Astrid Taylor

Docent och Prefekt, Inst. för Ekologi, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden
För närvarande arbetar jag främst inom följande projekt:
· MINOTAUR (EJP SOIL - EU) Modelling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
· SIREN (EJP Soil EU) Inventory of indicator systems for assessing soil quality and ecosystem services, as currently used by Member States associated in the EJP SOIL and beyond
· SOILMAN (BIODIVERSA) Investigation of the interrelationship between farm based soil management practices and soil biodiversity in view of improving soil health and soil fertility. Quantification of soil ecosystem functions and multiple ecosystem services based on biodiversity parameters in different European regions looking at four basic management practices.
Associate professor in Ecology (‘Docent’), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (2018). Docent presentation: The role of earthworms & soil biodiversity in sustainable agriculture – out of site – NOT out of mind. Price for best docent lecture for the period 2017/2018 awarded by the NJ Faculty of SLU
PhD in Soil Ecology, with Prof. V. Wolters, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany (2006). Thesis: Composition and function of soil organisms under climate change scenarios: interactive effect of moisture availability, litter type and quality, and community diversity.
Diploma in Biology, with Prof. V. Wolters, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (1995). Major subjects: Soil Biology, Botany, Biochemistry, Geography. Thesis: Investigations into the impact of ecological soil management on the soil-inhabiting mites.
Kaisa Torppa, Dept. of Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (Start 2017). Soil biological interactions and associated ecosystem services in different farming systems.
Biträdande handledare
Elsa Arrazola Vasquez, Dept. of Water and Environment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (Start 2018). Ecosystem engineering by earthworms: soil bioturbation in relation to mechanical resistance and available energy resources.
Jasmina Sargac, Dept. of Water and Environment, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (2018-2022). How does altered connectivity between streams and riparian ecosystems impact the biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and valued ecosystem services of buffer strips?
Ilka Schmoock, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany (2017-2022). Ecosystem services driven by soil biota in agricultural landscape – Effect of farm based soil management.
Chloë Raderschall, Dept. of Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (2017-2021). Diversified farming systems for pollination and biocontrol in field beans.
Laura Riggi, Dept. of Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (2014-2017). Integrated pest management across spatial scales.
Patricia Vannucchi, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland (2014-2018). Developing Molecular Approaches for Characterising Oribatid Mite Communities.
Publikationer i urval
Publikationer i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Maaroufi NI, Taylor AR, Ehnes RB, Andrén H, Kjellander P, Björkman C, Kätterer T, Klapwijk MJ (2022) Northward range expansion of rooting ungulates decreases detritivore and predatory mite abundances in boreal forests. R. Soc. Open Sci, 9, 211283.
Arrázola-Vásquez E, Larsbo M, Capowiez Y, Taylor A, Sandin M, Iseskog D, Keller T (2022) Earthworm burrowing modes and rates depend on earthworm species and soil mechanical resistance. Applied Soil Ecology, 178, 104568.
Torppa KA, Taylor AR (2022) Alternative combinations of tillage practices and crop rotations can foster earthworm density and bioturbation. Applied Soil Ecology, 175, 104460.
Kozlov MV, Zverev V, Gusarov VI, Korobushkin DI, Krivosheina NP, Mattila J, Mutanen M, Popova A, Prosvirov AS, Punttila P, Söderman G, Stańska M, Taylor A, Vahtera V, Zubrii NA, Zvereva EL (2022) Changes in Biomass and Diversity of Soil Macrofauna along a Climatic Gradient in European Boreal Forests. Insects, 13, 94.
Engel I, Linsler D, Schrader S, Taylor A, Ludwig B, Potthoff M (2021) Crop residue displacement by soil inversion: Annelid responses and their impact on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a lab-based mesocosm study. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, 104151.
Viketoft M, Riggi LGA, Bommarco R, Hallin S, Taylor AR (2021) Type of organic fertilizer rather than organic amendment per se increases abundance of soil biota. PeerJ 9:e11204.
Raderschall CA, Vico G, Lundin O, Taylor AR, Bommarco R (2021) Water stress and insect herbivory interactively reduce crop yield while the insect pollination benefit is conserved. Global Change Biology 27, 71-83
2021 >
Meurer K, Barron J, Chenu C, Coucheney E, Fielding M, Hallett P, Herrmann AM, Keller T, Koestel J, Larsbo M, Lewan E, Or D, Parsons P, Parvin N, Taylor A, Vereecken H, Jarvis N (2020) A framework for modelling soil structure dynamics induced by biological activity. Global Change Biology 26, 5382-5403.
