
Iryna Kristensen


Iryna Kristensen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics, part of the Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability Research Group. She has previous experience as a Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio (the International Research Institute for Regional Development and Planning under the Nordic Council of Ministers) in Stockholm, specializing in local and regional economic development and innovation with national and international experience in this field. Iryna holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Salzburg (Austria), where she studied inter-organizational collaborative practices and their role in shaping the regional innovative systems both in peripheral and urban regions. Her current research focuses on questions related to place-based regional development, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

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Book editions

Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (eds.) (2019) Strategic Approaches to Regional Development: Smart Experimentation in Less-Favoured Regions. Routledge: Oxford.

Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (2019) ‘Introduction: Unveiling the Potential of Less Favoured Regions in Regional Policy’. In: Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (eds.) Strategic Approaches to Regional Development: Smart Experimentation in Less-Favoured Regions, Routledge: Oxford, pp. 1-15.

Dubois, A and Kristensen, I. (2019) ‘The role of biorefineries in the revitalization of (old) industrial and rural regions’. In: Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (eds.) Strategic Approaches to Regional Development: Smart Experimentation in Less-Favoured Regions, Routledge: Oxford, pp. 103-121.

Ylinenpää, H., Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (2019). ’A concluding note. Future prospects of entrepreneurship and innovation policy’. In: Kristensen, I., Dubois, A. and Teräs, J. (eds.) Strategic Approaches to Regional Development: Smart Experimentation in Less-Favoured Regions, Routledge: Oxford.

Kristensen, I., McQuaid, W. R. and Scherrer W. (2016) ‘Regional innovation policy and public-private partnerships’. In: Ulrich Hilpert (ed.) Handbook of Politics and Technology, Routledge: Oxford, pp. 249-261.


Refereed Journals

Dubois, A., Kristensen, I., Teräs, J. (2017). Outsmarting geography: implementing territorial innovation strategies in sparsely populated regions. European Planning Studies, 25(8): 1316-1333.

Kristensen, I. and Scherrer, W. (2016). Public Private Partnerships as a Systemic Instrument of Governance in Regional Innovation Policy. International Public Administration Review, 14(1): 37-54.



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