Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: Sal U, Ulls hus
Arrangör: Centrum för biologisk mångfald
Mer information:
Sal U, Ulls hus, Uppsala
The seminar is part of a series, "CBM Seminar Series", with four seminars during the spring 2019 that will focus on different aspects of environmental ethics and biological diversity.
21 March: Markku Oksanen (University of Eastern Finland):
Biodiversity crisis and human(‘s) rights
Markku Oksanen has a long track record of investigating ethical, and other, aspects of biodiversity, such as the moral value of biodiversity (Ambio, 1997), and in the anthology Philosophy and Biodiversity (2004). He will present a work in progress, tentatively entitled 'Biodiversity crisis and human('s) rights'.
The seminars are open for both researchers and students with different background. With these seminars, we aim to stimulate discussion on environmental ethical questions. The seminars consists of a shorter lecture, followed by a discussion where all perspectives are welcome!
April 25 Venue: room Skara Helena Siipi (Turku University): Ethical aspects of assisted migration of endagered species Siipi will present a published paper co-authored with Marko Ahteensuu on ethical aspects of assisted migration. Having read the paper is not required, but here is the reference if one is interested: Siipi, H., & Ahteensuu, M., 2016. Moral Relevance of Range and Naturalness in Assisted Migration, Environmental Values 25, 465-483
June 4 Venue: lecture hall Q Karin Edvardsson Björnberg och Mikael Karlsson (KTH): Ethical aspects of biodiversity offsetting Edvardsson Björnberg and Karlsson will present an on-going research project concerning ethics in biodiversity off-setting.