Margareta Steen

Nyvarande tjänst: Scientist (Assoc. prof in Wild Animal Health) and supervisor at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Section of Anatomy and Physiology, SLU and Vice Director at the Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW), SLU.
I have an engagement in wildlife research as well as in animal welfare and animal protection. My intrest in Wildlife Medicine, is connected with subjects as environment and society, with basic and advanced questions in single wildlife and semi-domesticated species, as well as holistic on a global arena. I am concerned about, and ready to contribute, to the work of finding solutions for advanced wildlife animal management, biological diversity, wildlife diseases as well as welfare issues in wildlife, on the latter, in game as well as in wild animals used for scientific purposes, on a national as well as on a global scene.
Utbildning och examina
1978-1981 BSc (Vet. med.), SLU.
1981-1983 MSc, DVM, SLU.
1991 PhD (V.M.D.) in Wild Animal Parasitology, SLU.
1998 Human Therapist Education, PsychosyntesAcademy, Stockholm.
1999 High School Lecturer (Master of Education), Uppsala University, Uppsala.
2009-cont. Scientist at the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Section of Anatomy and Physiology, SLU and Vice Director at the Swedish Centre for Animal Welfare (SCAW), SLU.
2009 (Jan-April) County Veterinarian Officer (Länsveterinär), Head of Veterinary Service and Food Control, Section of Veterinary Service and Food Control, County Administrative Board of Gävleborg, Gävle, Sweden.
2007-2008 Senior Administrative Officer, Ministry of Rural affairs, The Swedish Government, Stockholm, Sweden.
1999-2007 County Veterinarian Officer, Head of Veterinary Service and Food Control, Section of Veterinary Service and Food Control, County Administrative Board of Gävleborg, Gävle, Sweden.
1998-1999 Director of the Division of Education, FUR and NOVA, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
1996-1998 Director of Studies and Deputy Director of Advanced Studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and SLUKontakt (Continuing Education), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
1990-1997 Scientist (project leader) and teacher, Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
1984-1989 Deputy Senior Veterinary Officer, Dept. of Wildlife, Dept. of Ruminant and Porcine Diseases, Dept. of Parasitology, National Veterinary Institute (SVA) and a post graduate at Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology (1986 and 1991), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
1983-1984 District Veterinarian, Swedish Board of Agricultural, Sweden.
1981-1984 National Food Agency, Swedish Veterinary Institute (SVA) and the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management.
1969-1983 (during my vetstudies1978-1983 only summer time), Dept. of Radiobiology, Dept. Animal Nutrition and Management, Dept. of Animal physiology, Dept. of Plant pathology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
Aktuell forskning
In my research today I deal with questions around animal welfare, epizootic- and zoonotic diseases, and food quality- and hygiene. I am working in the field which extends over animal welfare, wildlife and human society, sustainable wildlife use, wildlife health, game's ecosystem services. I have an interdisciplinary idea and an approach to and a perspective of where and when wildlife, environment and human integration (ecosystem services) should be integrated with SLU's interaction with the community, environmental monitoring and assessment as well as in teaching.
- “Choice of sexual partner-related parasite burden of Swedish Roe deer”.
- (PrP) in connection with Moose Wasting Syndrome (MWS) and Prion disease”
- “Evaluate the effects on biological diversity, by all year around, grazing Gotland ponies”. (
- “White paper to establish a single framework – a first animal protection strategy – for research on wild animals”.
- “Calculate costs to society of free ranging carnivores in Sweden, and to evaluate the efficient use of policy instruments for damage compensation and prevention”.
- “Predators’ predation on domestic animals”.
- Supervising: “Can animal welfare of dairy cows be improved by combining resource-based and animal-based measurements in the official control”?
Publikationer i urval
- Gajadhar, A., Steeves-Gurnsey, T., Kendall, J. Lankester, M & Stéen, M. Diffentation of Dorsal-Spined Elaphostrongyline Larvae by Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of ITS-2 of rDNA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 36, (4), 713-722; 2000.
- Broman, E., Wallin, K., Stéen, M. & Cederlund, G. A Wasting Syndrome in Swedish Moose (Alces alces): The Background and Current Hypotheses. Ambio, 31, 409-416; 2002.
- Broman, E., Wallin, K., Stéen, M. & Cederlund, G. “Mass” deaths of moose Alces alces in southern Sweden: Population Level Characterisation. Wildlife Biology, 8, 3, 219-228; 2002.
- Pozio, E. Christensson, D. Stéen, M., Marucci, G., La Rosa, G., Brojer, C., Morner, T., Ulhorn, H., Agren, E. & Hall, M. 2004b. Trichinella pseudospiralis foci in Sweden. Veterinary Parasitology, 125, 335-342, 2004b.
- Stéen, M., Olsson, I-M., & Broman, E. Diseases in moose population subjected to low preda-tion. Alces, 41, 37-48; 2005.
- Wik, L., Mikko, S., Klingeborn, M., Stéen, M., Simonsson, M. & Linné, T. Polymorphism and variants in the prion protein sequence of European moose (Alces alces), reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) in Scandinavia. Prion, 6.3; 2012.
- Stéen, M. Olsson, I-M & Olsson, B. Epizootology of the parasite Elaphostrongylus alces (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) in Sweden. Alces.