Ort: Foulum, Danmark
Lokal: Aarhus Universitet
Arrangör: CBIO Aarhus Universitets Center for Cirkulær Bioøkonomi
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Aarhus Universitet, Foulum, Danmark
How do we develop a circular bioeconomy, that supports a general sustainable development? A series of top-notch presentations will set the scene for a debate on the challenges and opportunities ahead.
How can companies and agriculture enter into a circular bioeconomy, and how do we ensure that its further development will be of value to industry and society? These questions are the focal points of the conference Circular Bioeconomy Days 2019, to be held from 25 to 27 June 2019 at Aarhus University in Foulum.
The conference organisers are Aarhus University’s Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO), SEGES, Agro Business Park, Central Denmark Region, Viborg Municipality, INBIOM, Climate KIC and the EU project Green Valleys.
The event will gather the most important Danish and international actors, who will discuss circular bioeconomy as a tool to implement the UN Sustainability Development Goals, and, more precisely, to develop the sustainable protein of the future.