristina Nordéus, forskare, avdelningen för agrarhistoria, SLU, +4618671000