Volchko Y, Berggren Kleja D, Back P-E, Tiberg C, Anja Enell A, Larsson M, Jones CM, Taylor A, Viketoft M, Åberg A, Dahlberg A-K, Weiss J, Wiberg J, Rosén L (2020) Assessing costs and benefits of improved soil quality management in remediation projects: A study of an urban site contaminated with PAH and metals. Science of the Total Environment, 707, 135582.
Plaas E, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Banse M, Bengtsson J, Bergmann H, Faber J, Potthoff M, Runge T, Schrader S, Taylor A (2019) Towards valuation of biodiversity in agricultural soils: A case for earthworms. Ecological Economics, 159, 291–300.
Taylor A, Lenoir L, Vegerfors-Persson B, Persson T (2019) Ant and Earthworm Bioturbation in cold-temperate Ecosystems. Ecosystems, 22, 981-994.
Jarvis NJ, Forkman J, Koestel J, Kätterer T, Larsbo M, Taylor A (2017) Long-term effects of grass-clover leys on the structure of a silt loam soil in a cold climate. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 247, 319-328.
Mitchell RJ, Urpeth HM, Britton AJ, Taylor AR (2017). Soil microarthropod-plant community relationships in alpine moss-sedge heath. Applied Soil Ecology, 111, 1-8.
Mitchell RJ, Urpeth HM, Britton AJ, Black H, Taylor AR (2016). Relative importance of local and large scale drivers of alpine soil microarthropod communities. Oecologica, 182, 913-924.
Taylor AR, Victorsson J (2016) Short-term effects of stump harvesting on millipedes and centipedes on coniferous tree stumps. Forest Ecology and Management 371, 67-74.
Kolb GS, Palmborg C, Taylor AR, Bååth E, Hambäck PA (2015) Effects of nesting cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) on soil chemistry, microbial communities and soil fauna. Ecosystems.
Gagic V, Bartomeus I, Jonsson T, Taylor AR, Winqvist C, Fischer C, Slade E, Steffan-Dewenter I, Emmerson M, Potts S, Tscharntke T, Weisser W, Bommarco R (2015) Functional identity and diversity of animals predict ecosystem functions better than species-based indices. Proc. R. Soc. B, 282, 20142620.
Taylor AR, Ranius T (2014) Tree hollows harbour a specialised oribatid mite fauna. Journal of Insect Conservation 18, 39-55. Taylor AR, Taylor ASF (2014) Assessing bioturbation by earthworms: using fungal spores as a natural soil marker to estimate gut transit time. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 179-183.
Taylor AR, Pflug A, Schröter D, Wolters V (2010) Impact of microarthropod biomass on the composition of the soil fauna community and ecosystem processes. European Journal of Soil Biology, 46, 80-86.
Jarvis NJ, Taylor A, Larsbo M, Etema, A, Rosén K (2010) Modelling the effects of bioturbation on the re-distribution of 137Cs in an undisturbed grassland soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 61, 24–34.
Taylor AR, Wolters V (2005) Responses of oribatid mite communities to summer drought: The influence of litter type and quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 2117-2130.
Taylor AR, Schröter D, Pflug A, Wolters V (2004) Response of different decomposer communities to the manipulation of moisture availability: potential effects of changing precipitation patterns. Global Change Biology, 10, 1313-1324.
Wilkinson SC, Anderson JM, Scardelis SP, Tisiafouli M, Taylor A, Wolters V (2002) PLFA profiles of microbial communities in decomposing conifer litters subjected to moisture stress. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 34, 189-200.
Hülsmann A, Wolters V (1998) The effect of different agricultural practices on oribatid mites. Applied Soil Ecology, 9, 327-332.
Poplärvetenskapliga publikationer
Viketoft M, Taylor A (2018) Miljöövervakning av markdjur i åkermark. Biodiverse 1, 8-11.
Jonsell M, Berglund H, Caruso A, Rudolphi J, Svensson, Taylor A, Taylor AFS, Thor G, Victorsson J (2013) Stubbrytningens effekter på vedlevande mångfald. (Effects of stump harvesting on biodiversity in dead wood) FAKTA SKOG 7
Faber JH, Cousin I, Meurer KHE, Hendriks CMJ, Bispo A, M. Viketoft M, ten Damme L, Montagne D, Hanegraaf MC, Gillikin A, Kuikman P, Obiang-Ndong G, Bengtsson J, Taylor A (2022) Stocktaking for Agricultural Soil Quality and Ecosystem Services Indicators and their Reference Values. EJP SOIL Internal Project SIREN Deliverable 2. Report, 153 pp.
Persson T, Dahlberg A, Hjältén J, Jonsell M, Lenoir L, Malmström A, Rudolphi J, Svensson M, Taylor A (2017) High species richness in spruce stumps. IN: Persson T, Palmér CH, Lithell C (eds.) Stubbskörd - hur påverkas klimat och miljö? Institutionen för ekologi, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet Uppsala. p 54-66.
Persson T, Dahlberg A, Hjältén J, Jonsell M, Lenoir L, Malmström A, Rudolphi J, Svensson M, Taylor A (2017) High species richness in spruce stumps. IN: Persson T, Egnel G, Lithell C (eds.) Stump Harvesting, Impact on Climate and Environment, IEA Bioenergy Task 43: 2017: 02, p 54-66.
Persson T, Dahlberg A, Hjältén J, Jonsell M, Lenoir L, Malmström A, Rudolphi J, Svensson M, Taylor A (2017) Hög artmångfald i granstubbar (High species diversity in spruce stumps) IN: Persson T, Palmér CH, Lithell C (red.). Stubbskörd - hur påverkas klimat och miljö? Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). ISBN 978-91-576-9454-6, pp 56-65.
Jonsson M, Friberg H, Andersson B, Andersson L, Viketoft M, Taylor A, Bommarco R, Glimskär A Glimskär A (2015) Invasiva arter och samordning kring växtskydd i miljöövervakning för åkermark (Invasive species and coordination of plant protection in environmental monitoring for arable land). Report for the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Taylor A, Glimskär A, Viketoft M, Friberg H, Andersson B, Jonsson M, Bommarco R, Andersson L, Hedström Ringvall A (2014) Utformning av miljöövervakningsprogram för biologisk mångfald och skadegörare i och vid åkermark (Design of environmental monitoring programs for biodiversity and pests on arable land). Report for the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Taylor AR, Taylor AFS (2011) Relationship between stump diameter and diversity of invertebrates and fungi. Project P30655-1 for the Swedish Energy Agency.
Persson T, Lenoir L, Malmström A, Taylor A (2011) Are decomposing stumps hot-spots for forest biodiversity. Project P30475-1 for the Swedish Energy Agency.
Jones C, Allard AS, Gilek M, Gunnarsson J, Lenoir L, Persson T, Taylor A, Yesilova H (2009) Tillämpning av metodik för miljöriskbedömning på utvalda förorenade områden, Naturvårdsverkets program "Hållbar Sanering". Hållbar Sanering, Naturvårdsverket, Report 5983, (Application of a method for the assessment of environmental risks on contaminated areas, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency).
Persson T, Lenoir L, Taylor A (2007) Delrapport från Fas 1 av Metodik för Miljöriskbedömning, ett projekt i Naturvårdsverkets program "Hållbar Sanering". Hållbar Sanering, Naturvårdsverket. (Sustainable Decontamination, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency).
Persson T, Lenoir L, Taylor A (2007) Bioturbation in different ecosystems at Forsmark and Oskarshamn. Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co), Stockholm, SKB Report, R-06-123.
Wolters V, Pflug A, Taylor AR, Schroeter D (2000) Diversity and role of the decomposer food web. In: Schulze, E-D (ed.) Carbon and nitrogen cycling in European forest ecosystems. Ecological studies 142. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 366-381.
Wolters V, Anderson JM, Bengtsson J, Gourbière F, Kallimanis AS, N. Lindberg N, Persson T, Pflug A, Schröter D, Sgardelis SP, Stamou GP, Taylor AR, Tsiafouli MA, van Maanen A, Wilkinson A (2000) GLOBIS - Global Change and Biodiversity in Soils. In: Sutton MA, Moreno JM, van der Putten WH, Struwe S (eds.) Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: success, challenges and policy, Edited by, 01/2000: pages 128 - 131; Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities., ISBN: 92-828-9570-X
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